Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Non-newbie extender experience


Last year, Dec. through March, I wore a homemade back ADS on average for 30+ hours a week. Feb. and March I also did edging and started some clamping. By April I was measuring .5 inches longer bpel. I stopped in April because I was tired of wearing it, and the rate of change had decreased a lot.

I have been doing PE off and on for 13 years. I had been on a year break before starting that phase. Also I had already cemented a 1” gain from years past, so, this was not newbie gains. I have gained no additional length since last spring, but I haven’t lost it either. I have been playing with pumping since stopping the ADS.

Originally Posted by King1990
Do you feel any sort of ‘pump’ in your PC muscle when it is relaxed, the only way I can describe it is the opposite of flexing (thus I have dubbed it the anti-flex).

Just bumping for future reference if anyone using an extender feels this, stop.

I have been regarding this as a PI because I had been showing many other PI’s and was seeing good gains.

About three weeks ago I noticed a decent sized bruise on the underside of my shaft that was not there before PE so I stopped doing all routines, and the Anti-Flex started turning into ripping feeling of pain all around my anal. It eventually felt like it was spreading up my crack, and stopped within the last week or so. I was having trouble holding my farts and even FELT like I was sharting sometimes, but it all ended up well.

As for the bruise, it wasn’t going away even with Arnica cream + tablets, so I made an appointment with the doctor and he said it was just pigmentation.

Back in the game, extending again and began a light clamping routine today.

Reject the basic assumptions of civilizations, especially the importance of material possessions.

I am using a :spam: since December 2011 and a bathmate and I gained half an inch. But to prevent any injury I use it 2 hours with 20min break.

Your first post and an advertising link?

So here’s the DECENT lowdown as far as the extenders are concerned, or at least my experience and thoughts hehe.. About 2 years ago is when I first decided to get into PE (actually was like 10 but I didn’t take it serious then). I’d learned a good jelq routine and beginners stuff on the net but I found it hard, literally, every time I’d jelq, which we know is not ideal lol. I’d get to turned on and want to jerk off! I tried it but gave up as I knew I wasn’t going to get anywhere like that.

A few months later I’d come across the Jes Extender and figured what the hell, makes sense so I spent the money to get one. I took measurement first and was 6.25 in length erect and mid shaft 4.75 and base about 5.5. I wore it as directed as best I could that first month and did not measure again for that full month. It seemed like it was maybe a little bigger, more flaccid hang anyway but when I checked my length after the 30 days I was right at 7” on the measuring tape! I have made a habit of using a flexible tape as my dick has an upward curve, so I measure on top the same way each time.

After my first initial gain I was quite elated haha! So over the next few months I wore it as often as possible, especially at work. They can be uncomfortable after about an hour or so, I’d take breaks and shake it out for a min but there were many days I could wear it 8+ hours. I do factory work and even so, it wasn’t much of a problem usually. The noose thing was becoming annoying tho so I bought some extra parts and upgraded to the Velcro strap which worked much better. Only problem was it was getting tough to keep it discrete as I was gaining length and you could almost see it under my work pants so I had to stop wearing it while working.

During the second month I had also decided to pick up jelqing in addition to traction. Went much better this time, I was in a more serious mindset by now lol. I had worn the Jes a lot the first 4-5 months that I could while working but still would wear it at home when I could and figured the jelqing would help also. I don’t have time to wear the Jes much these days and seems I might have plateaued in length but jelqing I think has help me gain some girth, the Jes too I believe. Recently bought a quality pump so I’ll be seeing what gains I can squeeze from that too..

Currently my length has been about 7.6 or so for a while now, my head is 5.5, midshatf about 5 and the base at 6 inches. I hope to gain a little more in both length and girth but I realize that it will take time and I’m happy with the results so far, I’d like to make at least an 8x6 solid at some point.

So does a traction device work? Absolutely! You just have to put the hours in is all. It’s not always easy but sometimes I’d rather wear that all day then then the messy jelq routine haha.. But doing both together have made things work quite well, even noticed I have more control in bed, I can last much longer now if I want to, or if I’m drunk hehe ;)

Any questions, feel free.

Shit! You gained 3/4” in a month?! Well, maybe some of that was still newbie gains… you said that you hadn’t been very serious before that and the jelqing routine was taking you nowhere.

I haven’t had gains anywhere near that. Prior to the extender, I had managed to increase my EG from 5.25” to just under 5.5”. However, my NBPEL had decreased from 7.25” to 7” in the process. Though, I can’t be sure, I believe the extender has returned my NBPEL to 7.25” while maintaining my 5.5” EG. That’s about it for me so far and I’ve been wearing it for about five months. Oh well, everybody grows at different rates, I guess.

The extender experience I had only made me longer. No girth gains however I did have a vein problem which was preventing a full erection. Once I started PEing and using an EVO oil the problem corrected itself

2012-02-28 Bpel (7.375) Ew (3.875) Fl (3.250) Fw (1.125) Vol (8.812) :(

2012-03-05 Bpel (7.500) Ew (6.500) Fl (4.000) Fw (5.500) Vol (25.216) :)

2012-04-26 Bpel (7.563) Ew (6.625) Fl (5.063) Fw (5.750) Vol (26.415) :D

Originally Posted by billy325
The extender experience I had only made me longer. No girth gains however I did have a vein problem which was preventing a full erection. Once I started PEing and using an EVO oil the problem corrected itself

So billy, what was your extender experience? What kind of gains did you see?

I have an extender that you can’t increase tension on, or at least I don’t have a way. .. I do not know how to upload pictures either to see if anyone else has a better understanding


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