Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Point at which you feel kegal


I just rechecked my LOT and its definitely right around 8:00 to maybe7:30.

In answer to your questions:

My routine has been BTC hanging w/BIB, 20-25 lbs, 20 min X 3, 5 days a week. Been doing this for about 3 months (took me 3 months to work up to the weight).

Thanks for your help


ok - i like the thinking behind this exercise (i think) and so here is my report:
ERECT - 12 = good pullback // 11 = good pullback // 10 = good pullback // 9 = good pullback // 8 = somewhat reduced pullback // 7 = reduced pullback // 6 = marginal pullback
FLACID - 12 = good pullback // 11 = good pullback // 10 = good pullback // 9 = good pullback // 8 = good pullback // 7 = reduced pullback // 6 = marginal pullback (pullback = muscular contraction opposing pull)

the PC muscle serves as both an operational (movement) muscle as well as a sphicter-type (guardian) muscle. — it can be strengthened and can even be trained to work with other muscle groups (on your back, legs into crunch position, tighten both PC and GLUTEAL muscles and see the resulting feel!!!)

have been doing this with some regularity over 15 months
ERECT = 5.75(l) // 4.75(g)
have not seen ANY significant gains in the process, but i am continuing to work on it

techniques vary with available time (BUSY!!!!) but include (always) 3-5 minute hot pack warmup; 10+ stretches for 20 count & in all directions; jelking for a minimum of 100 strokes with appropriate ending warm down exercises.

if anyone has some thoughts or suggestions for my workout, let me know.

can’t wait to hear the results of this “test.”

"Treason doth never prosper; what's the reason? For if treason prosper, none dare call it treason." - Harrington


Sorry for the indecisiveness. I guess I don’t like to carve things in stone too soon and look like an idiot later. I’ll average it all out to this:

LOT: 7:30
Dimensions: 9.75x5.75
Time PEed: 2 years.
Gains: 1.5” length x 0.75” girth
EA: 9:00
Techniques used: Jelq, uli, horses, bends, stretches, pumping, uli-thing.

HEY—I’m back—-for a visit at least. Glad to see familiar faces….esp Secjay…. my AUSSIE MATE…..

Thanks to Secjay for the formatting which I copied and pasted

Loss Of Tug: 9.00
Dimensions: 8.75x5.75 —6.0
Time PEed: 2 years plus.
Gains: 1.5” length x 0.25” girth. (But gains are stalled for ages, and I’m in PE holiday mode)
Erect Angle : 8:00
Techniques used: Hanging, jelquing, pumping, stretches.

Thanks MEN.

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!

What you mean just for visit, kemosabe?

Loss Of Tug: 7.30
Dimensions: 6.0x4.5
Time PEed: 6 months inconsistenty.
Gains: .5” length x 0.0” girth.
Erect Angle : 11:00
Techniques used: Hanging.

This is very saddening news. It means that I won’t be able to get much gains from my ligs :( I will have to start focusing on my tunica.

Bib, if you need some help, I have access to Minitab, which is a pretty powerful statistical software package. I could run the excel data all kinds of ways, maybe even create some charts and graphs. Your thoughts?

Ok not to through a twist in this but Im going to throw a twist in this. lol I may have missed it in these 13 pages of posts, but it seems it depends on how hard I pull… but its about 7:00 with a moderate pull where I loose the sensation. for me it is 1 year about PEing. was 6.75 now 7.75 length girth is 5.25 still 5.25 erection is 9:00 mostly hanging.

Bambam, Bib,

Running Minitab or some other program on this data & posting some graphs sounds great to me. I’d like to see them.


"If you build it, she will cum." --Growth of Dreams

Bib, you’ve made another large step for the pe community.

I’m sorry to post my stats so late, but just in-case you can still use them, I’ll post them. Whether or not you use the information, I’d like your opinion on my next choices in pe exercises.

LOT: 8:00
angle of erection: 10:00
current size: 6.87” bpel x 5.313” eg
gained: .65” bpel x 1/16”eg
PE history/ time: Five unproductive years, till beginning 5 very productive
weeks here at Thunder’s. Approximately Five years.
Techniques used: Manual stretching, jelqing, and pumping.

After reading your theory, I feel that I should do lig work and earn gains from lowering my LOT to 6:00. Then, I’ll change things up and focus on tunica work to continue gaining. I have never paid much attention to hanging, but after reading so much positive information about it here, I had decided that I would probably use it to gain once I reached a plateau. Now, after reading your LOT theory, I believe that I will hang to lower my LOT and earn those gains. I agree with you and can understand how hanging can be more efficient than manual stretches.

What’s your opinion on integrating hanging into my program to finish lowering my LOT?

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.


>PE history/ time: Five unproductive years, till beginning 5 very productive
weeks here at Thunder’s. Approximately Five years.<

Should I put in five years, or five weeks?

>What’s your opinion on integrating hanging into my program to finish lowering my LOT? <

It worked for me. If your personal situation is conducive to hanging, go for it. Be sure you have other things to do so you do not waste time.



I have been pretty busy lately. Working on other stuff. But I will try to post the whole Excel file so you can do with it what you want. I don’t really know how charts will work, but am willing to learn.


Thanks Bib,
Five years may throw off some analogies of time though. Due to some weeks or months of no pe during the five years. I’ll tell you what…..i would say that I Have a good 6 months total in…..Use six months. That will be most accurate for me. Thanks…..

I am looking forward to double tasking while hanging.

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.

Hi Buster, Bib, Dino “et al”

Yes Buster, these little visits are mostly just to see what’s happening—-but given my lack of progress———- which sent me off to extended PE holiday, I’m most interested to see what kinds of conclusions come out of the analysis of this material.

Regards by the truckload.


Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!

Wow, I missed this whole thing!! Hugeness = dumbass

I am going to get my info together, but I jsut had to comment on how I am once again amazed by Bigger. You are da f*cking man!!



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