Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Read if you want gains! Sharing what I know.

Blah, blah, blah, blah. Whew! Groundbreaking gents…truly groundbreaking!!

What the hell is up with everyone here now, this guy is just trying to help with a system that he has used and sharing it with others. It’s a lot more informative then most who post here.

Guys, give the guy a chance he properly won’t even post anymore. He made some sense to me. I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt and hope he posts some more.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Re: Read if you want gains! Sharing what I know.

Originally posted by jayroony
Most people think the same thing that applies to bodybuilding applies here but it doesn’t. In bodybuilding you work with muscle, here you work with tissue, so its quite different. Tissues need more time for overall recovery.

So,since I only life weights 1 day a week and make gains, does this mean I should PE less than once per week?

Originally posted by base
Oh, a new guy comes to aboard and claims himself as the messiah. Welcome! Would you please cure the blind by showing the aforementioned pictures? ;)

Hope I didn’t give him the picture that he wasn’t welcome. I’m just eager to see some convincing pictures. I haven’t seen that many lately. People tend not to use rulers anymore.

edit: What I don’t understand is: How come he has 3 posts, but this is the only one I can find? :confused:

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

I never understand why hostility erupts so quickly-I’ve seen it too many times. The fact that he posts at all is good for the forum, even if to reiterate/add evidence to old truths or spark debate. This shouldn’t be a clique, where established posters expect newer posters to pay their dues or prove something.

Ask yourself what motivated him to contribute a long and informative (even if it’s just his opinion) post. Seems like only to add something to our thing here. His actual size is irrelevant to this point. If I were him, I wouldn’t bother to post again, and maybe we just lost a potential source of knowledge/regular contributor.

Rock out with your cock out!

These new guys who come on board and obviously without doing much reading or searching on the forums just start posting like they have the “holy grail” of PE knowledge ….when really they are just spewing out their own assumptions…and it is obvious to most people that they are just assumptions….that’s when this sort of stuff happens.

I guess the topic kind of gave me a little spark.. “Read if you want gains!” Whatabout if I start a thread with a headline along the lines of: “Read if you want to live!”. The headline is suggesting that we won’t gain without this guy.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

To me it looks more like he scanned the forum a bit and put some stuff together. There’s just too much of ‘trust me’ and ‘believe me’ in his post. Anyone who gained more than 1” in length or girth knows you can’t just stick by one routine. If it was that simple we wouldn’t need this forum ;)

His postcount is 3 cause he posted the same in several subforums, if that is not a sign he’s just looking for attention then what is?

This is my first response to this message. For all none believers. I am new here and I have read a lot of posts. As soon as a guy report good gains a lot of people start lashing out. Listen man I really don’t have time to waste BSing people that’s not my style I am only trying to help. My advice to all you non-believers give a guy a chance before you start doubting, it really hurts when you’re trying to help and get a hand in the face. The only reason why I have not posted any pics is because I have a digi cam put it’s lame, but after reading this post I am gonna send pics. I personally think the message by soflsun was very disrespectful but that’s just my opinion.



I’m glad you posted back on the thread, I for one thought your advice was pretty good. We get a lot of bullshit on this forum so sometime people shoot first than ask questions.


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

These new guys who come on board and obviously without doing much reading or searching on the forums just start posting like they have the “holy grail” of PE knowledge ….when really they are just spewing out their own assumptions…and it is obvious to most people that they are just assumptions….that’s when this sort of stuff happens. STILL

Still, isn’t that exactly what you were doing when you were new to all of this? I remember your posts back on some of the old boards, so don’t be so judgemental here.

Can you tell us something we don’t know? Since you are a new member you must not realize that these very issues are debated daily. I won’t hold my breath waiting for the pics. You were so eager to post your message in multiple areas, why not your pics in the “member pics” just as eagerly…don’t you think that would have made your “breakthrough” method all the more impressive.

ps. I gained 3 inches today…will post pics in 2 years SOFLSUN

What the fuck? Give that man a chance, for christ’s sake.

I couldn’t agree more with Dino, TenaciousD and Jayroony. This board is seeing an increase of hostility when it comes to new guys with great gains, and it has to stop. The Mods here are pretty good at spotting trolls, bullshitters and such. So for all of you out there, give new members a chance, even if some of the topics have been discussed before.


I apologize for the cold welcome. Keep posting, Bro.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Hi jayroony, welcome to Thunder’s Place.

Please excuse us. We are a protective bunch and quite skeptical of newcomers sometimes. You obviously aren’t trying to sell anything or declare yourself a prophet. You normally wouldn’t have received this type of welcome. Please continue to post and share your experiences and knowledge with us.

A guy makes good gains and says he has the pics and we start being dicks, what the hell?

We are all trying to gain here, so why is it some people have to act like his gains arent worthy.

I find it especially intriguing with his starting stats and what he has gained. Also the fact that Jayrooney is black serves a lot of input about many of the threads posted here about true black size and all that hoopla.

If jayrooney is telling the truth, then he too started at average or maybe a little below and now he has a monster. So maybe blacks dont start off with bigger dicks, they just work harder.

Im not trying to stir stuff up, but when someone gives new advice that has seemed to work, maybe we should all listen instead of getting jealous.

I personally thank jayrooney for his advice, “Thanks buddy” keep posting!

I swear I'm going to stop at 8... ok maybe 8.5 :D

I agree with Watchout. Everyone needs to take a chill pill.

"Building a weapon of mass destruction" Started: 5.81" x 3.88" Now: 8.5" x 5.0" Goal: 9" x 6"


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