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When you don't have time to pull your dick all day; clamping while masturbating

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When you don't have time to pull your dick all day; clamping while masturbating

As I have generally have better things to do than pulling my dick, like save the world from cancer and stuff, I wonder if clamping only while masturbating (every other day) is likely to give me any significant gains in girth with time.

Any experience with this or other techniques that are not that time consuming? Staying clamped at work is a no go for me, I need full focus. Jelqing when showering is possible, but not for more than 10 minutes. I’m mostly interested in girth gains.

And no, I’m not expecting fast gains ;)

I wear an ADS (all day stretcher) for 8-12 hours per day and stretch for 15 minutes at night. No jelqing or clamping. I gain at a rate of 0.5 cm every two months. The gains are slow, unfortunately; but at least I’m gaining!


I assume that is in length, 0.5 cm every 2 moths ain’t that bad ask me. What about girth? Doesn’t it distract you?

Yes. The 0.5 cm gain every two months is in length. I don’t gain any significant girth.

I injured myself by jelqing with too much pressure. It took me several months to recover. I have a fear of jelqing now, so I don’t gain anything in girth.

I’m not sure if the stretching at night makes much of a differences (because I’m only doing it for 15 minutes). It’s probably the ADS which is responsible for most of my gains. I got my ADS from, but it was expensive (there are cheaper ADS out there that probably work just as well).

I’d assume that all ADS work equally in effectiveness. (I made a mistake in thinking that the more you pay for the ADS, the faster it’ll work.) The AutoADS looks like a good deal to me. But first you might want to ask people experienced with the Auto ADS in how effective it works.

For advise: It can be hard to wearing an ADS for 8-12 hours to day, but in order to get decent gains (I think), it has to be worn for that long every day. I’ve seen people who only wear an ADS for like 3 or 4 hours per day, and they gain at a much slower rate.

I’m like you and don’t have the time to hang weights or pull on my dick all day, so three months ago I went to Wal-Mart and bought some clamps. At night I take a hot bath, put on the clamp (I cut out shoe insoles and super glued them to the inside of the clamp so I don’t have to wrap) and apply some KY and masturbate for about an hour. I normally take the clamp off at the half hour mark to allow fresh blood to circulate. When I started in Nov 2007, I was 5.75 x 4.50 and as of today I’m around 6 x 5. This small gain has been enough to encourage me to keep going. I tried clamping and ignoring my penis but it would turn cold like an ice cube and, which can’t be good. However, I believe that masturbating with the clamp on keeps a good amount of fresh blood flowing. So long as I masturbate while clamped my penis does not turn cold. So, go ahead and give it a try.

Clamping can be dangerous be very very careful.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

As kingpole said clamping is dangerous. I clamped for a while but then stopped because I felt like it was to dangerous. I do jelqing and erect squeezes for my girth. I have not been to commited so don’t take my stats into affect.


Sep.12, 2007

BPEL 7.75" and EG 5.125"

As long as you think you are conditioned enough and ease yourself into it, I say go for it. It would be better if you still stretched/jelqed though. I also don’t clamp much anymore because it was really intense.

I have been clamping for about a year, so I am used to it I guess, but does anyone have long term experience with it?
I’ll try to do some wet jelqs and stretches while showering, seems to be quite time efficient.

I use a blue cable clamp btw.


I have been down this path a long time ago.

I gained girth for sure but also my penis has undergone some discoloration.

Take care.

I have decided whatever I do I will move forward in life

Discoloration doesn’t worry me that much ;)

Just try jelquing 5 minutes daily in the shower. I would drop the clamping in that it can cause toughening that may be counter productive to the jelquing.

For some guys 5 minutes is enough, you should know after a few weeks if it is enough for you. I recommend a decon of a couple weeks before you start this routine.

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