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Delayed Ejaculation: How can I speed things up?

Delayed Ejaculation: How can I speed things up?

Dear pals,

Kindly be shared with you about one of SEX Dysfuntion problems which suffering 10% of Men.

An inhibition of ejaculation. A male is unable to ejaculate, either during intercourse, or with manual stimulation in the presence of a partner.
Delayed ejaculation is when ejaculation takes a long time to occur, or never occurs, during lovemaking with a partner and/or during masturbation.
There is no problem with the man’s erection and he can often feel extremely aroused. The difficulty can be made worse by soreness and discomfort due to prolonged rubbing (either during intercourse or masturbation) in an effort to ‘come’.

Alternative Names
Ejaculatory incompetence; Sex - delayed ejaculation; Retarded ejaculation

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Most men ejaculate within 2 to 4 minutes after onset of active thrusting in intercourse. Men with retarded ejaculation may be entirely unable to ejaculate in some circumstances (for example, during intercourse), or may only be able to ejaculate with great effort and after prolonged intercourse (for example 30 to 45 minutes).

The most common causes are psychological. Common psychological causes include:
A strict religious background causing the person to view sex as sinful
Lack of attraction for a partner
Conditioning caused by unique or atypical masturbation patterns
Traumatic events (such as being discovered in masturbation or illicit sex, or learning one’s partner is having an affair)

Some factors such as anger toward the partner may be involved; however, organic causes are sometimes present. A variety of drugs (such as Prozac, Mellaril and guanethidine) may sometimes impair ejaculation. Neurological disease may also cause delayed or inability to ejaculate such as strokes and nerve damage to the spinal cord or back.

Delayed Ejaculation: How can I speed things up?


Never fear — this is a problem with solutions. First, which head needs to be treated? If you can ejaculate during masturbation then there’s a pretty good chance that the plumbing is hooked up and working right — right? If you are having problems, even on your own, then there are some things to consider to help you sort out possible physical and psychological factors — and you may need some professional help to do this.

The following five step set of exercises should help you on your way. If you are asking how much time to spend on each step or how long others take to "finish" the steps see the above reference to performance anxiety. Each person and each couple has a unique pace. The goal is to be able to build trust, lower anxiety, and relax with your partner — you have a lifetime to get to know and give pleasure to each other.
Step 1.
The resolution begins with you talking with your partner about your concerns and admitting that it’s a problem. It’s amazing how frequently a man who has not ejaculated with his partner for years has somehow convinced her, and even himself, that the status quo is just fine. Orgasm may not be everything — but it is also not nothing!
Step 2.
After acknowledging and discussing the situation, the next major step is just as critical, and can be just as embarrassing — masturbating to ejaculation with your partner present (which, as noted above, is possible in the vast majority of non-medical cases). After you are successful with that the rest is cake.
Step 3.
Once you can relax enough to ejaculate with her present, simply substitute her hand for yours (i.e., allowing someone else to have that control).
Step 4.
The next stage involves gradually ejaculating closer and closer to the vaginal opening.
Step 5.
Finally, when you are comfortable with this and ready for the final stage tell your partner to pick a time, without telling you, and wait until you are very close to orgasm then she should insert the penis and let nature take its course. Voila!

A few final tips to maximize your success. First, do not masturbate without your partner once you start this sequence, because as you know, the more you ejaculate the lower your urgency and need becomes. Second, many men report that tensing and relaxing the muscles in their buttocks as they near orgasm can help trigger the contractions of ejaculation, so dust off the old Buttmaster. Next use a lot of lubrication both pre- and post-penetration. Finally, if the reason for you confronting this problem is to get your partner pregnant, agree to put off conceiving a child until at least three months following your completion of the above sequence. For many men there is nothing that immobilizes that sperm like the prospect of Daddyhood.

It may be hard to admit there is a problem with delayed ejaculation but it is a problem that rarely resolves by itself. Don’t delay.

Goog luck & Hurry up!

Just to set the record straight:

Ejaculatory Incompetance is one condition, nearly always psychogenic for the reasons you mention - anger, early attitudinal training, etc..

Anorgasmia (no ejaculation) or delayed ejaculation stem more frequently from physical anomalies in the reproductive system, negative side effects from medications one might take, and for reasons that are little understood.

It is important for the sufferer of either to try to figure out which side he is coming from because the treatments are different.



Originally Posted by avocet8
It is important for the sufferer of either to try to figure out which side he is coming from because the treatments are different.

…or in this case, NOT coming from.

"...this may hurt a little but it's something you'll get used to..."

- Maynard James Keenan

Good point, Curve.




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