Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Why heat instead of cool after PE


Heat before and ice after is my usual protocol, when I can be bothered; it is a bit of a ‘faf’.

Apart from reduction of inflammation and increased healing/adaptation, I find it helps with discolouration. The natural homeostatic response of the penis is to try to raise it’s temperature to normal after icing, so it flushes all the tissues (deep and superficial) with nutrient and oxygen rich blood, which removes the inflammatory by products.

I always abided by heat for the first half, nothing for the second half of the set/session. Because you want the ‘setting’ effect, but you want to keep the tissues expanded so the tiny tears in the tissue will heal while extended. This is the principle behind ADS: keep it as stretched out. If you put ice on your dick after a session, it will shrivel up to below your normal hang…hence the tears will be closed and will heal in the contracted state. In other words, you will heal the ‘damage’ without making progress. The setting effect is desirable, but do not compromise the extended state for it, as it is much more important. Hence, heat in the session and room temperature to cool is enough.



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