Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

More Weight VS More Sets

Ok will look into one then

Any that you’d recommend?
Really appreciate the advice here guys, thanks a lot :)

Originally Posted by Zoo1ander
Ok will look into one then

Any that you’d recommend?
Really appreciate the advice here guys, thanks a lot :)

I’ve never used one

This is my schedule so far

15 min sets, ranging from 20-25lbs each set. Started the first week at 15lbs

What do you think? I feel I’ve reached fatigue.. But not rly sure tbh

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I do think the two days I spent resting after week two allowed them to heal too much

Thinking mby one day of rest every two weeks instead?

Originally Posted by Zoo1ander
This is my schedule so far

15 min sets, ranging from 20-25lbs each set. Started the first week at 15lbs

What do you think? I feel I’ve reached fatigue.. But not rly sure tbh

start at five lbs at most. I started at two and a half , it took over a year to hit fifteen lbs

Your asking for an injury and your dick gains will benlimited

Oh I haven’t JUST started, sorry for that confusion.

I used to hang a year ago and started at 5, got to 15

Took a year off and started back up. That’s why I started at 15 again and raised it when I realized I wasn’t hitting any fatigue :/

Originally Posted by Zoo1ander
Oh I haven’t JUST started, sorry for that confusion.

I used to hang a year ago and started at 5, got to 15

Took a year off and started back up. That’s why I started at 15 again and raised it when I realized I wasn’t hitting any fatigue :/

How long have you been hanging since starting back up?

Always best to move up slowly even if you’ve been there before

If you haven’t even more reason for injury prevention

I’m ending my 4th week
Posted my current schedule above :)

Took your advice though and went back to 15lbs, FAR less pain in my glans and in general. Can still feel the pull

I’m thinking with less pain, I can add in an additional two sets of 15-20 mins

Having more sets at 15lbs may be better?

Originally Posted by Zoo1ander
I’m ending my 4th week
Posted my current schedule above :)

Took your advice though and went back to 15lbs, FAR less pain in my glans and in general. Can still feel the pull

Is it the same hanger you’ve been using or a new hanger?

If new it’s different and starting low weight is required

Example I hung from a creative thick socks hanger with cable clamps with two wraps for fifteen months

I got an injury at 18 lbs due to probably not getting blood out of the head before attaching hanger

I took three weeks off , bought a bib hanger, which is superior to the one I made and started at five and seven pounds

The most I’ve went up after ten lbs is a pound every three or four days and in following sets had to drop weights

Wrapping is super important and theraband seems to have worked best for myself

Originally Posted by Zoo1ander
I’m thinking with less pain, I can add in an additional two sets of 15-20 mins

Having more sets at 15lbs may be better?

Ten hours a week

If you can do twelve or fifteen that’s be even better

No more than twelve sets a day

Yes it’s best to slowly work up, I think adding a set or two per week is okay

Some say only add more weight or one set per week and if it’s close to each I’ve found it’s really in okay

If any warning signs of an injury coming, reduce sets or if you must take a day off

I took three weeks off

I use the Bib hanger, same one the entire time :)

I’m now shooting for 5-6 sets a day of 20 mins, will hit the ten hrs you recommended.

Everything looks fine so far. Some bruising/discoloration after hanging on the glans, but it goes away through out the day and when I sleep.

The only thing that seems to be an issue is the lose of feeling on the glans as the skin hardens/thickens. I think its the edema build-up. But not sure. The skin just gets harder, especially around the tip

Originally Posted by Zoo1ander
I use the Bib hanger, same one the entire time :)

I’m now shooting for 5-6 sets a day of 20 mins, will hit the ten hrs you recommended.

Everything looks fine so far. Some bruising/discoloration after hanging on the glans, but it goes away through out the day and when I sleep.

The only thing that seems to be an issue is the lose of feeling on the glans as the skin hardens/thickens. I think its the edema build-up. But not sure. The skin just gets harder, especially around the tip

What are you using for wrapping?

More time is always going to be better. In my opinion, the reason why some guys like BIB have great gains, is because they did hanging literally ALL DAY, every day. He worked from home, and would hang for his entire work day, non-stop.

The penis muscles, if you even want to call them muscles, need to be stretched out for long periods of time. It is during the time they are being stretched that the growth will occur. This is different than training other muscles, like your biceps, which actually grow while your outside the gym. Smooth muscle tissue is different.

Before moving up in weight, make sure you are going for the full length you possibly can.

If you are able to hang all day, then hang all day.

Just dont sacrifice your work efficiency, mental health, or relationships for it.

Originally Posted by BiggerPenis73
More time is always going to be better. In my opinion, the reason why some guys like BIB have great gains, is because they did hanging literally ALL DAY, every day. He worked from home, and would hang for his entire work day, non-stop.

I’m working from home for the last few weeks and just this week figured out that I should do PE for an hour+ in the morning. I used my pump the first two days, then figured I should use something more permanent. I got my BIB out and 10 lbs and have been doing 2-3 sets a day. I just did an hour today (10, 10, 7.5 lbs), which makes about 4 days in a row.

If I can gain some length, I’ll be a happy, work from home, camper. Over the last many years I’ve only occasionally used my pump.


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