Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Pe workout for taller guys

Pe workout for taller guys

Hello, I just joined yesterday. I have a few questions and have not started using any techniques yet. I am a very tall fellow and was wondering if I could get the feedback or help from other PEers who are tall like six foot three and plus. I was womdering if certain techniques seem to work better or worse on a taller framed person. I am posting this in the newbie section cause i feel it to be the best place to ask.

I myself stand in at six feet eleven inches in height and weigh about 265 lbs. I enjoy this forum much. But a want to have a more representitive “piece” of what everyone thinks I have. Could you please help? Thanks!

hey TT

I was a little over 6’4” last time I measured, shoes off, but that might have changed since then since I’m still growing (slowly!)
still not near your impressive stature, but close enough to be able to tell you that I do not believe that there are any more effective workouts/exercises depending on one’s height.
I’ve had no troubles with any of the exercises really…..

but that may depend on your height/penis ratio….Mine’s pretty ok so I’m just like an average guy but a bit bigger.
what are your stats ‘down stairs’? It might help to know..

Pe workout for taller guys

Now exactly how do I best measure it? I know with a ruler but just straight from base to end or to the pubic bone pressed?

Pe workout for taller guys

I have yet to really do anything. But my question is to everyone is it easiest to chase girth or length. i would like both. But don’t want it to be the size of a tuna can around for just girth and a stick of spaghetti for length. How do i balance both without rubbing my dick off like an old eraser from gradeschool on the back of a pencil? Any ideas here/ They would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


PE works it doesn’t matter if your 5-5 or 6-11 I’m 6-3
the problem we tall guys have is that our package will look smaller in ratio to our body.


Thanks Dino! I just did not want to waste my time rubbing on my dick like some genie was going to pop out and grant me three wishes!

Height and PE

I’m 6-5. PE is definitely not height-specific. With all these replies and knowing that some of the other participants on this board and the EZ Board forums are tall, I’m wondering if tall people are drawn to PE because their dick size does not measure up to the rest of their body. That is certainly the case for me; notwithstanding tales of huge dicks in the NBA.


Twatteaser— See my measurement pics in the Memebers pics section, and also a discussion on Bone Pressed or not BP in Sizemeisters thread on his new measurement databse.


PS— I would have thought that “twatstretcher” was closed to the mark….even if that’s your aim rather than the current status…..

Originally posted by dino775

PE works it doesn't matter if your 5-5 or 6-11 I'm 6-3
the problem we tall guys have is that our package will look smaller in ratio to our body.


Has anybody ever explored this ratio? I’ve seen measurement tables based on wrist and ankle measurements but strangely, there was nothing about penis size.

I think the optimum for me would be 9” because my finger span and forearm length are both 9”. It’s a great goal anyway.



How are you measuring finger span? My forarm lenght is only 7” (measuring from bend at elbow to bend at wrist, with both bent at the time). I am only 6’0”.

by the way, don’t worry about height having any effect on the excercises you use, just go for it. Some say to go for alternating days between girth and length. Why not try that for awhile… but whatever you choose just get to it!!!!!

Re: hmmm...

Originally posted by Hugeness
How are you measuring finger span? My forarm lenght is only 7” (measuring from bend at elbow to bend at wrist, with both bent at the time). I am only 6'0”.

Well, there goes that idea.

I just spread my fingers out as far as I can and get a ruler and measure from tip of thumb to tip of little finger.

I just checked - now it’s 9 1/2 and 9 3/4. Must be all that squeezing I’ve been doing. Hey guys, here’s a great way to make your fingers longer!

Oh yeah, I am only 5’8”.


hehe damn, I thought I was tall befor ethis thread hehe ;)

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