Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Malnourished when little and small penis


Malnourished when little and small penis

I think I was malnourished when I was a kid. Being that I grew up with parents that didn’t really understand the concept of nutrition, I think I was malnourished when I was little and is what led me to have a small penis. My parents are from a different country and didn’t go to school, so they arent very smart. I was also late in puberty and think it was linked to the malnutrition. Didnt get any hair down there till I was like 15. I still don’t eat very healthy but I started taking multi vitamin pills and might look into eating very healthy to maybe help promote gains.

Anybody here have a very small penis and think it was related to you not being nourished correctly when you were young?

Starting size(3/22/06): 4.5X4.0

First Goal:4.75X4.1(BPEL goal reached)\\\\\\\\\\\2nd Goal:5.00X4.1 by 6/22/06

Current: BPEL (4.9-5.0)X4.0\\\\\\\\\\Ultimate Goal: 8x6

You are what you eat and your body is your temple. Old cliches, but guess what? True

Start eating healthy now.

I was in the same position as you, but I don’t know it it’s necessarily true. I was pretty poor growing up and was very malnutritious as a kid. On the other hand, I know in my neighborhood, there were a lot more poor black families than mine, and those black kids were as skinny and more malnutritious than me. But you know what they say about the black guy’s penis..

I noticed that you had pretty good gains the last month. We have similiar size, but I’m actually smaller than you. Can you PLEASE post your routine? I would really appreciate it.

One of my old school pals came from a rough family .I suppose you could say he was malnourished,but I’ll tell you what he shown us all up in the showers.

I think it’s just in your genes whether your big or not,malnutrition is probably a factor in erectile disfunction though.

Take your vitamins and eat well,I hope you get great gains because this forum gives you the chance to better yourself ,read the information wisely and listen to the people ,they are all here to help.

Be careful man.


Diet is no guarantee, take a look at some of the bodybuilders if you really must, if there’s a case that diet doesn’t influence size. Personally, I’ve found a little more flab on me is better for flaccid girth at least, but I’d have to wonder, whether that gets squashed when erect, and penetration occurs ?

I have a theory that extremely active teen athletes my have reduced penis size. It is well documented that over-exertion depresses testosterone production. Many high level athletes train hard on a daily basis over the course of many years. Perhaps the resulting reduced test levels during puberty causes less penis growth. Who knows, it is possible.

Oh yeah. I also want to know what effect hot tubs and hot baths have on testosterone production. They seriously harm sperm production for up to six months. Could they also reduce testosterone production for several months? Most testosterone is produced in the testes so if sperm production is reduced why not testosterone.

Surely someone used a government grant to investigate this for their biology thesis?

DUDE! WHAT THE FUCK?! You were malnourished as a child and now you are “thinking” about eating right?! Your are THINKING?! Man maybe you deserve that small dick, because you are continuing to eat like crap. You have the opportunity to start eating right and what the fuck are you doing? Eating Cheetoh’s?

Okay so you grew up poor. Okay so your skinny. So are you going to stay that way for the rest of your LIFE?! Jesus man!

Hurry the fuck up and eat right. That’s the first thing.

Second thing: Do a search on YGuy. Read his story and implement now.


Originally Posted by locoloco
DUDE! WHAT THE FUCK?! You were malnourished as a child and now you are “thinking” about eating right?! Your are THINKING?! Man maybe you deserve that small dick, because you are continuing to eat like crap. You have the opportunity to start eating right and what the fuck are you doing? Eating Cheetoh’s?

Okay so you grew up poor. Okay so your skinny. So are you going to stay that way for the rest of your LIFE?! Jesus man!

Hurry the fuck up and eat right. That’s the first thing.

Second thing: Do a search on YGuy. Read his story and implement now.


Screw you. You don’t know how my life is. I barely got time to do PE working 2 jobs and going to school. I eat good enough and watch my weight. I don’t have the time to cook me a healthy dinner every night.

Starting size(3/22/06): 4.5X4.0

First Goal:4.75X4.1(BPEL goal reached)\\\\\\\\\\\2nd Goal:5.00X4.1 by 6/22/06

Current: BPEL (4.9-5.0)X4.0\\\\\\\\\\Ultimate Goal: 8x6

Hmmm. I think loco has a good point, he just didn’t put it too well.

If you weren’t happy with you’re eating habits as a youth then why have you waited so long to change them now? As soon as you become an adult you have the opportunity to change/correct your lifestyle from how it was when you grew up under you’re parents supervision.

If you don’t treat your body with respect and give it all that it needs to stay healthy and fight viruses and grow strong then any problems you get with both mind and body can only be your responsibility.

Sure money, jobs, lifestyle all affect how we live our lives and how much time we have to take care of ourselves and how much we have to spend on food etc, but quality meals can be made with little money. It’s a question of education. After all, whats the point in busting your ass in too jobs to get some money if you risk getting ill with something serious? Where would you be then? How would you then work your two jobs? Why don’t you learn how to cook to some simple quick healthy meals? In poorer countries there are many large families that manage to feed themselves by using their resources and are educated in how to cook nutritious meals for cheap, by harvesting their surroundings and knowing how to use herbs and spices etc. A little knowledge of cookery can help you make good meals out of few/cheap ingredients that don’t take up much time.

Maybe you should research some recipies here on the internet. Good luck with PE!

PS vitamin pills are never as good (and shouldn’t be a substitute for) fresh fruit and veggies.

Poor family in a third world Asian country living on whatever is available, I’ve been there and do not want to return. So, I must eat
Healthy, take vitamins and PE now and in the future. Just forget about the past and go forward. I felt almost ashamed of my size specially during military days, no place for privacy, except going to to a restaurant restrooms. Started Nov 04 with 5” BPEL X 4” EG and now, 7” BPEL, 5.375 EG. After a few complaints from my SO about blow job is getting to be a real hard work. Well, I guest I’m there.

“Whatever your goals maybe, you will never attain what you are unwilling to pursue” said by an Unknown guy.


I’m not too sure that genes are the whole story when it comes to penis size. My little brother is widely reputed to have a 12” penis and I remember my dad’s flaccid being about 6”. How big am I? Barely over the 5” mark. There ARE other factors.

A-tren, there’s a thread around somewhere discussing how the ‘penis length gene’ is transferred via the female.

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Originally Posted by abracadabra
I don’t have the time to cook me a healthy dinner every night.

Sure, if you treat cooking as a chore. Maybe you should make it a hobby? Ditch the TV and PC like.

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I was malnourished as a kid growing up, but by choice. For some reason I chose to never finish my food, always falsely complaining that I was “full.” And my parents never really made me finish it either. So now I’m 5’11” and 120 pounds with low girth. I’ve been trying to correct my eating habits and I have put on a couple pounds, but eating healthy in the dorms is hard.


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