Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Would this be considered a workout???


No blue balls?

No, I do not cum at all. I save that for Mrs V. It really wakes you up for the day, let me tell you. But I don’t seem to be incredibly horney because it takes care of some of that. But by that evening, I am hoping Mrs V is in the mood.


I have never had blue ball so I don’t know what that is.


So does the edging also increase the amount of cum you shoot when you finally cum Vincent Van Cock?

A pain in testicles or pc area.

Originally Posted by Gladiator1
So does the edging also increase the amount of cum you shoot when you finally cum Vincent Van Cock?

I don’t know, I always cum inside my wife. Well, almost always.



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