Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Reflections and Progress: thoughtfulgold

Good to see you TG, hope life is treating you well.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Originally Posted by Viking Guy
Nice to hear from you again, I have followed your posts with great interest. Did you ever have any permanent gains from your balls enhancement project, and how did that hold up on your break?

It didn’t. Balls enhancement is just not fun or pleasurable for me and I can’t stick to it. I’ve got a few hundred in weights and the cylinder but never made progress that one could call truly real.

I can’t tell if what little gains I made stuck as I simply haven’t monitored it.

Thanks for the warm welcome folks. I’m not going to be making much by way of waves here. Just linked someone my old methods list and logged in. Y’all got it handled without me.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Just use set of metal ball weights. Been using it for almost 2 mos and I can see the progress so far. You can wear it 24/7

Originally Posted by commercial
Just use set of metal ball weights. Been using it for almost 2 mos and I can see the progress so far. You can wear it 24/7

I have two different ones. I don’t enjoy wearing them enough for that much wear.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
I have two different ones. I don’t enjoy wearing them enough for that much wear.

Had you ever integrated IR heat into your length gain going from 6.25 BPEL to 9 BPEL? How much of the gain was it responsible for? Did you ever integrate US heating into your regiment? Guys are getting .5” to .75” BPFSL after long term PE programs which previously stalled on length.

Originally Posted by djrobins
Had you ever integrated IR heat into your length gain going from 6.25 BPEL to 9 BPEL?

I did. Up until I got a nasty burn on my glans from using the IR lamp that took a month to heal.

How much of the gain was it responsible for?

Not much.

Did you ever integrate US heating into your regiment? Guys are getting .5” to .75” BPFSL after long term PE programs which previously stalled on length.

I have a device now that I simply don’t use enough to make work. Potential may be there but my patience with PE wanes.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

I miss your comments and overall opinion. I hope you are doing well and fine TG, we are not close, but I admire you from the distance.
Are you still doing PE?
Anyways, I hope you get this man, hit me back,
Just to chat, truly yours, your biggest fan
This is Stan

my tea’s gone cold I’m wondering why I… -chuckles-


started April 2017 BPEL 16,7cm x 13,3cm EG Last measurement BPEL 20 cm x 14,8 cm EG

My progress, thoughts and pictures

Rotated Penis? Unbalanced Ligaments? Lack of Gains through Manual Routine?

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
Hey there, TG here. This is the ongoing log and PE journal However, let me get this out of the way first. As I’ve had folks ask me this many times and I don’t want people to read my story if they’re looking for something that isn’t here. This is a long post and there’s no way to compact it any further but. I can answer one question right now.


This story began in August of 2009. I started with an extender, X4 Labs Gold Edition. Originally, I figured I’d post on the X4 Forum and put up things I had learned, in an attempt to be thoughtful. That’s where the handle came from and it’s my PE handle. When I first bought the extender, it was for curve reduction not size increases. I stand by this statement, as it becomes important.

My girlfriend at that time and I had just started having decent sex probably in the last two months prior to this and she didn’t want me to get bigger, as she had issues with my size prior or claimed she did. How, I have no idea looking back as I started at average length, low average girth and EQ was barely 50% and the level of friction I felt was more like warmed over oatmeal than. A love tunnel for better words. Knowing what I know about anatomy now and the sexual experiences I’ve had since then, she didn’t have trouble with my size at that time. 6.25x4.37" would not have been an issue if I were fully hard, much less something more like 5.2x3.9" (guesstimate) like my EQ tended to be with her. Additionally, I couldn’t get fully erect because of a skin tag that was pulling my glans very hard to the left and this is the source of the leftward curve I was trying to correct. She also was not a pretty girl and was extremely obese, which spoke to my confidence at that time and was based on my abysmal sex life and abilities.

Given that this skin tag had caused a developmental problem and was related to a botched circumcision I had actually a nerve damage problem from day one, this is one reason my EQ is always strange during sex (to say the least) and as it turns out, the extender couldn’t fix the curve while the skin tag was in place. But, none of those things were known to me then so I went on the PE journey, unbeknownst that the curve correction would later be the excuse I used to continue using the extender for 18 months, the relationship would die in 9 of those months around the time of the first inch gained and great EQ increases and she would actually have trouble with my size and I would see what vaginal tearing and blood during coitus was like a couple times before we broke up. It wasn’t something I enjoyed, but I did actually like seeing the effect of size. That there was an effect and friction at all were welcome changes; I had the distinct feeling of a bumblebee humping a humvee before (I was probably 170lbs and 5’ 10" at the time, which is a much smaller person than a 5’ 5" woman at 400lbs+). But this brought a quandary. How big could I get? What other means could I use?

This is where I tell you what devices I bought when and why. Unfortunately, the folder with the screenshots of everything I bought from that time was killed in a hard drive wipe two years ago or more. I cried but I cannot redetail it for you in perfect clarity. But this is where I learned how to do gadget PE; by buying every damn thing I thought would do something. I tried at least a dozen one piece pump setups. I was leery of any of the ones with the pro grade cylinders because I didn’t want to pay $100+ for a tube when an entire system usually cost less than that. I went through ADS systems, hangers, stuff from MOS (somehow I ended up with two LengthMasters), other miscellanious stuff that has been lost or broken or used up. I can’t remember it all. Also, keep in mind while I did moderate at X4 Labs forum (until the spam problem got out of control and I was banned for speaking ill of the product) I hadn’t actually gotten any advice and had no plan or knowledge of what the devices I was buying actually were supposed to be for. I just bought things based on advertising, tried them for a while, when they stopped giving me the feeling of gains they went into the old gear box.

This. Was me at my lowest point. In what I would later call a rudderless and lonely time in my life; I had become obsessed with PE. Religiously doing something 3 of 5 days at the least and always trying to figure out how to work a new device into a routine and figure out how I can make new progress. Without any discipline at all, mind you. I just ran whatever I had just bought until I got tired of it. If I didn’t like it, if it didn’t seem to do the job, I just bought something else. Also, during this time I got the surgery to remove the skin tag and some curve correction was achieved from that and some from PE was able to take hold as well. I also gained some additional sensation back to the glans at this time. This is also where I found out what it felt like to have stitches put into the tip of my penis. On the short list of pain I don’t think I could withstand a second time.

I had been making mental notes of what devices seemed to do and I slowly did more research, finding out that the consensus on pumps was girth use and hanging was length use (despite my girth gains with the Bib at the time) and that manual exercises weren’t a crock, among many other conclusions I had drawn or reasonably assumed were true.

My lack of faith in manual exercises were because my wrist at the time was not willing to cooperate and I was never able to execute any of them with description alone. About 5.5 or so years into it, I actually reached out to Big Al Alfaro. He filled in tons of gaps after I became a subscriber. His site was the first where I saw videos of how to do manual exercises properly. Really opened my eyes. Daily I was asking him tons of questions, he was counseling me on my routine and gains/losses. He talked me out of more devices than I care to even think about now (though I still bought a Phallosan thinking it would do something more than it does). I like to think of him as a friend, even if he may barely or not remember me at all. I basically went through my gear box and through my device wishlist of things I wanted to try and grilled him until I got tired. His counsel allowed me to pretty much review every device I owned, try them again with fresh eyes and gain some value just from his clear and deep expertise in Penis Enlargement as a science. When I met Al I was just around 8.25x5.5" or so counting from midshaft (even though I was counting base girth at the time). The time of this writing, this post today I am 8.75x6" so in the last 14 months or thereabouts I can credit those gains to Al (even though we haven’t talked in about 6 months at this point), simply because he helped me become polished at PE and take an orderly approach to it.

Every question you see in the Penis Enlargement Basics that comes up regularly, I asked him. I mean I didn’t even know what a "rest schedule" was. I knew I didn’t have the time to PE more than 3 days at a time and some days I was too sore, raw or whatever discomfort to use a device. But that was all I knew. This is the same reason I patiently answer questions, even if they seem obvious or can be found with the search bar. If it comes up and I see the post and read it, I answer. Because when I was doing this, I didn’t use a search bar. I just gleaned what I could for the most part and guessed at the rest. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. It was a rough way to take this journey and this is why when people ask me the million dollar questions:

What is the secret to your gains?
What are the best exercises for length and girth in your opinion?
What devices do you recommend?

I just point to my signature and say that it took 7 years. That there is no single method that got me where I am now. That I tried almost everything and nothing other than the 1.3" length and .75" girth I got in 18 months or so from the X4 Labs Extender really can be accounted for. I don’t remember a lot of what I did, how or why. I kept no log and used no system or repeatable methods. I know there wasn’t a lot of rhyme to the reason, I just stayed at it and kept throwing money at it to try and keep the gains coming. And I would never recommend that to anyone, regardless of budget and time available. Those are the things I did and not only are they no secret, they are no way to do things.

I understand the things I’ve done now. I’m a device guy, they’re my area of expertise but I readily and will fervently recommend manuals over devices all day. Now, I can look back at some of my injuries and overtraining episodes and easily diagnose them but. All of that is trial and error. I joined Thunders to learn about pump sleeves and hone my technique. I stay to help people avoid the path I took. The path of wasted money, wasted time, and lonely frustration and desperation to get bigger with no real knowledge of how to make that a reality. I profess no exceptional knowledge of how to get you bigger. But I know the things that will hold you back; I’ve done enough of them and I won’t let anyone else do them if they’re asking me how to get their journey on the right track.

This log will talk about the things I do now for Penis Enlargement, some of the things I’ve done in the past as they are relevant and the memories return, and the reflections of how I’ve grown as a person (or immature things I used to do and think related to PE) to put in perspective the journey I’ve taken, not just the inches gained.

Thanks for tuning in. More to come if you’ve got the time to read.

Great result after those years mate!

Do you have a pic with a ruler or tape?

Starting: 08/31/2022: BPEL 20cm/7.87" EG: 14,8cm/5,83"

Current: 12/13/2022: BPEL 20cm/7.87" EG: 15cm/5.9"

Goal: BPEL 23cm/9" EG: 16,5cm/6.5"

I am a Newbie

Very inspiring testimony. I have hired Al. I am 5 weeks in.

What advise would you give to a newbie. I am 55 very healthy in shape.

BPEL 5” Girth 6” but I had filler

Originally Posted by BLT7667
Very inspiring testimony. I have hired Al. I am 5 weeks in.

What advise would you give to a newbie. I am 55 very healthy in shape.

BPEL 5” Girth 6” but I had filler

thoughtfulgold has largely stopped posting, though he is still a member, so it’s unlikely that he will respond.

Director, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI), Thundersplace | Land Acknowledgment


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