Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Question to Bib

Question to Bib

Bib, have you suffered any reduced erections since you reached 10.5” (in 2000) or are they the same as when you were smaller? Also (this is optional), what is your present measurements, I’m very curious, you obtained 5,5” in 19 months, that’s incredible! Did you (are you) continuing hanging?

From an admirer


>have you suffered any reduced erections since you reached 10.5” (in 2000) or are they the same as when you were smaller?<

Well, this could mean two things. If you mean erection angle, yes. I was at 11:00 to 12:00. Now, I am always at about 9:00, maybe a little more.

If you mean hardness, while I was PEing, I had periods of less than full erections. This lasted for periods of days to maybe a couple of weeks. It happened several times. The quality always returned after reducing my work load. Now, my erections are better than in my twenties.

>Also (this is optional), what is your present measurements, <

The last time I measured, I was still 10.5.

>I’m very curious, you obtained 5,5” in 19 months, that’s incredible! Did you (are you) continuing hanging? <

Actually, it was 4.5. From six to 10.5. I do not hang anymore, except when I need to help someone with a problem. I will hang a little to try and replicate the problem they describe. Not very often.


Thank you Bib

Thank you Bib, I really appreciate you taking your precious time to answer all questions from people (especially the more personal ones). I have only been around for 2 months but your alias appears everywhere (= famous) (end of sucking up).
Would you consider the all day strech (ADS) equivalent regarding results to those comming from hanging? I work at a research center and it would be a bit akward to hang under the desk. ADS would be a solution, it is less conspicious. Or, can stretching only be beneficial when using after a good hanging session?

Thankx for taking the time.


>Would you consider the all day strech (ADS) equivalent regarding results to those comming from hanging? I work at a research center and it would be a bit akward to hang under the desk. ADS would be a solution, it is less conspicious. Or, can stretching only be beneficial when using after a good hanging session? <

I really have no idea personally. I never did any ADS, unless you consider hanging all day the same thing.

My opinion is, any stretch above and beyond the marginal stretch would require periods of rest to restore complete circulation. Therefore, with hanging, you can get a good stretch, well beyond the marginal stretch as long as you take the needed rest periods.

With ADS, you could not get a stretch beyond the marginal stretch because of the threat of poor circulation. However, I think there could be merit in a smaller stretch after hanging. Somewhat like reducing hanging weights as the day goes on, as I did when PEing.

Lil and P9 are doing a lot of research in this area. It should have promise.



I wanted to get your input on my idea of working up to 3 sessions of hanging a day, about 40 mins (2 x 20 min) each session. Of course, I’ll have to work up to it.

But I am trying to put as close to a round-the-clock fatigue on the ligs as I can do with my work and social schedule. I have the capacity to do 3 sessions a day and am interested in the growth potential from such a situation.

I also am intrigued by the reducing weights & increasing hang time idea. This reminds me very much of weightlifting principles. I could (would like to) incorporate that into my 3 sessions a day training..

Buster, your are not supposed to be hanging around here, you should be lying on the bed considering your injury ;) .

HAHA yeah, let me go put my dick back in it’s splint (or should I get a cast? “Here girls, want to sign it?”


>I wanted to get your input on my idea of working up to 3 sessions of hanging a day, about 40 mins (2 x 20 min) each session. Of course, I’ll have to work up to it. <

That would be about two hours per day hanging, and should give close to the max growth potential. An increase in the amount of time hanging at max weight seems to increase the gain potential up to the point of fatigue. Then it seems that there is a point of diminishing returns for hanging. An ADS approach should give all the stress required after that.

>I also am intrigued by the reducing weights & increasing hang time idea. This reminds me very much of weightlifting principles. I could (would like to) incorporate that into my 3 sessions a day training.. <

Well, please understand that the reduction in weight that I did was a product of fatigue. At different points in time, and level of hanging experience, you may or may not have to reduce weight while doing two hours of hanging a day. Especially if the sessions are split. However, the time spent hanging would not preclude some type of stretching to keep the tissues in the extended state.


Well, I am looking at traction wrapping for a few hours after the 1st and 2nd sessions (the third will be done shortly before bed and I don’t relish sleeping w/ wrapping).

An ADS is not really possible for me during shorts-wearing weather, so I’ll have to ditch that idea. My hopes are that traction wrapping will cut down heavily on my non-extended time throughtout the day. Perhaps leaving me with only 4-5 hours a day non-wrapped.


Hey Buster, still around eh? By the way, canĀ“t you use baggy Bermuda shorts (the ones that reach the knees) with the ADS?

Well, I don’t know. I guess I’d have to hear feedback from guys who are doing so themselves. I am not sure about attachment points and so on.


I am a little bit confused by the answer you gave (below quote)

Originally posted by Bib

That would be about two hours per day hanging, and should give close to the max growth potential. An increase in the amount of time hanging at max weight seems to increase the gain potential up to the point of fatigue. Then it seems that there is a point of diminishing returns for hanging. An ADS approach should give all the stress required after that.


I was under the impression that you thought hanging in a fatigued state was the BEST time for gains.

Any comment?


>I was under the impression that you thought hanging in a fatigued state was the BEST time for gains. <

Damn, I am glad you pointed this out. It is confusing. I do think hanging in the fatigued state is the best opportunity for gains. Let me break down the above.

>An increase in the amount of time hanging at max weight seems to increase the gain potential up to the point of fatigue. <

The key phrase in the sentence is, “at max weight”. After the point of fatigue, there is no reason to try to hang your max weight. It is fine to drop in weight and hang in the fatigued state. Do not push it, or hang in a distressed situation with too much weight. Is that better?

>Then it seems that there is a point of diminishing returns for hanging. An ADS approach should give all the stress required after that.<

The “diminishing returns for hanging” is in comparison to ADS. IOW, why use an elephant gun when hunting squirrels. My point was and is, once you are fatigued, you should go down in weight, or rather, HAVE to go down in weight. Now, if you have an ADS system or possibly traction wrapping that can supply enough stress to continue the advances made by the hanging session, that would be preferable to continuing to hang all day the way I did.

Of course, I was stuck in this office chair almost all day. So hanging all day was not much of an imposition. Other guys might be able to hang a couple hours per day, then need to put on an ADS to try and approach the same levels of stress I experienced.

Example: Say you are hanging a max of fifteen lbs. You do this for two sets, then have to drop to ten lbs. You hang for two more sets and need to drop again. Rather than hanging more sets at 7.5, why not put on an ADS and not fool with the weights? Possibly even a traction wrap would do the job.

The max weight is doing the major work, the lighter succeeding sets or ADS or traction wrap simply keep the tissues from receding and continue to stress the already weakened bonds. The continuation of the stress while fatigued IS what is valuable. Providing the stress by easier means than hanging could be the ticket. Two hours at max weight or thereabout and several hours with ADS.

This still might not be too clear. If not, please ask questions.


Actually, I thought it was pretty clear.

On my third day of hanging, so bear with me (man, that lig is really starting to stand out!)

So is fatigue something that could take a few days to really develop on my weekly cycle, or is that something I should be able to hit (maybe not here as a beginner, I realize) after a few sets on any given hang day? I certainly understand the idea of reduced weight during fatigue status and it’s great value.

At this point I am just working with wrappings (doing OK!), and experimenting with positions and getting a proper feel for them. Then I’ll be ramping some weight soon.

But I’d like to understand this fatigue thing clearly as I want to incorporate it into my routine. The body’s response to fatigue, I think, is very pertinent in PE.

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