Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What you eat makes penis bigger

Congo I believe has over 7 in avg.

Originally Posted by Jimsballs
Eating pussy always makes mine bigger :)

Hahahahaha agreed, I get tremendous gains eating pussy. On a more serious note, going along with the OP saying that a high protein diet causes penis growth, I made a fair bit of gains (.5” either stat) last semester in college eating 10 egg whites per day. I’m also a relative newbie with only 6 months under my belt, so it might have been newbie gains at that point.

Also a personal anecdote on bike riding and prostate issues. Over the summer I rode my bike everywhere instead of driving simply to be healthy. Almost every single day I would ride around 4 miles with a rather uncomfortable bike seat. At the end of the summer I had some testicular pain in the form of throbbing pain in one or both testicles throughout the day. I went to a urologist and found out I had a prostate infection which I had read was common amongst cyclists, as is also stated in this thread. At least according to my experiences bike riding is not the best for your manhood.

Best of luck to all fellow PE-ers in their journey.

Originally Posted by jcgtampa
I read somewhere, that bicycling makes penis smaller by blocking the blood flow and PC muscle. Is this true?

I can’t say whether or not it true but it sounds as if it makes sense. I used to ride my exercise bike a lot at one time. I stopped because after ten minutes my penis would literally get that “sleep” feeling and it was SO uncomfortable. Once I would get off after a few minutes it would start tingling and I would feel the feeling in it come back. So not giving it a definite yes but I think unless you get a really big nice comfortable bike seat if you’re a guy there’s a pretty good chance you’re gonna cut off circulation to your penis.


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