Thunder's Place

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What causes a small penis?


What causes a small penis?

After browsing on the net checking up the average sizes and all I’ve found out the the average length is like 5.5-6.5 and thats probably not even bone pressed. Which makes me slightly under average. I’m starting to wonder what actually determines natural penis size. What is it that causes some people to be blessed and others to be burned? I also wonder if there is anything that could be done in puberty to make sure that the penis has a good size when all the natural growing is done. Besides what is a better gift to your son, nephew, grandson, brother, cousin or alter boy than an 8 X 6 dick?

This world has no place for people with penis’s under 6 inches. We all know that women want a size that is at least average so why should anybody have to suffer through being under average? If there was some kind of thing to eat or not eat or some way to excercise, you bet I would tell my son (if I ever have one) there is no way I would let him suffer through life.

BTW can this thread be moved to the Main forum? I would post it there if I could.


That’s a good question. Thankfully it’s a question with a relatively straightforward answer.

Penis size is determined by genetics. You inherited your penis size from your mother and father. So at the moment of conception the die was cast. Yet there are factors in your diet and environment that can affect the final outcome.

We can think of your DNA as a blueprint. In this blueprint are the specs for your penis size. During critical growth periods in your life, your body grew your penis to the specs that are encoded in your DNA. Once the goal (specified by your DNA blueprint) was reached, growth stopped.

Obviously your body used vast amounts of energy and resources to grow your penis. Resources like sugars and proteins to grow the new tissue. And of course, these resources came from the food you ate. So diet does have an impact. You can’t build a skyscraper unless you have enough bricks.

On the flip side, if the blueprint only calls for a two story building, you can’t convince your body to add floors simply by providing more bricks.

If you’d like to insure that Maxtro Jr. starts off with a fighting chance, the best you can do is make sure he eats a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise. That’s about all you can do. There is no hormone, supplement, or diet that will cause spontaneous penis growth.

As a side note, I wouldn’t introduce PE techniques to child. It’d be a bit hard to explain to a teacher what little Billy meant when he was overheard saying “Nah, I got to get home right after school. The old man makes me pull my pud for at least an hour before I can go out and play…”

Oh, how I hope and pray that I will, but today I am still just a bill.

I think being circumsized may also be a factor.

Peing since--November 2003

I think that early adulthood (late teens to early 20’s) is like the perfect time to start because thats when I seem to have experienced my best growth! However its never too late to start at any age in order to enhance what was naturally given to you.

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Originally Posted by japanaji
I think being circumsized may also be a factor.

In which way?

A Man behind his mask.

Hmm it never occurred to me that being circumcised could be a factor. I have heard various things about how circumcision is bad for the penis and yes I was circumcised as a baby.

I agree that early adulthood is a good time to start cause thats where I am at now but I do wish that I started last year. And if I did start last year I would have wished that I had started the year before etc.

As teaching Jr. about PE I think the best way would to “accidentally” leave a manual or book on lying around. That way he can do it if he wants to and the blame won’t come to me. But I would prefer to give him some supplements if it were possible.

I really do hope that the only thing that can be done is not just make sure they eat right and get exercises.

I’ve read somewhere that the length of the puberty is an important factor. On the other hand, I have a friend who didn’t start puberty before he was 17, and now he’s got a big dick, so maybe that’s bullshit. Anyway, you can’t choose how long your puberty lasts.

I’ve also read that it’s bad to ride bicycles a lot in that age, because it prevents the blood flow into the penis. Anyway, that’s probably bullshit too.

I guess that it’s like the rest of our bodies, that it’s a combination of genetics and the environment that we grow up in (mostly what we eat). So I guess that means no junk food for your children.

Then when you choose who’s going to be the mother of your children, you might want to check how her brothers and father measure up.

If nothing of this works, and he’s still got a tiny penis when he’s 18, you’ll just have to introduce him to NPE.

Good luck!

I have another question on that puberty topic.

Let’s say im 15, although my growth took place at bit earlier stage of my life, and now I think im near my end of growing.

Is PEing at this point of life can stop any growing I might would have still had to my penis? Or does Peing now only help the penis grow bigger and faster?

I haven’t talked to a whole lot of people about the size of their penis and how it may be related to the age at which he started puberty; however, I have talked to some.

I started puberty when I was 9 years old, and the only thing that has changed since I was 15 years old is hair (I may’ve said 16 in an older post, but I was miscalculating—I as 15 in 8th grade, and 8th grade is when I stopped growing in every way, other than hair).

I’ve found two or three other men who started puberty around the same age that I did, and they all had below 6" penises. I met a guy on a chat client, it’s like a blend of AOL and the SIMS called, it’s called There (see There - The online virtual world that is your everyday hangout) and he makes the fifth person that I know for sure started puberty late and has a big dick.

I don’t know if there’s anything to it, but it’s something that I’ve been interested in for a very long time.

Those of you who started early, do you feel like your penis is small or on the smaller end of average?

Those of you who started puberty late, how was the state of your penis pre-PE? Big, small, average?

Just for the hell of it, if you started puberty at around the right time, how did your tool turn out?

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

Originally Posted by Johan
In which way?

I’ll bite. I think he’s probably saying circumsision just because when someone is circumsized, he loses blood vessels. I’m gonna go ahead and walk though. There’s no evidence (that I know of) backing it up.

Oh, and I was a late bloomer. Ended up with a 6.5 bp penis pre PE.

Other than genetics, It’s my personal belief that the mothers diet (while she’s pregnant) plays a big role. Certain drugs that the mother may take during the pregnancy may cause micro-penis. I know drugs that prevent miscariages have been known to cause micro-penis.

Also, pre-pubecent boys who drink tap water with high estrogen content will not develop to their full potential. High estrogen in the water??? Here’s how it happens: Women take birth control pills, whatever hormone that is not used is excreted in the urine. That urine goes into our water supply… Something to think about.


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

Originally Posted by JAPP

Also, pre-pubecent boys who drink tap water with high estrogen content will not develop to their full potential. High estrogen in the water??? Here’s how it happens: Women take birth control pills, whatever hormone that is not used is excreted in the urine. That urine goes into our water supply… Something to think about.

Then perhaps you should let your kid grow up next to a gym, to get him to drink testosterone rich water…

Damn, now I gotta get an estrogen filter. Who makes those? Water pik?

Originally Posted by Maxtro

This world has no place for people with penis’s under 6 inches. We all know that women want a size that is at least average so why should anybody have to suffer through being under average? If there was some kind of thing to eat or not eat or some way to excercise, you bet I would tell my son (if I ever have one) there is no way I would let him suffer through life.

I don’t think you would really want to pass any of these concepts on to your children. This is a pretty extreme attitude and would probably be damaging to a kid’s self-image. It would be best just to provide an environment where he, if you ever have him, feels secure in his body and/or asking you questions about it.

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