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Newbie Routine Timing Question

Newbie Routine Timing Question

Greetings. I’ve spent the last couple of weeks lurking and reading as much as possible. I’m just about ready to begin the Newbie Routine. (I have no previous PE experience.) I’m trying to do this discreetly; I’d rather my wife not know what I’m doing because “I’m tugging on my dick to make it bigger” would probably sound pretty ridiculous. I also want to see how long it takes before she notices a change on her own. Anyway, since I’m trying to do this on the sly, locking myself in the bathroom for 35-40 minutes a day isn’t really an option. Here’s my plan, please let me know what you think:

First thing in the morning: stretching exercises in the shower.

At the office: kegels at my desk while working.

In the evening: lock myself in the bathroom long enough to perform the jelqing portion of the Newbie Routine (with a proper warm up, of course).

What do you guys think? It seems like the stretching/jelq/kegel parts of the routine all target different things, so I’m hoping there’s no disadvantage to separating them like this. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Shouldn’t be any disadvantage in splitting up your routine this way. And remember, you can do kegels anytime. While you’re driving, in the elevator, while sitting through boring and pointless corporate meetings…And the shower is also a great place to jelq!

While I can understand your hesitation in telling your wife, personally, I was never more glad than when I got tired of having to do PE on the sly and told my wife. She was very cool about it and what was a (perceived) problem suddenly became a non-issue. Of course, that was just my experience. Not every partner would be as understanding.

Welcome to the forum, and good luck.

:_pump: :donatecar

Thanks for the advice. I will tell my wife eventually, but I’d rather wait until I have some results to show for it. You have to admit, all of this probably seems pretty silly at first glance.

I have the same issue. I have been doing mainly jelq morning and stretch in the evening. Bus is good for kegels. I have only been going two months. Will not measure again till june, but the newbie routine seems to be working even though I split it up. I take weekends off btw.

I am in the same position.. So I am in the bathroom in the morning and wet jelqing in the gym. I didnt think about kegels while at work, thats a good idea. I havent said anything to my wife either, I want to see how long it will take till she notices ;)

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