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Bathmate pump, Beginner PE, Questions

Bathmate pump, Beginner PE, Questions

Hey guys, there is probably another post like this, but I figured I’d ask because I think I’ve got different goals than most (maybe not?)

I’ve been doing PE on and off for approximately 3-4 months (total is probably 6-8 weeks). And I’ve heard about the bathmate hydro pump, and I was wondering if it’d be worth to purchase and use by a guy with goals like mine.

Current dimensions (+/1 0.1”):
BPEL - 7.1”
EG - 4.8

I’m looking to increase my BPEL by an inch, this would give me a BPEL of 8”, and I’d like to increase my EG from 4.8” to about 5.5”. I don’t want a huge penis, I just want something a little bigger than I already have, something a little stronger and healthier. And if at all possible, I’d like to do this before the 6 month mark, after that it would be difficult to do PE sessions for a pretty long period of time. So, regarding this and my experience, would using a bathmate benefit me? If so, what would you recommend?

Also, what are your personal experiences with the bathmate? Results etc.

Cheers guys

09/2017 Stats: NBPEL: 6.5" BPEL: 7.0” EG: 4.8”

End Goal - NBPEL: 7.25"-.50" BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.5"

(Will switch to maintenance after this)

Ok so off the bat throw out that 6 month goal and just stick to a routine that feels right. You don’t want too much strain and you don’t want to overdo it by trying to achieve a goal in a certain amount of time. That said, if you stick to a routine and give your body time to recover in 6 months it’s totally possible you’ll achieve your goal.

As far as the bathmate I was in a similar situation to you when I ordered mine so here’s some caveats.

1. There’s no pressure gauge so you’re going to have to “feel it out” so to say. This can be very dangerous because I believe the x30 models have a maximum pressure of 17hg with a perfect seal at maximum pressure. I have the x40 and I’m not sure if it’s a different number but the point is that is WAY TOO MUCH PRESSURE. It’s very easy to want to pump to the max pressure to see your measurement (there’s a sticker with length incriments in inches and centimeters on the tube) but just stick to actually measuring the proper way, trust me.

2. Don’t use it as a crutch for your routine. I started to structure a lot of my routine around adding more and more time in the pump because there is an addictive side to seeing yourself grow in such an instantaneous manner. After a scare where I had significantly damped EQ (it turned out to be more stress related than anything else, but overpumping was 100% a factor) I adjusted my routine. I now pump at low pressure for about 5 minutes with hot water (not scalding) as a warm up for my routine, and then 5 minutes at low pressure with hot water for my warm down.

I think this can be a great supplementary tool, but at least personally I would never recommend it as a center piece to your routine.

What’s your current regiment?

Originally Posted by velhungvhite
Ok so off the bat throw out that 6 month goal and just stick to a routine that feels right. You don’t want too much strain and you don’t want to overdo it by trying to achieve a goal in a certain amount of time. That said, if you stick to a routine and give your body time to recover in 6 months it’s totally possible you’ll achieve your goal.

As far as the bathmate I was in a similar situation to you when I ordered mine so here’s some caveats.

1. There’s no pressure gauge so you’re going to have to “feel it out” so to say. This can be very dangerous because I believe the x30 models have a maximum pressure of 17hg with a perfect seal at maximum pressure. I have the x40 and I’m not sure if it’s a different number but the point is that is WAY TOO MUCH PRESSURE. It’s very easy to want to pump to the max pressure to see your measurement (there’s a sticker with length incriments in inches and centimeters on the tube) but just stick to actually measuring the proper way, trust me.

2. Don’t use it as a crutch for your routine. I started to structure a lot of my routine around adding more and more time in the pump because there is an addictive side to seeing yourself grow in such an instantaneous manner. After a scare where I had significantly damped EQ (it turned out to be more stress related than anything else, but overpumping was 100% a factor) I adjusted my routine. I now pump at low pressure for about 5 minutes with hot water (not scalding) as a warm up for my routine, and then 5 minutes at low pressure with hot water for my warm down.

I think this can be a great supplementary tool, but at least personally I would never recommend it as a center piece to your routine.

What’s your current regiment?

That 6 month goal is something I’d like to aim for. If I do too much, I’ll get injured, then I definitely wont make my goal at all. I just want to maximise what I can do and achieve as much as possible in this time frame.

At the moment, my routine is:

50 Jelqs (working towards 100)
30 Kegals. (working towards 60)
Might do 20 minutes of edging.

Theres a few stretches, some Uli type stuff, those “fire goat roll” things. But I try to limit all of that, and just stick with Jelqs and Kegals.
The routine is extremely minimalist, I know. I just wanted something simple and easy to stick to for a little while. I have done more complex stuff, but I’ve spent some time away from all this and I’ve also had some sexual dysfunction since. So just wanted to take it easy for a little while.

They have a calculator on the bathmate website, where you enter your length and girth, then they recommend what model to get. I entered my results in, and seeing as my length is never exactly the same, its always give or take 0.1”. I originally entered 7.1 which is the “average” I go with for majority of things (it floats between 7.0-7.2), it gave me the X30. But if i enter 7.2, it gives me the X40. In terms of price, I want to pick the X30. But I’d rather get my moneys worth and buy the X30 if it benefits my goals better. What would you suggest?

09/2017 Stats: NBPEL: 6.5" BPEL: 7.0” EG: 4.8”

End Goal - NBPEL: 7.25"-.50" BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.5"

(Will switch to maintenance after this)

Going over numbers for the goal, and based off the sex I’ve had. I figure an inch would be abit too much of an increase. So I’ve came up with more specific numbers for my goals. These are:

BPEL: 7.75”

Figured it’s not absolutely massive, and I’m not “spearing” myself into the girl. But it’s big enough for two hands and a mouth, which I’ve always wanted to see happen. This is a 0.65” increase to my 7.1”.

EG: 5.5”

Thinking 5.5” which is a 0.7” increase to my girth. I dont have a skinny dick, I’ve even been complimented on it. But I have been with people where they’ve found it difficult to fit inside their mouth. But recently been friends with benefits who little struggle if any, but she is experienced. Ideally, I’d like to give as much pleasure as possible, so was thinking 6”. But in terms of blowjobs, maybe just stick with 5.5 for now.

Any thoughts on this?

09/2017 Stats: NBPEL: 6.5" BPEL: 7.0” EG: 4.8”

End Goal - NBPEL: 7.25"-.50" BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.5"

(Will switch to maintenance after this)

Okay so suggestions in order

If you aren’t warming up with a hot wrap or something similar, you definitely should be. Warm up and warm down are two of the most crucial parts of PE in my opinion. Helps loosen the tissue up and there’s been some comments on this board suggesting a positive correlation between applying heat and getting gains. Don’t have the link on hand.

Good to hear you’re already incorporating Kegals, I’d recommend picking up a smartphone app like XiiB if you don’t have one because it can be a nice reminder. Also with that specific app it gives you a few different variations in terms of how long to hold, different reps, etc. Have you started to incorporate reverse Kegals? It’s more for during the rest of the day when you aren’t doing PE but it’s one of the things that has really helped me improve my overall EQ.

For length manual stretches can be very effective and I’ve heard good things about JAI stretches. As far as girth I recently started incorporating plump bends and uli 3’s, but I would not recommend these to someone who has only been doing light PE like yourself. I think I was up around 150-200 jelqs before I even started trying to dabble in anything more intense. A good thing to remember is if you’re getting gains there’s no need to increase the strain because while it may produce more gains in the short term, in the long term you might end up stunting progress. Take note of what your body tells you and adjust your routine accordingly. A really good indicator of if you’re working too much is your general EQ as well as morning/night wood.

If I were you I’d work on really nailing down my manual routine and doing it consistently. Pumps will be there forever, there’s no rush to move on from manual work after 3 or 4 months. Do you have a regular schedule that you’ve been sticking to like 2-on-1-off or something like that? I want to say I did PE for the better part of a year before I even considered a pump so I’m by no means a veteran, but you might want to give it some time before you dive in I guess is my point. Also read through this forum, there’s some really neat theories on here that might help you, just take it all with a grain of salt because it’s hard to know who’s talking out of there ass on here. One user you should check out is thoughtfulgold he has some really great threads on everything from the psychological side to the more physical aspects of PE (just my opinion).

I’m hesitant whether to recommend the x30 or x40 but I’ll give you an overview of my experience. I’m around 7.1-7.25 BPEL and 5.2-5.3 EG and as far as length the x40 is 100% necessary because I’m pretty sure you start to get issues with pinching (ouch) around 7.5”-7.75” with the x30. That said, I’m not sure how much of an effect your difference in girth will have. If price is an issue I got mine wholesale from (not sure if I’m allowed to post that) but the price was about 110 for the x40 compared to bathmates site where it was 140 or something. You may be able to find another website that has them at wholesale price but a lot of the sites I found were kind of sketch.

Originally Posted by RyanPL
Going over numbers for the goal, and based off the sex I’ve had. I figure an inch would be abit too much of an increase. So I’ve came up with more specific numbers for my goals. These are:

BPEL: 7.75”

Figured it’s not absolutely massive, and I’m not “spearing” myself into the girl. But it’s big enough for two hands and a mouth, which I’ve always wanted to see happen. This is a 0.65” increase to my 7.1”.

EG: 5.5”

Thinking 5.5” which is a 0.7” increase to my girth. I dont have a skinny dick, I’ve even been complimented on it. But I have been with people where they’ve found it difficult to fit inside their mouth. But recently been friends with benefits who little struggle if any, but she is experienced. Ideally, I’d like to give as much pleasure as possible, so was thinking 6”. But in terms of blowjobs, maybe just stick with 5.5 for now.

Any thoughts on this?

Seems pretty reasonable to me. Personally I’m going for 8x6 to see if I can do it, and having porn as a fallback wouldn’t hurt if my profession doesn’t work out (mostly joking)

To keep everything in perspective average is like 6x5 or something along those lines, I’m sure you’ve read those studies. I can’t really give you advice on what you should aim for but like you said, if you get too big in any direction some partners might find it unmanageable.

Sorry yeah, forgot to mention I do a hot wrap sort of deal. I just get a flannel, soak it up in hot water, and let it rest for about 5 minutes or so.

I barely understand how I’m supposed to do kegals, I’ve only just found out about reverse kegals. The way I do them, I firmly place two fingers under my balls and up towards my insides, not hard or anything. But when I squeeze what I assume are the right muscles, I can feel some muscles moving. I find it quite hard to squeeze properly without this as I feel it closer to my anus than anything else, doing the two finger “trick” helps that not happen.

Okay so, what if I did hot wrap, stretching, jelqs for about a month or so very consistently to prepare and condition it. Then use the bathmate for 5 months afterwards. Being gentle with it of course at the start, and progressing after that. Would that be possible? With the bathmate, I wouldn’t go so far to make it uncomfortable, just enough to feel the blood engorge and become slightly bigger.

And lastly, if I got the X40, would it still work? Seeing as I’d be getting bigger, it seems to be more of an appropriate choice providing it still works the way it should.

09/2017 Stats: NBPEL: 6.5" BPEL: 7.0” EG: 4.8”

End Goal - NBPEL: 7.25"-.50" BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.5"

(Will switch to maintenance after this)

For kegels look at this url https://penis-e nlargement-manu … and read “locating the BC muscle”. This should help clear things up, you should be able to do kegels without using your hands. Reverse kegels will take some time and personally I wasn’t even able to grasp the concept until I had been doing kegels long enough to feel which muscle I was targeting.

With your bathmate question, what kind of routine do you have in mind once you get it? I think their website recommends 20 minutes total split up in 10 minute increments but personally that was too much for me and it completely stopped my progress. Like I said earlier I found a 5 minute warm up and 5 minute warm down has been the best route for the BM in my routine.

On the note of the x40 I’d say try to see if you can get some girth gains with manual exercises and then you shouldn’t have any issue with it. The main concern with not having enough girth is that you might not be able to get a good seal but it really depends on your physiology. If you have a decent amount of padding in your pubic area it shouldn’t be an issue with your current girth but I’m not an expert.

Originally Posted by velhungvhite
For kegels look at this url https://penis-e nlargement-manu … and read “locating the BC muscle”. This should help clear things up, you should be able to do kegels without using your hands. Reverse kegels will take some time and personally I wasn’t even able to grasp the concept until I had been doing kegels long enough to feel which muscle I was targeting.

With your bathmate question, what kind of routine do you have in mind once you get it? I think their website recommends 20 minutes total split up in 10 minute increments but personally that was too much for me and it completely stopped my progress. Like I said earlier I found a 5 minute warm up and 5 minute warm down has been the best route for the BM in my routine.

On the note of the x40 I’d say try to see if you can get some girth gains with manual exercises and then you shouldn’t have any issue with it. The main concern with not having enough girth is that you might not be able to get a good seal but it really depends on your physiology. If you have a decent amount of padding in your pubic area it shouldn’t be an issue with your current girth but I’m not an expert.

I can do it without, a similar thing can be used during bodybuilding; if you touch the muscle you want to focus on, you have an improved mind muscle connection. It’s why it’s easier to do a kegal while you’re urinating than not.

I was thinking something like I already do:
5 min hot wrap
5 min x 3 sets w/ Bathmate (low pressure, but enough to engorge the penis with enough blood to make it slightly bigger than usual)
50-100 Jelqs
and finish it off with a few stretches to cool down and finish it off.
But I don’t really know what sort of reaction I’d get from the Bathmate, so I can’t tell you how what would be best.

My base erect girth is something along the lines of 5.5” I don’t have an incredibly low body fat,so theres a cm or two of padding.

09/2017 Stats: NBPEL: 6.5" BPEL: 7.0” EG: 4.8”

End Goal - NBPEL: 7.25"-.50" BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.5"

(Will switch to maintenance after this)

If you have a BEG of 5.5 I don’t think you should have any issue with the x40.

My only input would to be space out the pumping in that routine. Again it’s all on an individual basis so what works for me might not work for you. Using your proposed routine as an example I’d do

Hot wrap

5 minute pump low pressure


25/50 jelqs

5 minute pump low pressure

25/50 jelqs

5 minute pump low pressure

cool down

Personally I find if I do all my pumping at once it just kind of leaves it slightly more engorged than usual which is a plus, but my EQ almost always suffers when I try this route and whatever exercises I do after feel like they have less of an impact. But to reiterate, it’s on a person to person basis and I have exactly 0 scientific evidence outside of personal experience. For the stretches I put them before the jelqing because I find if I loosen everything up down there I’m able to push more blood through during my jelqs. If you end up getting it post your routine and results because who knows, you might be on to something!

Good luck!

What about something along the lines of this?

Ultimate Newbie Bathmate Routine - Archive of posts

09/2017 Stats: NBPEL: 6.5" BPEL: 7.0” EG: 4.8”

End Goal - NBPEL: 7.25"-.50" BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.5"

(Will switch to maintenance after this)

Haven’t tried splitting up pumping and manuals to different days, if you try this let us know how it works out

Seems like a solid low strain routine that’s rest heavy, so at a glance I’d say that looks like a good option for what you want to do

Sorry I didn’t read the whole post just the OP. PE isn’t done in months it’s done in years end of story. As far as the BM goes it probably won’t give you the length gains you want it will give girth gains tho. That’s what it did for me. It’s too big to pack for any real length gains. You may see temp length but not permanent. The BM in my opinion is not a stand alone tool.

Originally Posted by kingscounty
Sorry I didn’t read the whole post just the OP. PE isn’t done in months it’s done in years end of story. As far as the BM goes it probably won’t give you the length gains you want it will give girth gains tho. That’s what it did for me. It’s too big to pack for any real length gains. You may see temp length but not permanent. The BM in my opinion is not a stand alone tool.

Of course, I don’t plan on stopping after this 6 month time frame. I just have no idea whats going to happen and what my life style would be, so I wouldn’t be able to plan what happens. It not like it’ll stop, it just won’t be so regular. So the more I can achieve now, the better.

Correct me if im wrong, but wouldn’t the results vary due to the person and their genetics?

We both agree that the BM shouldn’t be used as a stand alone tool, so with your experience, what would you recommend for a routine that would suit my goals and needs? I do want to work on my girth the most, would like it to be above average.

09/2017 Stats: NBPEL: 6.5" BPEL: 7.0” EG: 4.8”

End Goal - NBPEL: 7.25"-.50" BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.5"

(Will switch to maintenance after this)

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