Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Collected wisdom from the vets and good gainers

Originally Posted by db2g
I started PE about a year ago. A now ex-girlfriend made me start. She never said it to me but I innocently overheard her talking to a friend about how I wasn’t big enough to truly satisfy her. I started at 5 NBPEL and 4 EG. I didn’t have enough time to do a full routine because I work full time and I’m working on my masters degree so I only have time to clamp and ADS. After a year I am 6.75 NBPEL and 5 EG. A friend of the ex was in town this week and after giving her seven orgasms in 2 hours I know that Thunders might have been one of the best things to ever happen to me. I’ve been lurking a lot because I’m still a little afraid to talk openly about this but after tonight I know that I’ve done the right thing. Thank you to everyone on these boards for giving me the courage to do PE and to all those haven’t had any gains yet, persistence, determination, positive thinking, and patience are my keys to gains.

Great gains man.

Lite grips have always worked for me. Keep PE in the pleasure zone. Don’t hurt yourself!

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by db2g
I started PE about a year ago. A now ex-girlfriend made me start. She never said it to me but I innocently overheard her talking to a friend about how I wasn’t big enough to truly satisfy her. I started at 5 NBPEL and 4 EG. I didn’t have enough time to do a full routine because I work full time and I’m working on my masters degree so I only have time to clamp and ADS. After a year I am 6.75 NBPEL and 5 EG. A friend of the ex was in town this week and after giving her seven orgasms in 2 hours I know that Thunders might have been one of the best things to ever happen to me. I’ve been lurking a lot because I’m still a little afraid to talk openly about this but after tonight I know that I’ve done the right thing. Thank you to everyone on these boards for giving me the courage to do PE and to all those haven’t had any gains yet, persistence, determination, positive thinking, and patience are my keys to gains.

Congratulations on your gains, and if there is any justice in the universe, your ex will get the word back on your gains via her friend.

We didn’t give you the courage to do PE, though. You can take full credit for that yourself. It’s all here, but it’s up to the individual to make it happen. You did, and you are reaping the benefits.

And thanks for sharing your experience. Someone else is going to read this and decide to take the leap of faith to do what they’ve always been told was impossible, and you will be part of his success story.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

This is an awesome thread! Very inspiring stories. You guys are great, thank you for sharing your experiences and opening up like that. Just now I got more motivated than ever.

Relaxing during your PE session may give you better results, keep it in the pleasure zone.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Real success stories are the best motivators. Especially from people that been here for a while posting in the forums.

Just measured this am and my cock is now 40% bigger than it was 8 months ago!. My erect length is a full inch bigger from 6.8 bpel to 7.8 bpel 6 nbpel to 7nbpel and my girth is 1/2 bigger 5.7 to 6.2 (6.375 at base). I now officially have a big cock and I owe it all to the thoughts and encouragement of people on this board!. Considering that 9 months ago, I thought this was all a scam and bullshit, thats a great turn around.

Thank you all and have a great year. Remember, it’s not a race, it’s a marathon, and persistence, determination and consistency will pay off big time.

Toobsnake I had no idea you have been so successful, I am hoping to put on an inch around every 8 month’s and its great motivation to read about your gains.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

I haven’t been on the site nor done any PE in about a year. I started 3 years ago at 49 yoa, 5.5 BPEL, didn’t know to measure mid shaft but was 5.5 circumference at the base (widest point). Doing jelqs and simple stretchs for the first six months when I was surpised that the wife started making comments about “he’s feels bigger.” Encouraged I then did some haning first with a Capt. Winch, then the RediStrecher (really nice) and the Bowflex (also really nice). I also told her what I was doing and she was cool with it, I just sat on the bowflex with this gizmo on by crank while she sat on the couch watching TV.

Unfortunately my wife being somewhat older than me, started complaining about discomfort so I stopped cold turkey at 7.5+ BPEL and 5.5 mid/6.75 base girth. In fact when I didn’t stop at her first complaint she started accusing me of doing it for another woman (listen, listen, listen) so I stopped then. This was after about 18-24 months of regular but not overly intense PE. After a year off I’m now at 7.25+ BPEL, 5.2mid/6.5 base girth and am thinking about starting again. I do not know if the wife has become more comfortable since we don’t’ get together sexually more than 2 or 3 x/month, but I’m hoping with her hormone replacement therapy that it doesn’t cause any more discomfort. None the less, I will probably start again in “stealth mode” rather than let her know I’m starting back up to see what reaction I get.

In short (pardon the pun), this shit does work for the majority of guys, but you have to stick with it, I doubt anyone is as skeptical as I was in the beginning, but I am a convert for sure.

Guys, you are an inspiration to all of us!

Well, reading things like this I take courage to do the exercises. Sometimes I want to give up; but I say myself I have to continue. Their experiences are very interesting.

Wow, reading the exp`s of you guys just gave me a lot of determination to pursue PE, I’m very inconsistent due to time, but right now, I feel like I have enough time to get in on.

I love this thread!

O recently started two weeks ago. It seems everyone gains at different speeds, I hope to jump on the fast track. I’m currently at 5.6 NBPEL and 4.5 girth, looking to eventually be 8 x 6. Short term goal is 6.5 by Sept 15th, my bday. And 7 by End of year. I’ve been consistent with my workouts, I only take monday and fridays off. Hope I’m not over training, my obsession will not allow me to do one on one off. Also, I’m taking ProSolution and Vimax, figured it can’t hurt. Started fofers today. Just randomly through the day for 30-60 mins as allowed. Any advice from gainers? Thank you. This has been a GREAT resource.

I also started PE just two weeks ago because of a recent ex. I know this isn’t going tohelp me win her back, but I don’t want to run into this issue again. Never had complaints before, not about size or satisfaction, but there’s a first time for everything. I’m currently avg at 5.6 NBPEL and 4.5 girth. Working toward 8x6. Wish me luck, any advice appreciated.


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