Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

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I think this leads credence to ballooning as a type of PE, Because your penis is engorged to it’s maximum capacity for more than an hour at times. I think ballooning in conjunction with jelqing or some other PE exercise could possibly result in significant gains.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Ya… the problem is ballooning for that length of time though. I seem to only be able to do it for like 20 minutes at a time.

You obviously need more practice then.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

My problem is that after getting to the point of almost cumming… and NOT cumming… becomes more difficult after doing it several times. I can do it the first few times with no problem, but then suddenly it becomes really difficult so I just stop.

Originally Posted by Mick
My problem is that after getting to the point of almost cumming.. And NOT cumming.. Becomes more difficult after doing it several times. I can do it the first few times with no problem, but then suddenly it becomes really difficult so I just stop.

It takes practice, I still shoot my load, but not always.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I think that this is very interesting indeed. I might caution against trying to attain this type of growth though because of my own personal experience. I’m wondering if this is somehow the reason my girth went from 6.25 or so to 7.5” midshaft and 8” base. The part that concerns me is that I now suffer a bit from ED. My girth increase happened over a period of 1.5-2 years of painful (check archives for longer version) but really full erections. Although I was elated at the size increase, I wondered if it might not be somehow associated with oncoming ED. Now I don’t know for sure if that is the cause of my ED or my elevated BP with the associated meds.

Originally Posted by kcee
I think that this is very interesting indeed. I might caution against trying to attain this type of growth though because of my own personal experience. I’m wondering if this is somehow the reason my girth went from 6.25 or so to 7.5” midshaft and 8” base. The part that concerns me is that I now suffer a bit from ED. My girth increase happened over a period of 1.5-2 years of painful (check archives for longer version) but really full erections. Although I was elated at the size increase, I wondered if it might not be somehow associated with oncoming ED. Now I don’t know for sure if that is the cause of my ED or my elevated BP with the associated meds.

You have a 7.5” midshaft girth?


“Painful but really full erections.”

Did these last for long periods of time as in priapism or just whenever you had an erection?

Originally Posted by kcee
I think that this is very interesting indeed. I might caution against trying to attain this type of growth though because of my own personal experience. I’m wondering if this is somehow the reason my girth went from 6.25 or so to 7.5” midshaft and 8” base. The part that concerns me is that I now suffer a bit from ED. My girth increase happened over a period of 1.5-2 years of painful (check archives for longer version) but really full erections. Although I was elated at the size increase, I wondered if it might not be somehow associated with oncoming ED. Now I don’t know for sure if that is the cause of my ED or my elevated BP with the associated meds.

Hey kcee… could you direct us to the thread and page where your explanation of these erections is? I searched for it, but there are a lot of your posts to go through, lol.



Ok… nevermind… I think I found it.

So from what I read you don’t seem to know what caused your long painful erections… they just happened?

Last edited by Mick : 07-06-2007 at .

Originally Posted by Mick
Hey kcee… could you direct us to the thread and page where your explanation of these erections is? I searched for it, but there are a lot of your posts to go through, lol.


Post #9 is where he first mentions that it used to be smaller.


Wad this theory sounds exremely cogent, and is borne out anecdotally; PE growing flaccid size disproptionately as erect gains become more difficult etc

However, I tend to believe every new theory, plastic deformation, IPR, constant ADS. You name it, I’ll drink the Kool-Aid :)

Jelq my boy, jelq like the wind.

Oh yeah!

Kool-Aid's here looking for fun

Kool-Aid's got thirst on the run

Get a big, bright, happy, cheerful Kool-Aid smile…

I’m sorry…what were we talking about?

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by kcee
I think that this is very interesting indeed. I might caution against trying to attain this type of growth though because of my own personal experience. I’m wondering if this is somehow the reason my girth went from 6.25 or so to 7.5” midshaft and 8” base. The part that concerns me is that I now suffer a bit from ED. My girth increase happened over a period of 1.5-2 years of painful (check archives for longer version) but really full erections. Although I was elated at the size increase, I wondered if it might not be somehow associated with oncoming ED. Now I don’t know for sure if that is the cause of my ED or my elevated BP with the associated meds.

High blood pressure is probably the cause, certain BP medications can cause ED. Lisinoprill and thiasides (Water pills)

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

After reading Maldonado’s & kcee’s stories, I was reminded of a kid I went to high school with. He was mentally slow (& probably should not have been in a public school) and this kid had constant erections. The boys & girls used to snicker at him, even the teachers noticed. I doubted that he knew about masturbation, because a “normal” guy would’ve just whacked his carrot & got it over with. But this kid walked around hard, constantly.

For one semester in high school, I had this kid in my gym class. That seemed to be the only time he wasn’t hard - probably from the physical exertions & subsequent showers. But I remember being somewhat stunned by his flaccid size (maybe 5.5-6 x 6+). My buddies noticed this too, which prompted them to conclude: “it just goes to show that retards have big cocks.”

I didn’t buy that there was any link between his mental deficiency & his penis size. But even back then I wondered if his continual woodies had maybe placed “constant stress” on his unit, somehow “enlarging” it. This was years before I’d ever heard of priapism, megalophallus, PE, or even tunica.

Another thing that stood out was that this fair-skinned blonde kid had such a dark wang. None of us had any explanation for this, but years later PE brought me to understand (with the help of this forum) about penis discoloration. Now, I don’t think this kid did any PE - he was so slow, he was a loner, he didn’t even talk to people, and this was in the early 1980’s (pre-Internet days). But I’m wondering if he had some traumatic bouts of priapism which might have caused this discoloration.

What this leads me to wonder is that maybe by mimicking mild forms of priapism, we might be able to augment our gains from PE. Perhaps doing your regular workout, then working up an erection, then clamping (just tight enough to maintain an erection) for maybe an hour or so.

What say ye?

Wadzilla… there was a guy who posted a technique which is basically exactly what you said in your last paragraph. He would clamp (he actually just tied cloth around his wang) loosely and keep an erection for as long as he could. He claimed he would do this for over an hour… and that after 40 minutes or an hour or whatever the expansion would be amazing. I tried this a few times but I just couldn’t keep an erection for that long… it was too much work.

Originally Posted by wadzilla
I didn’t buy that there was any link between his mental deficiency & his penis size. But even back then I wondered if his continual woodies had maybe placed “constant stress” on his unit, somehow “enlarging” it. This was years before I’d ever heard of priapism, megalophallus, PE, or even tunica.

This wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest.

During the last year, I seem to have noticed a growth in about half an inch (before I started PE)

Now, what was the difference in my circumstances this year? I lived with my GF and where we are students we have a lot of time on our hands.

I’d be having 3 or 4 sessions a day, some lasting an hour, others 10 minutes. But, I’d still want more and get erections which she didn’t deal with that I eventually had to wait for to go down.

I’d previously put my increase down to the fact I’m 21 and maybe still growing.

First measurement July 07: BPEL - 7" - EG 5.2" .. 6 month target: BPEL - 7.5" - EG - 5.6"

Going majorly for Girth, Length for show.. Girth for a Pro.


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