Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Surgical Penis Enlargement Mini Forum ~ Penis surgery


Missing the point. Not swimming upstream on manual PE exercises. But a discussion around surgery should be had in the surgery thread without immediate interjection about PE exercises. I realize that is the overall theme to the site, but people will have surgery regardless of the PE suggestions.

Not trying to be a pain. Maybe this conversation is best served on the Phalloboard.

Hey there Nokeio,

I’m also interested in seeing responses to your queries…

Now, here is the problem:

From what I’ve read here on Thunders, (and I’m no expert) people that have said they have had good results, have been found out to be connected with some product or doctor, or just taking the piss in some way.

The people that have had a long history here, are believable, or offer prove, have had disastrous experiences (in general, I’m sure there are a few exceptions).

So, to find someone here that will give some type of positive input on the topic, based on personal experience, will be quite difficult… here on Thunders anyway.

All the bull-shitters, have been sent on there way, along time ago.

I would also be quite cautious what positive results you hear about on other sites as well. The sellers have moved on to easier sites, to push their surgeries.

Now, we above, who have all replied to your query, have answered you in good faith… and spent our valuable time doing it.

We could have just left you hanging, and you would have got no responses.

If you do find someone who seems straight up, please get them to post there experiences… but I think you are going to need more than one to out number the disasters.

Later man, and good luck with your journey ;)

Starting Stats: BPEL 7.0¨ x MEG 5.3¨ (4th Nov 2015)

Current Stats: BPEL 7.83¨ x MEG 5.6¨ (14th June 2018)

The Dream: BPEL 8.1¨ x EG 6.1¨ (Not sure if the wife supports ¨the dream¨)


This all makes sense and I appreciate the replies!

The tone must of come off as irritable.. I think the subject is sensitive for most men.

As someone who has never tried PE manual exercises and is unaware of most surgery procedures, it seems to me that the risks from hanging a weight or squeezing your penis until it looks like it is going to explode are just as high as having a non-invasive surgery.(?)

Out of curiosity, since you started in November, what are your gains? What routine are you using? Our starting stats are pretty much identical. Would love 5.5 EG.

Thanks SG2016

The key for PE is not to squeeze your dick until it looks like it will explode nor to hang a Volkswagen off it. If done correctly it is very safe and effective. You should read.It is in no way riskier than surgery.

Originally Posted by nokeio

As someone who has never tried PE manual exercises and is unaware of most surgery procedures, it seems to me that the risks from hanging a weight or squeezing your penis until it looks like it is going to explode are just as high as having a non-invasive surgery.(?)

Out of curiosity, since you started in November, what are your gains? What routine are you using? Our starting stats are pretty much identical. Would love 5.5 EG.

It’s not necessary to hang weights, clamp, or squeeze your penis until it explodes, to get some nice gains.

You should have a look at the Linear Routine and give it ago for a couple of months. Just be conservative with your Routine, and you shouldn’t put yourself at risk.

I gained 0.5” in length, and 0.12” in shaft girth in 3 months, following this Routine. My glans increased 0.4” in girth in the same period… but everyone is different.

I’m in the process of having a month off at present, after over doing it with the wife a couple of weeks ago ;)

Feel free to have a look at my progress report if you want the full story :)

Starting Stats: BPEL 7.0¨ x MEG 5.3¨ (4th Nov 2015)

Current Stats: BPEL 7.83¨ x MEG 5.6¨ (14th June 2018)

The Dream: BPEL 8.1¨ x EG 6.1¨ (Not sure if the wife supports ¨the dream¨)

Originally Posted by Skygod2016
It’s not necessary to hang weights, clamp, or squeeze your penis until it explodes, to get some nice gains.
You should have a look at the Linear Routine and give it ago for a couple of months. Just be conservative with your Routine, and you shouldn’t put yourself at risk.

I second that. To reinforce the point my experience and observations of many successful PEers at Thunders is that the less is more approach seems to work best. That applies to extending, pumping, manual stretching and jelqing. I have not tried hanging or clamping but suspect the same applies there. Applying heat and taking rest breaks are also common themes. Almost certainly less risky than surgery and also less expensive.



I am new to this, any word on Rosenthal? Success or horror stories? I don’t have the time to dedicate to PE right now and was looking for a quick option.

The replies say PE isn’t about making your dick explode…have you guys read the description for Horse 440s? Squeezing your dick through a 1cm hole is insanity, I can’t imagine how conditioned you have to be.

But in general, PE is safe. As with any exercise, it is all conditioning, to an extent. Few people can start weightlifting for the first time and bench 600 lbs, they work their way towards it for years.

Problem solving with fire.


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