Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

dookie9's progress

This is a redo of yesterday . I’m trying to figure out what I’ve done to willy .

Well, I have figured out what I was doing wrong . Way too many exercises , way to much stress on my dick .

I was perusing another post about routines and why we need breaks . So , since I’ve not been gaining the last 2 months , REDO !!

This is true .

I’m using , as a template , DryJelq’s routine . I just purchased a 250 watt IR lamp and fixture with porcelain
socket at Target’ . Cost $ 20.00 . I haven’t used one before ,(rice socks), and it works well . In fact ,so good that I didn’t have to reheat at all . Did my whole routine in front of it, and was finished in much less time .
VERY well heated

Now , here I need to see exactly what I did . I like the IR Lamp , works well .
What I’m seeing , is that I spent about an hour in front of the lamp . Got very well heated .
My T’s were hanging and as I remember ,I felt like I had sunburn . But wasn’t burned skin wise .
As I sit here, I remember feeling like my whole crouch area was sun-burned .I feel it even now .
And I sat in front of it tonight .

My unit was below 6” as of last week . Since I’ve adjusted everything , my length was back to 6.2” .YEAH !!!
It’s My .2” ,and I wanted it back . Tonight , after my well heated set , I am 6.25” . Maybe not cemented , but,
hey ,I’ll take all the incentive I can get .
Did the whole routine , but combined the heat time , since having the IR lamp.
Also did 4 flaccid squeezes , pushing down on my glans for upper shaft girth .
And 4 Inner Penis Pulls . Using the whole inner shaft for leverage .
That may account for the advance in length , tonight .

Now , I did something different here . I added flaccid squeezes and inner pulls .
The squeezes done at 50% . Pushing down for added girth . Glans very full . Inner pulls ,just as described . I was really careful keeping my shaft in alignment .

Tomorrow will be off. Just doing some foreskin pulling . And a lot of heat . I’ll like that .

Tonight , my unit got erect as soon as I started my stretches . I used a rather strong grip , and pulled away
from my body hard enough to feel and see my base rotate .
As soon as I OK gripped behind my glans and pulled , he plumped up . ?!?
Stayed that way for most of my routine . ?!
Edged for 15 min. Probably a 6 or 7 EQ . Not bad for me !

1. Too much heat , for too long . Is that possible ??
2. Damn , again !! Why can’t I stop before I do this again. WAY to much exercise . Gezus !!!
Well , I think that I like to “feel” what my dick feels . Stretching my self must be be my new drug .
3. Cooled down with a cold rice sock .That was wonderful .
4. Doing all that recall helped me . So , we’ll see what’s on tomorrow .
5. I asked a friend for some advice today .Perhaps he can add some insight to this .

I should also list what supplements I take .
AAKG —1300 mg.
Pygeum —300 mg.
Zinc —75 mg.
Triple Lecithin —1200mg.

Today’s Routine:
Heat 10 min
Jelqing 5 min
Heat 5 min
Basic Stretches 5 min
Jelqing 5 min
Heat 5 min
Edgeing 10 min
Heat 5 minutes.
Yes !!!
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

Last edited by dookie9 : 03-05-2010 at .

dookie9"s Progress

This is what we can do when we get too antsy for growth ,and REALLY like to stretch our selves .

Originally Posted by Gator (pegym)
I really think you should consider some more time off.

If you’re having EQ / blood flow problems, stretching won’t help.

When your penis becomes non-responsive to jelqing, that means your smooth muscle is either major contracted or major swelled. Take a BPFSL measurement ASAP and compare it to one you have taken before, if you have. BPFSL is the easiest way to see if you have contraction.

Thanks Gator , It was strange , I had trouble getting him up . But as soon as I gripped him , he erected ?! And got really plumped . Would that be SM swelling ?
I have checked my BPFSL , and last night it was 6.1” . Today he measured 5.9” . I woke with wood . So , I don’t think he’s hurt . Just WAY over worked . So , I’ll take a few days to heal . I get carried away with stretching and don’t know when it’s too much .
Rep point for you and DryJelq .
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

dookie9"s Progress

This was my question to DryJelq yesterday . I was beside myself with my dick not working .
Just goes to show , no matter how much we think we’re conditioned , we CAN do too much .
So , any newb’s following my thread , take note . It’ll save you a lot of anguish .

DJ , I’m going to ask for your help . My dick is just not wanting to do anything . I’ve got to really play with him to get any response . I’m wanting to exercise tonight . This will be the 2nd day off day .
I was better and my length was back a few days ago . But I seem to be stuck .
My jelqs are way off ,as I can’t seem to move blood in myself . I just move skin .
I’m going to do a limited routine tonight . Just stretches .
If you have any advice , or need more info , I’m posting on my log after my routine .

I really appreciate all your help and insight , DJ .
This is a repost from pegym.

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

DJ’s response to my question .Yesterday . 3-4-10

Just read your post in my thread.

Take a day off from PE dude. Just don’t touch it. Don’t stretch it, don’t jelq it, don’t masterbate, don’t edge. Just flat out leave it alone. Don’t even heat. I think you need to understand that resting is more important than any of your workouts. Take the day off and realize that your dick is going to be growing and recovering because of it.

Tell me something. When you haven’t jacked off in a couple of days, doesn’t masterbation usually feel a lot better than if you’ve done it like 6 or 7 times in the past 3 days? I know that for me, when I edge after a couple of days off, I have a very intense orgasm compared to normal. You’re body needs rest and will be able to withstand a much more intense workout if you give yourself the necessary time off.

Right now you want to focus less on growing your dick and doing your exercises and more on fixing your PIs. When your PIs are all telling you that your dick is healthy and responding positively, then you are growing or capable of growing.

Yesterday I did a lot of PE, more than usual. Even though my dick felt great today, I decided that I would take the day off anyway. And to be honest, it felt great today, but not as good as yesterday. The only thing I’ve done all day is some massage for 5-10 seconds sporadically throughout the day to keep my dick soft and to be sure I’m not turtling.

I would recommend not touching your dick even for massage tomorrow. Just leave it alone and see if you turtle. Then day after take another day off and do some massage only. Don’t do any PE for at least 2 days.

It’s good when the men on the forum help each other . Thanks guys .

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

dookie9"s Progress

3-5-10 re-post for consistentsy.

Today is an off day . I’ve done WAY too much and have to keep my hands off my dick .
It’s really difficult, as I love pulling myself .
I was having to enlist help from DryJelq to give me a reality check .
Then , I took apart my last post and looked at to see what I’d done the day before .
I really like having my progress log . I saw why I lost my EQ . from reading my log .

Gator came by and gave me some good advice .
The conclusion ,take some time off and heal !!!

So , I will be good to my pecker and leave him alone for a few days .hehhee , (slaps hands ),NO !!

I must be getting better already . I was going to tape myself to stretch my foreskin .And the cap I use to
stretch didn’t fit my glans as before . WooHoo !! All good things !!!

scythe and 007 ,thanks for stopping by .You are a great group of men .
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

dookie9"s Progress

In case any one cares . I’m at the gym also .

Thanks scythe . Yes, I’m glad I had my log . It really helped me reconstruct past events .
3-6-10 pm
With all the good advice from my friends , I’m having another off day .
What’s crazy , is that I should have known this . D-uh !!

All I did today , is some light foreskin stretching . Left my hands off myself . Tough !!!
Measured BPSFL tonight , and got 6.2” . Probably the longest flaccid I’ve measured , as yet .

DJ , I felt something in my shaft earlier . Like a hard place towards the end . Between the CC’s Now , this is gone . Do you think that this could have been scar tissue ? I don’t remember having an injury .
I’ve been doing scythe’s massage routine . And I believe this has helped remove it .
Thanks again peoples .
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

dookie9"s Progress

Well, today is another day off . Still healing from WAY overdoing my exercises .
All I’ve done are the random pee pull and some foreskin stretching .
I’m really wanting to pull at myself , but I know better than to do it .

I measured BPSFL at 6.25” again today .WooHoo !!!!
Tried my foreskin stretch and my cap I use would not fit ,again .
Must have a new one that’s bigger .

My PI’s are better today .Got good wood this morning ,stayed long enough to play with .
Usually leaves soon after I wake .
I’m getting random erections ,and I’m horny more often . Yeaa team !!!
I’m going to check with my bud’s at the gym and see if they think I can resume my routine tomorrow .
dooks out !!!
3-7-10 pm

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

dookie9"s Progress

Well dear ones , I’m back . YES !!! I believe myself is better . I got this itch in my dick and when I pull myself
with my stretching cap on my dick, I just feel like I could bust a nut . God ,that feels good !!!

Per Gator , I’m going to record my BPSFL before I start my routine . It’s been 6.25” the last several days .
If I’m understanding correctly , if I have a good routine I’ll get a similar measurement after .

Tonight :
Warm up with rice sock and IR lamp - 12 min.
Basic Directional and Rotary Stretches - L,D,R,U,SO ,with kegals in between.
moderate pull
One hand jelqs - About 50
V-Jelqs - 30
Inner Penis Pulls - 4
Ice Sock - 5 min.

re-measure BPSFL -6.25”

Hmmm , Same .?!
So , that means that I’ve not done enough !?

This is a very light routine for me .
I guess I’ll do the same tomorrow and see what .
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

3-10-10 pm
Today’s exercises will be like yesterday . BPSFL 6.25” to start .
Heated with rice sock and IR lamp. 10 min.
Feeling weird tonight , My dicks not very active . when doing jelqs , I was about an EQ 3.
Got my all stretches done . I was pretty plump then .
Actually didn’t do all my jelqs . Stopped at about 30 . And V-jelqs did about 20 .
Inner pulls , did 4 - 1 min.long pulls . Got very flaccid while doing them .
Did an Ice Sock till it heated up , 10 min.

It feels like the other day . It has no legs . Very flaccid at the base again .
Just measured and still 6.25”.
IDK ?!?
I guess I’ll see tomorrow what he does after sleeping . I didn’t get much sleep last night .
Perhaps this has something to do with limpness.
No spontaneous erections today . And sitting here I’m totally flaccid .
Hmmm. Do I need more time off ?
I’ve been very light with what I’ve been doing .
I’m really confused . I need a clue .
Sleeping on it .
dooks out !!!

Damn. I totally forgot what else I’ve done today . I went to the club to exercise and did
a couple of back exercises where you put your feet in the base and lean over to do back lifts. I did two reps till failure . I was leaning on my pubic bone for these . When in the shower , I was playing with him and couldn’t get him up , then . Maybe this is why I’m so flaccid tonight .
I’m going to have to keep ALL that I do in my log .

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

dookie9"s Progress

Hmmm. ms. You’ve been at this since September, and you’ve made significant gains in length and girth. Kudos. Your cock has to feel fuller and heavier in hand. That is about six months now that you’ve been at it right? You may need to take a longer decon. break—a couple of weeks. I wish you had started out a little more gently and and a little more slowly, but that’s o.k. I understand the excitement and pure pleasure of the first months of penis enlargment/enhancement. I was there.

When I started out, I ever so slowly built up to an hour’s long, intense work-out. I was mesmerized by the whole process. A man my age making the gains I made and my drooping penis coming back to life!! Holy shit!! What a gas that was! So I surely appreciate your excitement even up to this day.

This bodes well for future growth and enhancement of your penis. I did have a minor (looking back) injury almost a year down the road. I was trying to stretch my flaccid penis (in a behind the cheeks stretch) up my back to my second vertabrae. Now is that not insane? Looking back, I laugh, but at the time I was sure I would get it up that far. What the FUCK was I thinking, ms? Did I think I could get my big dick up to the nape of my neck?

It’s never enough. I believe that people and voices come into our lives and if we listen to them, we can benefit greatly and head down the right path. About the time I injured my penis (I irritated those sensitive nerves below the glans), a neighbor of mine came by the house as I was watering the lawn. The hose lay stretched across the lawn. He looked down at it, looked up at me, and said,”It’s never long enough, is it?” with a big grin on his face.

Just be careful from now on. Be gentle with your dick and your whole body. Give time, time. You WILL continue to get a bigger dick, probably more girth than length, and you WILL restore your foreskin. This will come naturally as you continue to practice p.e. After about two years of p.e., maybe a little longer, I suddenly realized that my foreskin had grown entirely over my large glans. My dick nowadays, especially after I’ve exercised, looks like the proverbial “anteater”—totally restored, without my ever taping it or anything. The same thing will happen to you, but give it time.

Hope this is helpful. Yours in p.e.


Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

dookie9"s Progress

Thanks 11by7, I’m hearing a voice and I’m all ears . I thought , last night that I may need a longer break than I just did . I’ve been helped by DryJelq and Gator , and I thank them .
I was upset with myself last night , and then realized that I had done more exercise than I was relating .
My routine this evening will be very light . And my other body work will have to be done on an off day , to not interfere with PE .

I just re-measured and I’m at 6.2” . I’ve gotten shorter . Per Gator , and BPSFL , I’ll take this evening off .
If you wouldn’t mind , stop in here once in a while and kick my ass if I’m going crazy .

Yes , an anteater .I’d go for that .LOL !!!

“I believe that people and voices come into our lives and if we listen to them, we can benefit greatly and head down the right path. “

“a neighbor of mine came by the house as I was watering the lawn. The hose lay stretched across the lawn. He looked down at it, looked up at me, and said,”It’s never long enough, is it?” with a big grin on his face.”

It’s funny that we get these clues if we just pay attention to what’s in front of our faces .

3-11-10 pm


Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

Thanks aguares, for the comment and checking in on my progress . And going411x7 , I appreciate your words of
encouragement .
Well, I measured my BPSFL and got 6.1” . Which means that I’ll make it a real light exercise night .
IR and Rice Sock Heat - 10 min.
Jai Stretches - very light - 4 min.
Rotary Stretches - very light stretch - about 4 min .
V -jelqs - very light - about 4 min.
No Inner Pulls or Squeezes .
Cold Rice Sock - Till it warms up .

I’m being very light because I’d rather do these than take a break .
We’ll see tomorrow if I measure better . If not , it’s break time for me . Wahhhh !!!
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

Did exercise at my club . A lot of upper body , shoulder stuff . Did ab work by hanging and pulling my legs up . Boy , that really helps a lot . I’m getting a V shape in my lower stomach area .

Well , I measured my BPSFL today , and I’m at 6.1” again .
This will be an off day . My routine last night was light and when I was doing the JAI stretches , I couldn’t keep flaccid . So , I slowed down to complete them . I think my dick has a mind of it’s own .
Since I didn’t do any squeezes or pulls , I thought my flaccid would be better than it is . What do I know ?

My f/s restoration is working . One thing that does . I’ve made a 1/4” advance .WoHoo !
I’ll measure tomorrow to see how my pecker is . I love that word , pecker . Must be from wood-pecker . Talk about down home !!
dooks out !!!
3-12-10 pm

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

dookie9"s Progress

3-13-10 pm

Man , I got my IR lamp under my putr desk . Talk about heat !!! Got it about 2 ft. away from my meat . MMMMM !!!

Measured this evening , 6.1” again . Off day .
Had great wood this morning . About an 8 or more !! Felt great . Haven’t been there in a while .
Actually stood up , and saluted me !!! LOL !!
Exercise at club . Same as yesterday . Did 3 sets x 30 reps at the hanging station . Almost double of yesterday.

I’m doing 2 min . JAI stretch . in front of the IR lamp . This lamp’s got my hang so slack , it’s hanging over the edge of my chair . Love that .
More wood throughout the day . That’s good . So I must be healing . I’m so looking to get back to stretching .
Check myself tomorrow to see how he’s doing .

Per calixto and bgstick18 , Getting my DTR ordered tomorrow . More later .
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

dookie9"s Progress

3-14-10 pm
Okay , Today’s measurement is——-6.2” .Well , —at this point ?
Had some exercise at the club . Not much . Had okay wood this morning .
Wasn’t very horned at all . Had my makeshift f/s stretcher on most of the day .
Doing 2 min . JAI stretches with my IR bulb under my desk .
Going slow to night , since I’m still not back to my former length of 6.25” .
For some reason , I’m blah .

I know what it is that’s got me this way . Found out a potential f/b is a spammer . WTF !!!!
Okay , that’s better . Got it now . Sure felt good for awhile though . I think my mind is hornier than I am .
Words , I love words . The mental images I get drive me sometimes . LOL !!

Another thing to be happy about, besides not getting involved with a loser. Ordered my DTR today . Be getting it on Thursday , I hope . Got a challenge with a couple of the guys here to be covered by this time next year .
WooHoo , Love a challenge .

Will see how my pecker is tomorrow . Hopefully , I can start a routine again . He’s been left alone for a few days .
What ever I do will be so much lighter than before . I was too anxious for my own good .
Any advice will be appreciated .
dooks out !!!

Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.


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