Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The PE Survey results!

Could It be that the people who took pills were just very determined to increase their penis size, and so also spent more time doing PE and therefore got more gains. Other people could just feel that PE is enough, and not be willing to spend money on it.

Good Summary remek, I’ve wanted to know about the ejaculation thing

Much thanks.

This survey is VERY interesting. Like someone suggested, the wording was a little off on some questions. But overall, it was great. Very informative.

A hunch:

Ever since the survey results came in, I always wondered “how the hell does a warm-up not help with gains?” The science behind heat and PE are very clear.

Here's a thought:
Many people that do warm-up’s might also do warm-down’s. There is tons of information about this here and on the web, but I have a general hunch (baked by quite a bit of evidence) that a warm-down could not only be useless, but detrimental. Thus, if enough people who did a warm-up also did a warm-down, it might help explain the results of the warm-up question.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

More on why we should use a warm-up:

It is evident that superficial heat is an effective modality that Physiotherapists can use in the remodelling of connective tissue. Studies have effectively shown that superficial heat therapy increases connective tissue elongation.

There are definite advantages to applying superficial heat to remodel connective tissue… This is caused by three mechanisms. First, heat creates several physiologic changes through subsequent vascular changes, causing vasodilation… Another physiologic effect of heat is an alteration of the viscous flow properties of collagen … Lastly, there is an increase in the extensibility of collagen tissue, a major component of connective tissue, through changes in its viscoelastic properties following the application of heat. This is an important effect of heat due to the long-term remodelling of connective tissue.7,9

It is clear that heat helps when stretching and compressing connective tissue (like many of the tissues involved in our pelvic area).

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

A worthy bump

Starting: BPEL 6.125 (15.55 cm) / EG 4.75 (12.07 cm) / NBPFL 2.750 (6.99 cm)

Current: BPEL 7.000 (17.8 cm) / EG 4.75 (12.07 cm) / NBPFL 3.750 (9.52 cm) Goal: BPEL 7.0 / EG 5.0

Call me NSG!!! My Equipment: Phalosan, KR Extender

Originally Posted by remek
Without a doubt, the biggest confusions and controversies revolve around these two topics:
Penis enlargement pills (number 11) – Popularly believed to be a scam, having no affect on gains. The data suggests otherwise.
Masturbation (numbers 4 and 5) – This is a two-sided argument. Many men believe it affects gains, while others strongly believe it does not. The data suggests that ejaculating, and masturbation leads to fewer gains.

Hi remek,

Great stuff, so please take this as a constructive question, which may already have been asked (and I just missed it).

Re the finding about pills and better results, is there a way of cross checking to see whether this is simply a result of a greater determination on behalf of the better gainer?

I am sceptical about these pills and wonder whether the taking of them might be correlated to those people that are “absolutely determined” to gain, compared to those that “tug it a few times” and then complain that PE doesn’t work.

Just a thought.


Sorry but I have not heard of many men gaining an inch in 3 months, rubbish.

Great thread.

Very nice. Very informative. I think I might slow down on my masturbation. Thanks for the hard work Remek.

Very interesting

Very cool man, good job!

Originally Posted by remek
A hunch:

a warm-down could not only be useless, but detrimental. Thus, if enough people who did a warm-up also did a warm-down, it might help explain the results of the warm-up question.

remek, I recently had a hunch too about that, and thought of quit doing warm-downs. Anyways there are a lot of people who do warm or cold downs. How can be that a warmdown can be detrimental? maybe because the penis is already hot from the exercises and don’t need more heat?


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