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Tips on shaving??


Tips on shaving??

Are there any tips to shaving your pubes or is it just like shaving on your face? I’ve heard different things when it comes to shaving. For example, my pubes will grow back thicker and longer or after I shave it’ll be itchy and be very uncomfortable. I trim mine from time to time, but honestly I’m lazy to do it more often. so before I attempt to shave my pubes I was wondering if any of you guys have any tips or warnings for me. Thank you

Some people use chemicals to get the hair. Some use Nair, Epil-Stop, or Magic Powder. Generally people like magic powder better. BEWARE of possible chemical burns with the above. Tweezing and waxing are options though painful for some. Electrolisis is yet another option for you. The final option is permenant laser removal of hair, which costs maybe $500 or so and you need really dark hair.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

so i guess the natural way to do it is shave it off everytime it gets too long. I’m too scared to try the chemicals and waxing. The laser surgery, i;m too broke for that. Thanks!

Here is a ton of threads on shaving. Read up and form your own opinion.

/forum/search.p hp?s=&action=sh … rder=descending

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.


Until recently, only people of Fitzpatrick Skin Types 1 and 2 with dark hair were able to use laser removal, however, new laser techniques allow people of all skin types and hair colors to get laser removal. Apparently, they apply some type of gel that reacts to the laser and burns out the follicle.


It may be obvious, but just in case, I’ll say this. Don’t use a straight razor. An electric razor drasticly reduces the chances of ingrown hairs … not to mention razor burn.

New to the place? Start here.

This is me in case you ever want to know what kind of psycho you're dealing with.

Check out the info and forum at
Hair removal forum – HairFacts | Hair Removal Information

The mature topics section is devoted to pubic hair removal.
Has tips on shaving and other methods.
Electrolysis works but it’s expensive, though if you add up the costs over 10 years of shaving etc, it becomes worth it not to put up with stubble etc.

Thanks for the great info guys!

soon2b9- I’m glad u told me not to use a straight razor b/c i was about to do it tonight but things came up so i went out. may be i’ll stick to trimming for now.:)

Originally posted by soon2b9

Until recently, only people of Fitzpatrick Skin Types 1 and 2 with dark hair were able to use laser removal, however, new laser techniques allow people of all skin types and hair colors to get laser removal. Apparently, they apply some type of gel that reacts to the laser and burns out the follicle.


It may be obvious, but just in case, I'll say this. Don't use a straight razor. An electric razor drasticly reduces the chances of ingrown hairs … not to mention razor burn.

Originally posted by Howdy

soon2b9- I'm glad u told me not to use a straight razor b/c i was about to do it tonight but things came up so i went out.

No problem bro. Ingrown hairs and razor burn both suck! Buy a cheap electric beard trimmer if you don’t already have one and you shouldn’t have to worry about either.


New to the place? Start here.

This is me in case you ever want to know what kind of psycho you're dealing with.

I didnt exactly shave everything off but I trimmed it short with a electric razor that they use at hair salons! thanks again for saving me from using a stragith razor blade soon2b9

Originally posted by soon2b9
No problem bro. Ingrown hairs and razor burn both suck! Buy a cheap electric beard trimmer if you don't already have one and you shouldn't have to worry about either.


any of you has used electrolysis?

It could be good becouse if well done, it’s permanent

I hate to shave every time….

I like the porn star look…ah ah

but I dont have too much time!

After reading some about, anyway,

it seems not easy to insert those stylet

in the follicle. I think… it must be crazy!

any tips?


Oh, I should’ve posted this at the off topic section. Sorry, bash me for being a newbie!!:)

Originally posted by ThunderSS
Hey Howdy,

When you have a couple of minutes, click the faq button at the top right hand corner of the page and read the Forum Guidelines. Thanks !!

I think he means to just keep an eye on spelling and punctuation when writing.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Post composition

I’m not sure I understand the fixation with punctuation, uppercase letters, spelling etc, when somebody get’s a reminder like that it probably puts off a lot of other people who might post something (seems like nit picking). The main thing is to make your post legible and not have any swearing, slang etc.

It’s not like this is an English class or anything (is it?)

Originally posted by ThunderSS
Hey Howdy,

When you have a couple of minutes, click the faq button at the top right hand corner of the page and read the Forum Guidelines. Thanks !!

I can’t see how this would put anyone off from posting. It’s just a polite reminder to read the forum guidelines.

It just makes things easier to read when paragraphs and punctuation are used. There is also a spell check function when posting so this should not be a problem.

My use of punctuation and paragraphs is far from perfect. All is asked of you is to do your best.

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