Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Tweezing the Pubes


Be sure to disinfect your cock if you sliced into it with scissors. Lube it with some alcohol or something. I hope you feel better soon, and welcome to the forum :)

I’ve been plucking the shaft hairs recently. I like how it provides a truly “naturally smooth” look to the penis, unlike shaving (which very quickly leads to beard-like stubble). I would never spend the time to pluck the scrotum, though.

I still get plenty of ingrowns and whatnot with the tweezing method. But it beats shaving.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
I’ve been plucking the shaft hairs recently. I like how it provides a truly “naturally smooth” look to the penis, unlike shaving (which very quickly leads to beard-like stubble). I would never spend the time to pluck the scrotum, though.

I still get plenty of ingrowns and whatnot with the tweezing method. But it beats shaving.

The ingrowns get fewer and fewer as time goes on.


Originally Posted by JD32
I just tried to use scissors. Very stupid. I think I caught some skin and now I have tiny red dots on my foreskin. Thankfully they stopped bleeding after less than a minute. Jesus I hope my dick makes it through the night. PE is off for a few days I think. It’s tweezers for me after this episode.

Uh, OUCH!!!

I do have to add something. The transparant hairs hurt like a bastard when they are pulled. The only way I can see them is to either go out into the sun or get my Halogen light and use that. They light up like a Christmas tree with the Halogen. The do hurt like a muther-fucker when you yank them out though.

I can second what VVC said above. They are some sort of super mutant hairs that grow straight out of nerve endings (maybe they _are_ nerve endings. :eek: )

Originally Posted by mg456
I can second what VVC said above. They are some sort of super mutant hairs that grow straight out of nerve endings (maybe they _are_ nerve endings. :eek: )

No wonder they fucking hurt!


Update on this thread

Last night my girl went out on a girls night, so I thought I’d get a spot of pumping in while she was out. Only one problem, after a shower I realised I needed a wax, as I had mentioned this to her a few days ago.

Anyway I remembered she has this machine called “Mjoi Gently” spelling might be wrong, it is a machine with rotating tweezer tips that spin and pluck out the hairs. So I thought I would try it.

As it turns out It hurts…just about as much as waxing but at least you can do little bits at a time and control how much pain you get. This one is a few years old and the tougher hairs did slow the motor a bit but I just compensated by doing little sections at a time and keep moving the thing back and forth. It worked really well around the shaft and at the top of my balls removing all of the tiny hairs that are hard to see, with hardly any irritation afterwards and no sticky feeling from the wax.

When she got home I told her about it and she immediately got jealous and said “that’s my machine” which I found out actually meant she thinks I don’t need her to wax me anymore, so it looks like she’ll be weilding the machine in the future. Maybe she likes to inflict the pain >:-) or play with my balls :chuckle:

Later F. ___________________________________ "My two cents worth, may only be worth 2 cents!"

I used to use a wax kit and it took 4-5 strips to get my entire pubic area (not my nutsac though, too loose, therefore too painful). It would take me about 30 minutes to do the entire job. I had to do it every 6-8 weeks and it did NOT get all of those little fine hairs that you can only see in the sun. Oh yeah, one more thing.the pain was incredible.damn!! It would bleed too. Especially the hairs around the base on either side. They are way too coarse and deeply rooted. The result was well worth it. My girlfriend couldn’t stop touching it. I got way more action.I highly recommend it. Take a few painkillers first.

This may sound absurd.

Can you damage your balls from plucking?

I’ve plucked the hairs on my shaft and around the base for a couple of years now. Only lately though, I’ve been getting a lot of ingrowns. Almost enough to make me stop plucking altogether. Some of them grow for a centimetre at least under the skin and really swell up and it does not look good at all, not to mention being uncomfortable. The only theory I came up with on why this occurs is that I don’t take as much time as I used to, and the hairs are snapping off just under the skin and not being entirely pulled out, then the skin heals over and the hair grows under the skin. Ouch!

Ok until reading this thread I NEVER thought I’d pluck the hairs on my balls. When I do my shaft, I stop plucking when it gets to that part when the shaft meets the balls and it really hurts. So I thought I’d give it a go anyway. WOW. It was nothing. I cleared a fair patch in less that a minute, this is great! I haven’t shaved them for ages because I didn’t want to make it thicker than it already was and they have been getting quite hairy because of this. I could tweeze the whole thing in ten minutes I think. Thanks Vincent!!

Skinflute, try rubbing some isopropyl alcohol on the plucked area before and after plucking, and once or twice a day in general. That should prevent infected hair follicles and has a bit of an exfoliating effect, helping to prevent ingrowns.

Kadaicha, yes, that is absurd :) Don’t worry, your testes won’t be affected by ripping a few hairs out of your scrotum.

Originally Posted by mg456
That really sucks Shaggy. :(

I guess I should say that if you want to try Magic Shave, you should, as with all depilatories, you should try it on a small patch of skin before doing a large area.

On a side note here is a great website about hair removal methods.

S’ok I’m used to it.

I’ll also add that when you test a small patch, don’t assume your elbow will react anything like your scrotum. Do check the elbow of course, because if that hurts you definately should NOT be putting the stuff anywhere near the more sensitive shaft and scrotum skin. But also test a small part of either your shaft or scrotum before going full-out. It’s much better to have a small patch of burned red skin on your balls than to have your entire scrotum screaming at you.

I say this because before putting any Nair on my poor member I did try it other places on my body with good effect. But obviously I learned the hard way that not all skin reacts the same way.

Measurements as of June 29, 2005 eg: 6 inch bpel: 7.2 inch nbpel: 6.3 inch My Goal eg: 7 inch bpel: 8.9 inch nbpel: 8 inch Have A Nice Day! :)


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