Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

vverdilacc - Asian guy's dick diary

Good idea Andy.

Start 8/15/18-BPEL-6.75” MEG-4.625”

2/17/20-BPEL-7.125” MEG-5”

Goal- 8”x5.5”

Keep going my friend

"Shy dick" is a problem for measurements.

After dealing with it myself, with measurements all over the place, I decided a repeatable measurement was more useful than a bunch of random measurements, even if it wasn’t "real."

I use a tight-fitting cock ring, tight enough to maintain an erection for a while, do some Kegels to make sure my shaft is as stiff as it’s going to get, and then measure. My normal unassisted size isn’t that large, of course, but at least the measurement with the ring is repeatable.

That’s interesting Andy. So, when I tried to measure my dick, I started by masturbating for a while to make it hard. Then, as fast as possible, grab my measuring tape and ruler and do the job. That may lead to inconsistent measurement like you mentioned.

With that said, do you recommend me to buy a cock ring to tackle this issue?

Current (2023-10-29): 5.71" BPEL, 4.49" EG

Short Term Goal: 6" BPEL, 5" EG

Ultimate Goal: 7" BPEL, 5.5" EG

Originally Posted by dreammein
Keep going my friend

For sure. Thanks dreammein!

Current (2023-10-29): 5.71" BPEL, 4.49" EG

Short Term Goal: 6" BPEL, 5" EG

Ultimate Goal: 7" BPEL, 5.5" EG

Pre-BPFSL: 12.6cm
Post-BPFSL: 14cm
40% Strain Rate

Unbelievable stats. I guess it’s because I’m back at PE again after decon that caused this.

I went back to my last routine that I gained from:

- Warm up under hot shower
- 1 set of manual stretching (up, down, left, right and out. 30 seconds each.)
- Re-apply heat
- 40 V-Grip Wet Jelqs with coconut oil lube
- Warm down
- 10-15 minutes edging in the evening

I achieved harder and longer erection right before I start edging. That’s cool. I’m keen on night and morning wood next.

By the way, I did some kegel throughout the day. I understand it as ‘clenching my butt’ to make it easier for me to do.

Current (2023-10-29): 5.71" BPEL, 4.49" EG

Short Term Goal: 6" BPEL, 5" EG

Ultimate Goal: 7" BPEL, 5.5" EG

It’s my rest day today and I forgot to post, yet again, but not the stats. Here’s yesterday:

Pre-BPFSL: 13.1cm
Post-BPFSL: 14.1cm
7.63% Strain Rate

It’s kind of a trend for me now, that whenever I did PE, my morning wood is nowhere to be found and I always wake up to my night wood. At most, I’m seeing morning wood that looked like it has been subsided for a few minutes. Or maybe I wake up too late to see my morning wood.

My dick looked fluffy after the session, then it might went back to normal during the day.

Erection wise, I’m not really having random, frequent erections. But when I did, though, I can maintain it somewhat longer. It’s been easier to get hard erection from touch, compared to when I take a break.

Current (2023-10-29): 5.71" BPEL, 4.49" EG

Short Term Goal: 6" BPEL, 5" EG

Ultimate Goal: 7" BPEL, 5.5" EG

Pre-BPFSL: 13.4cm
Post-BPFSL: 13.9cm
3.73% Strain Rate

I had morning wood for the very first time during PE! It’s not the hardest wood in the world, but that’s something. I guess my dick was ‘expanding’ so there’s not enough blood going through, hence the absence of morning wood.

I’m still struggling to maintain erection while jelqing. I forgot to tell you guys that I pretty much jelq erect by now. It’s from some articles I found here that the baseball effect can be caused by jelqing too flaccid, so I shoot for more erect this time around.

Current (2023-10-29): 5.71" BPEL, 4.49" EG

Short Term Goal: 6" BPEL, 5" EG

Ultimate Goal: 7" BPEL, 5.5" EG

Pre-BPFSL: 13.3cm
Post-BPFSL: 14cm
5.26% Strain Rate

So, I figured out that the reason I struggle to maintain erection is because my mind is scattered and unfocused. I mean, I don’t wanna watch porn to get myself to focus, but at the same time my mind is everywhere all at once.

Other than meditation, I want to get a clearer scene in my mind.

Current (2023-10-29): 5.71" BPEL, 4.49" EG

Short Term Goal: 6" BPEL, 5" EG

Ultimate Goal: 7" BPEL, 5.5" EG

Yesterday’s stats:

Pre-BPFSL: 13.2cm
Post-BPFSL: 13.8cm
4.55% Strain Rate

I’m starting to like what’s going on lately.

I meditated before bed to clear my mind. After some time, I simply changed my focus from the breath to sexual thoughts and erection. This went on for some time, too, until I decided that I’ve achieved my desired erection.

So, the day before I PE, I did exactly that. I could focus a lot better. Jelqing was better now because I can focus on my sexual thoughts and keep my dick hard.

I woke up today with both night and morning wood. My erections were ROCK hard and stay hard for a while. That’s something.

Current (2023-10-29): 5.71" BPEL, 4.49" EG

Short Term Goal: 6" BPEL, 5" EG

Ultimate Goal: 7" BPEL, 5.5" EG

Let’s change to weekly logging so I can remember when to log.

Pre-BPFSL: 13.1cm
Post-BPFSL: 14.5cm
10.68% Strain Rate

Pre-BPFSL: 13.4cm
Post-BPFSL: 14.5cm
8.21% Strain Rate

Pre-BPFSL: 13.5cm
Post-BPFSL: 14.5cm
7.41% Strain Rate

Pre-BPFSL: 13.8cm
Post-BPFSL: 14.5cm
5.07% Strain Rate


Overall, my EQ was spectacular throughout the week. My dick was significantly harder and could keep an erection longer. I usually came out of the routine plump. Only one weird thing is the wood. When I just went straight to bed, I can’t see no wood, or I may see it later after I woke up for a few minutes. But if I intentionally have an erection before bed, I woke up to both night and morning wood. It’s weird.

I slowly introduce something like fulcrum stretch into the routine. Basically, I place my finger close to the base of my dick as a fulcrum and stretch over that.

Definitely keeping this routine going.

Current (2023-10-29): 5.71" BPEL, 4.49" EG

Short Term Goal: 6" BPEL, 5" EG

Ultimate Goal: 7" BPEL, 5.5" EG

Measurement Update

Another month has passed. This is my stats right now:

BPEL: 14.3cm (5.63")
MSEG: 11.3cm (4.45")
BEG: 10.7cm (4.21")

and below are last week’s strain rates:

Pre-BPFSL: 13.8cm
Post-BPFSL: 14.1cm
2.17% Strain Rate

Pre-BPFSL: 13.3cm
Post-BPFSL: 14.1cm
6.01% Strain Rate

Pre-BPFSL: 13.7cm
Post-BPFSL: 14.3cm
4.38% Strain Rate

Pre-BPFSL: 13.8cm
Post-BPFSL: 14.4cm
4.35% Strain Rate


0.1cm length has been gained, and that’s awesome. Girth-wise it’s the same. I took my first BEG measurement this time to work on it real soon. Not much has been gained. I kinda foresee myself getting frustrated doing PE for a year and gained a little to nothing. So, let me take a bit of time to appreciate what I’ve gained today. EQ wise, however, was amazing. Rock hard erections, night and morning wood, random erections, etc.

I forgot to mention that I didn’t actually do my routine 2 days on/1 day off. I did it less than that since I have to study on Sunday really early. I couldn’t help but skip Sunday. Maybe that’s another reason I gained, but slow.

Also, the weird thing is: When I took more than 2 days of rest to measure my dick, my EQ wasn’t as good as to when I was doing the routine. It was like I haven’t use it for 2 days and then it decided that it’ll went docile, or rather, "rest". There’s little to no libido present, too. That’s the difficulties I face during measurement and rest days.

Current (2023-10-29): 5.71" BPEL, 4.49" EG

Short Term Goal: 6" BPEL, 5" EG

Ultimate Goal: 7" BPEL, 5.5" EG

Last edited by vverdilacc : 08-02-2023 at .

Last Week's Strain Rates

Pre-BPFSL: 13.5cm
Post-BPFSL: 14.2cm
5.19% Strain Rate

Pre-BPFSL: 13.6cm
Post-BPFSL: 14cm
2.94% Strain Rate

Pre-BPFSL: 13.5cm
Post-BPFSL: 14cm
3.70% Strain Rate

Apparently, I forgot to measure on 5th of August.

Strain rates are not that crazy compared to several weeks ago, but still in the optimal range of 2-4% if I remember correctly.

EQ kinda went back to normal. Maybe I’ve reached plateau for this routine. I’ve been reading Wadzilla’s Speaking to the Big Gainer and his PDF and I’d like to adapt his friend’s routine.

Current (2023-10-29): 5.71" BPEL, 4.49" EG

Short Term Goal: 6" BPEL, 5" EG

Ultimate Goal: 7" BPEL, 5.5" EG

Pre-BPFSL: 13.5cm
Post-BPFSL: 14.2cm
5.19% Strain Rate

Pre-BPFSL: 13.6cm
Post-BPFSL: 14cm
2.94% Strain Rate

Pre-BPFSL: 13.5cm
Post-BPFSL: 14cm
3.70% Strain Rate

Pre-BPFSL: 13.6cm
Post-BPFSL: 14.3cm
5.15% Strain Rate


Those are my last week’s stats. I’m confident I forgot to take measurement for a day.

I guess it’s been about a year already that I walked down the PE road. Not much had been improved, unfortunately, except for EQ when I did it. It surely was amazing and I liked the feeling.

I’ll take a break until next Sunday. Gonna re-evaluate my routine, looking for the next one, reading Thunder’s more, etc. It looks like I almost give up, but I don’t.

Current (2023-10-29): 5.71" BPEL, 4.49" EG

Short Term Goal: 6" BPEL, 5" EG

Ultimate Goal: 7" BPEL, 5.5" EG

I think you have a great log bro. Pe takes a long time to figure out once you find your groove you’ll be super happy keep at it


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