Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ding A Ling A Ding Dong

Union is strength I really like that Dosso 👍

So after having a bit of a Debbie downer day yesterday and being in my own head and feeling extremely insecure and inferior because of the size of my dick. Today is a new day I am in the gym I will be hear a good few hours doing a full body work out.

Last night I had some of the most amazing sex of my life! I had a point to prove to myself! It was passionate sensual and really intimate with a very heavy emphasis on my girlfriends enjoyment. Now I have quite a high success’s rate at making her cum. In fact it kinda worries me that she might be faking as it dose seem to happen quite often?! 🤷‍♂️ all the right signed are there that she isn’t?! But last night I gave her 2 orgasms that were so intense for her! It was a great boost for me.

I also took a finger measurement thumb index finger type thing! It seemed inappropriate to whip the tape measure out! But I had the hardest dick I have had in years! And I know this firm of measurement isn’t scientific! 😂 but my gawd!! I really liked what I was seeing and has really spurred me on. But in typical fashion my own head won’t allow me to except it’s right and maybe I am actually big or big enough. I have mentioned it before and I am having therapy for it! But I feel I genuinely have dick dysmorphia 🤷‍♂️

Over and out PE gang

Originally Posted by Recovery life
Union is strength I really like that Dosso 👍

So after having a bit of a Debbie downer day yesterday and being in my own head and feeling extremely insecure and inferior because of the size of my dick. Today is a new day I am in the gym I will be hear a good few hours doing a full body work out.

Last night I had some of the most amazing sex of my life! I had a point to prove to myself! It was passionate sensual and really intimate with a very heavy emphasis on my girlfriends enjoyment. Now I have quite a high success’s rate at making her cum. In fact it kinda worries me that she might be faking as it dose seem to happen quite often?! 🤷‍♂️ all the right signed are there that she isn’t?! But last night I gave her 2 orgasms that were so intense for her! It was a great boost for me.

I also took a finger measurement thumb index finger type thing! It seemed inappropriate to whip the tape measure out! But I had the hardest dick I have had in years! And I know this firm of measurement isn’t scientific! 😂 but my gawd!! I really liked what I was seeing and has really spurred me on. But in typical fashion my own head won’t allow me to except it’s right and maybe I am actually big or big enough. I have mentioned it before and I am having therapy for it! But I feel I genuinely have dick dysmorphia 🤷‍♂️

Over and out PE gang

Hi Rec!
you yourself are saying "today is a new day" so why get depressed? in life there are good times and bad times, the important thing is that the new day comes better than the previous one :) The proof is that you went to the gym for your physical well-being, you had wonderful sex for your sexual benefit, you experienced a great size and hardness of your cock that gratified you and gave you momentum and reassurance about your actual male potency. :) All this coupled with increased confidence toward your partner will make your mind clear and your life peaceful :)
Come on man we have to be positive :up:

Originally Posted by Dosso
Hi Rec!
You yourself are saying "today is a new day" so why get depressed? In life there are good times and bad times, the important thing is that the new day comes better than the previous one :) The proof is that you went to the gym for your physical well-being, you had wonderful sex for your sexual benefit, you experienced a great size and hardness of your cock that gratified you and gave you momentum and reassurance about your actual male potency. :) All this coupled with increased confidence toward your partner will make your mind clear and your life peaceful :)
Come on man we have to be positive :up:


You’re right why be down about it! But I do struggle with my self image and my ego surrounding my dick. It’s a very complex and negative relationship and mostly distorted. I put far too much emphasis on size over performance! I also after reading a fair bit on hear might have realised that my size is in fact ok now and it probably looks a bit smaller as I am a large ish guy. If I was shorter skinnier with less muscle especially in my legs my wee-man would look bigger!

Progress of sorts!! I know measurements are supposed to be after a brake and I am not deluding myself I know it’s blood flow the newbie gains. But I measured a BPEL of 7 this morning after my routine with left me very solid. Over the moon now onto my next short term goal of 7.25 due to having little body fat I have a NBPEL of 6.7 my girth is still lacking but I would say gaining I am not 4.75 any more I feel it’s a still under 5 but it feels better in my hand.

Still early days but I am soured on like most I want quick early results but I feel I am realistic with them. I think I am nearly back to what I once had before my life took a downward spiral that caused me and my ex wife to not really have any sex for a long time. My life style and lack of use really cost my dick! I have a mid term goal of October 5th on my 42 birthday to hopefully have a dick I C am proud of. Not only from doing PE but working on my mind to except what I have. My dream 7.5x5.5 in 3 months! Half inch in that time unlikely I know! But let’s see what I can do 💪💪

Hi all been away a while as I was obsessing over anything dick enlargement. To the point I was getting frustrated down and it was becoming a real negative. Obsessive behaviours are so thing I need to watch. But I am in a much better place now and in a much better place with my relationship with my dick. The fact it’s grown has helped massively with that.
How do I know it’s grown well I measure probably way more than I should. I can see a difference my girlfriend has noticed too that was really nice. Also my girlfriend really enjoys A spot stimulation due to my very noticeable upward bend I could always just about reach it. But now it’s within reach no problems. PE as it should be has been good for us both.
Due to the bend I feel it gives the impression of being a bit smaller than it is. And the fact I am 1.88m tall 90kg with little body fat and thick legs. My wee fella kinda looks a bit small on me. So this is my motivation now gain a bit extra not much in length then sun for some big girth gains. My gf is tall at 1.8m tall so I think a bit of extra length will be ok. She’s the first girl I couldn’t bottom out or had to really try and stretch to reach the A spot. But last night I hit her cervix! It turns out she didn’t like it! But it’s a good sine to me of actual growth not just wishful measuring.

I have made gains if just over .6” in erect length and about .3” in girth in about 3 months. I have been very consistent with my exercise. Spending about 45minutes a day 6 days a week doing PE. I mostly followed the newbie routine but I added a bit of hanging, pumping and a few very gentle horse440s
I just brought a smaller tube for my cheap Amazon pump the one it came with was like 2.5” dia the new one is too small at 1.75 I think I only tried it quick this morning. I completely packed the tube witch felt nice I will give it a try later. But I think I will be ordering another.

So all in all a very happy PE customer I am hopping I can reproduce my gains over the next 3 months and see if I can hit my length goal of 7.5” BPEL and 5.5” MSEG


Originally Posted by Recovery life
Hi all been away a while as I was obsessing over anything dick enlargement. To the point I was getting frustrated down and it was becoming a real negative. Obsessive behaviours are so thing I need to watch. But I am in a much better place now and in a much better place with my relationship with my dick. The fact it’s grown has helped massively with that.
How do I know it’s grown well I measure probably way more than I should. I can see a difference my girlfriend has noticed too that was really nice. Also my girlfriend really enjoys A spot stimulation due to my very noticeable upward bend I could always just about reach it. But now it’s within reach no problems. PE as it should be has been good for us both.
Due to the bend I feel it gives the impression of being a bit smaller than it is. And the fact I am 1.88m tall 90kg with little body fat and thick legs. My wee fella kinda looks a bit small on me. So this is my motivation now gain a bit extra not much in length then sun for some big girth gains. My gf is tall at 1.8m tall so I think a bit of extra length will be ok. She’s the first girl I couldn’t bottom out or had to really try and stretch to reach the A spot. But last night I hit her cervix! It turns out she didn’t like it! But it’s a good sine to me of actual growth not just wishful measuring.

I have made gains if just over .6” in erect length and about .3” in girth in about 3 months. I have been very consistent with my exercise. Spending about 45minutes a day 6 days a week doing PE. I mostly followed the newbie routine but I added a bit of hanging, pumping and a few very gentle horse440s
I just brought a smaller tube for my cheap Amazon pump the one it came with was like 2.5” dia the new one is too small at 1.75 I think I only tried it quick this morning. I completely packed the tube witch felt nice I will give it a try later. But I think I will be ordering another.

So all in all a very happy PE customer I am hopping I can reproduce my gains over the next 3 months and see if I can hit my length goal of 7.5” BPEL and 5.5” MSEG


Hi buddy!
very good that you have a better relationship with your dick! take this trip to PE as just an improvement on the already perfect one you have for both you and your partner. :)
You certainly have had gains and this is evidenced by the perceived and verified feedback with the measurements and partner statements you have described. Don’t worry if the curvature makes it look smaller, the important thing is the real substance you have, the rest is optical illusion.
Friend continue your training with perseverance, conviction, caution and you will reach your goals :)
For the tube try a 2" one it should be better. Greetings to you :up:

Hey Dosso my good forum friend.

Thanks for your kind words and advice the 2” tube is now on order. I am very positive now I have had great gains I just hope they don’t stop just yet! I have read much about newbie gains I want my newbie phase to last a bit longer!

Originally Posted by Recovery life
Hey Dosso my good forum friend.

Thanks for your kind words and advice the 2” tube is now on order. I am very positive now I have had great gains I just hope they don’t stop just yet! I have read much about newbie gains I want my newbie phase to last a bit longer!

Hi buddy Rl!
I wish you infinitely that your gains are continuous and valuable :) Always keep in mind that stagnation can always happen the important thing is to get it right and that doesn’t mean PE doesn’t work.
Well for the 2" purchase when you put it to use let me know how you get on :D Enjoy and regards :up:

How do we find the pictures section? Or do we just post them in hear our progress reports? I might be getting brave?! 😂😂

Hi all I have had to take a bit of a brake from my normal routine. Life factors not PE induced my mum is living with me for a bit. And I just don’t have the same privacy as I did.

But I had a good session this morning after a week of less work. And I used my old pump tube as it had my original markings on it. And my gawd!! I can’t quite believe what I saw!! I can’t quite compute my gains! I mean I see the marks I know the numbers. I can see my dick is now way past the original mark! But it doesn’t look or feel that much bigger to me?! Is this a kind of normal phenomena?! My brain and eyes can’t see or believe the apparent truth?!

According to todays stats I have grown considerably! I am in the nearly an inch in length and .4 in girth this is straight after pumping and in the tube for length. But that is also measured against straight after pumping when I started.

It doesn’t feel that much bigger when I get a natural full on stif one! And I generally only get them while I am with the GF! And getting the ol tape measure out and asking her to wait a second seems like a passion killer.

I hope it’s my brain and eyes! And not just the pumping!

Congratulations mate. Just don’t trust much of what pumps do, for 99,99999% of it is not permanent.

WTH if you do it wrong, it could be even thinning your dick.

inicial 1996: BPEL 15cm (Margin of error +/- 0.5cm) MSEG: 14.1 cm

inicio extender (sept2012): 15,5cm BPEL /14,1cm MSEG --- Hanging: inicio: Ago 21 2022 21.0cm --- Ultima medicion: Sept 1 2022: 21.6cm BPEL x 15,1cm MSEG

Meta: 28cm BPEL x 21cm MSEG -- si, quiero tenerla mas gorda que tu vieja. jaja

Originally Posted by Recovery life

Hi all I have had to take a bit of a brake from my normal routine. Life factors not PE induced my mum is living with me for a bit. And I just don’t have the same privacy as I did.

But I had a good session this morning after a week of less work. And I used my old pump tube as it had my original markings on it. And my gawd!! I can’t quite believe what I saw!! I can’t quite compute my gains! I mean I see the marks I know the numbers. I can see my dick is now way past the original mark! But it doesn’t look or feel that much bigger to me?! Is this a kind of normal phenomena?! My brain and eyes can’t see or believe the apparent truth?!

According to todays stats I have grown considerably! I am in the nearly an inch in length and .4 in girth this is straight after pumping and in the tube for length. But that is also measured against straight after pumping when I started.

It doesn’t feel that much bigger when I get a natural full on stif one! And I generally only get them while I am with the GF! And getting the ol tape measure out and asking her to wait a second seems like a passion killer.

I hope it’s my brain and eyes! And not just the pumping!

Hi Rec!

of course the effects of pumping are temporary, if you find these squares even at times away from the effect of the pump it means that you have indeed achieved what you are experiencing and it is not just pumping!

Keep your self-confidence up and you will see that everything will be easier, come on you have my support mate :)

See you soon always with positive news, ciao :up:

Originally Posted by redmorsilla
Congratulations mate. Just don’t trust much of what pumps do, for 99,99999% of it is not permanent.
WTH if you do it wrong, it could be even thinning your dick.

Sorry, need to correct this false information. Many guys have made permanent gains from pumping, myself included, and that is length and girth. Titleist is another whose gains came from pumping. Just like all PE methods, some work for some guys, some dont. I have close to 600 hrs with an extender with no gains. Extenders work for many guys, but not for me.

And similar to other methods pumping does yield temporary gains, and similar to other methods they yield permanent gains.

I have no clue on how pumping “wrong” could thin your dick, at least permanently. I’ve never read one single account of this.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

I ment if he does it wrong. Too much edema etc. It can lead to thinning. I didn’t think it was possible but this is the result of my last pumping routine. I lost 1 full cm. So it’s self experience.

inicial 1996: BPEL 15cm (Margin of error +/- 0.5cm) MSEG: 14.1 cm

inicio extender (sept2012): 15,5cm BPEL /14,1cm MSEG --- Hanging: inicio: Ago 21 2022 21.0cm --- Ultima medicion: Sept 1 2022: 21.6cm BPEL x 15,1cm MSEG

Meta: 28cm BPEL x 21cm MSEG -- si, quiero tenerla mas gorda que tu vieja. jaja

Hey, RL,

Congrats on your gains and in recovering not just your whole self from substance, but also your sense of self satisfaction. If you keep at PE you will gain size. But most importantly, you can at the same time gain wisdom and self-acceptance.

If you are like most of us you will have periods of gains, periods of plateau, periods where your motivation goes up and down and periods where life appropriately gets in the way of PE. It is such a valuable metaphor for life in general. We can’t rest our sense of peace and happiness on what we can’t control, so one lesson I’ve learned on this path is to stay hungry for self-improvement while still always appreciating myself as I am, and to balance goals and priorities so that there is overall harmony in my life. PE is a part of this, though certainly not the only part.

So while I hope you make all the gains you are looking for with as rapid ease as possible, I also hope you grow more and more to know that nothing is missing and that true and lasting happiness won’t come from your ever-enlarging unit. The gains, when they come, will be awesome and fun, a cause for satisfaction and celebration, just be a little delicious icing on the cake of what sounds like the beauty and success you have in your otherwise rich and fulfilling life. And when gains aren’t coming as fast, hopefully life will be every bit as good.

Awesome work, my friend. Best of luck and please keep us updated on your path.

Rock out with your cock out!


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