Thunder's Place

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Growing my mast to new heights

Growing my mast to new heights

My introduction to PE started with a search of the internet which eventually lead me here to Thunders. I spent some time browsing around, reading people success stories as well as issues, and have been moved by the amount of support that everyone shares with one another. THIS PLACE ROCKS! Now here’s some background info how I started my career in PE.

About a year ago I started PE by purchasing a Bathmate and used it 15-20min a day 4 days a week. This made my dick look great temperately but faded quickly. After 3 months of Bathmate use I hadn’t seen any permanent gains and thought to myself, lets change it up and focus on length. I bought a knock-off extender off Ali Express and started wearing that. Over the course of a month or so I worked up to wearing it 5-6 hours a day at med-low tension (maybe 2lbs), and this continued for 4 months. After not seeing any gains from the extender, I decided to add in vac-hanging for 1 hour in the morning (3 x 20min sets). I worked my way from 5lbs to 15lbs over the course of 4 months and after my hanging sessions I would strap on my extender for about 5 hours a day hoping to see some length gains but alas, nothing. I began to get discouraged and took a week to reflect on my past attempts to try and figure out what I’m doing wrong. The only thing I can come up with is that I have only done device based PE and not much in the ways of manual PE. So for the past month I have been experimenting with some stretching and learning how jelq properly but not getting any soreness or fatigue due to the previous year of device PE. Where should I start? Newbie Routine? Small decon? I’m looking to keep a progress log as I think it will help me know what works best and what doesn’t.

Starting stats
BPEL: 5.7”
MSEG: 5”

Day 1

Starting today with the newbie routine.
5-7min heating pad
10min stretching in all directions
200 wet jelq
10min hot shower as a warm down

Should I go by the recommended 2 days on 1 off or would it be okay to do a 5 on 2 off schedule? Also, Thinking about using golf weights to stay extended throughout the day. Should I add this to my routine or just stick with what I’m doing for a month or 2.


Day 2

Did my routine first thing this morning
10min heating pad
10min Manual stretching all directions.
200 wet jelqs (2-5 second strokes)
20min hot shower

Today I added 3hours of ADS to keep me elongated after my workout. 2 golf weights each weighing 5oz is just enough to keep my dick swinging.

I’m still experimenting with jelqing technique as my erection tends to fade after 50 jelqs. I know I’ll get the hang of it!

Day 3

10min heating pad
10min stretches all angles
200 wet jelqs
20min hot shower
4 hour 10oz Golf weight ADS

Morning wood was at a 9 out of 10.. Woke me out of a dead sleep.
Felt a tear/ pop at the base of my penis on the top when I stretched straight out from the pubic bone. I think it was a lig because it didn’t hurt after and I was able to finish my routine pain free.
Erection Stayed between 50-80% entire time jelqing, which is an improvement.

I plan on doing a 5 on 2 off scheduled routine.

Day 4

Woke up this morning and started with some PE! Same ole routine

10min heating pad
10min stretches all angles
200 or 225 wet jelqs (I lost count so I did some extra)
20min hot shower
4 hour 10oz Golf weight ADS

After I take off the weights I stretch out my dick when I have to take a leak. I guess I wouldn’t call it a stretch really.. More like extending my dick out to its full length in an effort counter act any turtling that has taken place. I have noticed my flaccid is hanging a bit lower and my erections have been harder. No soreness today and its taking every bit of willpower not to do another round of PE. Hoping to see some gains within the next week or two!

I think posting everyday the same routine is kind of repetitive but, posting everyday does give me time to reflect on my training and keep me motivated. As repetitive as it is I’ll probably keep updating my progress report everyday I PE.

Day 5

10min heating pad
10min stretches all angles
200 wet jelqs
20min hot shower
4 hour 10oz Golf weight ADS

Another strong day. Stretches felt great, jelqs we’re strong and had a nice flaccid hang all day. Good way to end the week.

Day 6 Week 2

Starting off the week right!
10min heating pad
10min stretches all angles - should I go more in depth of describing which stretches I do? Would this be helpful?
225 wet jelqs (I have increased my jelqs by 25)
10min heating pad
5 hour 10oz Golf weight ADS (lost track of time today, still shooting for 4 hours a day)

I noticed that having 2 consecutive days off may not be the best way to schedule this routine. I noticed that on my second day off in a row my dick had lost its plumped appearance and went back to normal size, is this normal?. I’m going to continue training 5 on 2 off for the remainder of the month to see if I gain and if I don’t see any results I’ll have to change some stuff up.

Day 7

10min heating pad
10min stretching at all angles - 30 seconds in each direction
225 wet jelqs
5min heating pad then hot shower

Woke up hard as a rock and decided to jack off before my routine today. When doing the stretches, I could really feel the stretch all the way into my pubic bone more so than I usually do. Is this because I was all loosed up from busting a nut? That’s the only conclusion I have come to and was wondering if anyone else has the same experience. I have slowed down my jelqing to at least 3 seconds per stroke and was able to control my erection level giving me a better workout overall. I thought I have been jelqing with 3 second strokes but found out today with the use of a stopwatch I was only doing 2 seconds per. That extra second makes a difference.

Days 8 & 9

I missed posting yesterday so I’m just going to add it to today’s log.

10min heating pad warm up
10min stretching all directions
225 wet jelqing 50-80% erect
10min heating pad warm down

Both Day 8 and 9 had the same workout routine. Day 8 I couldn’t wear my golf weights due to lack of privacy and because of this I was able to monitor my dick all day. My flaccid didn’t hang much longer but it definitely held its plumpness from the jelqs.
Day 9 I’m going to wear my ADS for 4-5hours to keep me stretched out. Erections have become harder than they were and easier to achieve. I want some measurable gains!

End Of Week 2

10min heating pad
10min stretches (30 seconds each direction)
225 wet jelqs
10min heating pad
4hours ADS 10oz golf weighs

I’m looking forward to increasing the amount of jelqs by 25 next week. I think I’ve really got the hang of doing this routine! My stretches are better and more effective and my jelqing technique is getting better ever my session. I’m experiencing stronger erections and more of them. How long should I wait before I measure?

Week 3 Day 11

10min heating pad
12min manual stretching all directions
250 wet jelqs
10min heating pad followed by a hot shower
4-5 hours ADS with 2 golf weights

Always feels good coming back from a couple days off. The captain is ready to be stretched and squeezed, its pretty much begging for it. This routine seems to make the captain (my dick) look fatter but doesn’t seem to be doing much to my length. I’m still waiting for measurement day at the end of the month to see whats really going on down there. I would like to increase my length to 7+ inches but I’m not picky and welcome any increase in size, length or girth.

10min heating pad
12min manual stretching all directions
250 wet jelqs
10min heating pad followed by a hot shower
5 hours ADS with 2 golf weights

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to jelq when you have turkey neck? I think my turkey neck is causing me to only target the upper half of my shaft. When I hold the nuts down to get a full jelq I feel like I’m not locking in the blood from the previous stroke. I’ll give the search bar a try and see what I find but any input would be greatly appreciated.

The past 3 days I’ve had to do my routine at night because I haven’t had the privacy that I normally do in the morning.

5hours ADS using 2 golf weights while at work
A few hours pass until I get home
10min heating pad
12min of 30sec stretches In all directions
250 wet jelqs 3-5sec strokes
10min heating pad

I’ve been getting better stretches from switching my routine around like this. I’m not sure if the ADS before my routine is loosening things up down there but it feels great. Erections are harder than ever and more frequent. Going to up my jelqs to 300 next week and stretch for 15min.

Routine this week for this week will be;
10min heating pad warm up
15min manual stretches all directions (30 second holds)
300 wet jelqs 3-5 second strokes
10min (at least) heating pad warm down
5hr ADS with 2 golf weights

Taking a measurement on one of my rest days at the end of the week. My units been feeling thick and hanging low after I take off the golf weights. My EQ has been great and seems to be improving every week. I’m staying consistent and thinking positive about my potential gains.

Short term goal: 6.5” x 5.5”

Took my first measurement yesterday and didn’t see any gains on the ruler. That’s okay, consistency is the key to success! I’m going to continue with last weeks routine because I don’t think my unit can handle more than 300 wet jelqs.

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