Thunder's Place

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How to get a curved penis

Nobody is ever happy with their dick. If it’s bent they want it straightened, if it’s straight they want it bent!

Anyway my advise is to do V/A stretches, preferably with an aid like a pool cue or you can just use your finger/arm. Then jelq bending it in that direction too. You might have success after sometime. P.S I want mine straight.

Originally Posted by donttazemebro
Seems no one is remembering how they got their bend in the first place. Most are started in a boy’s youth when he begins to masturbate in a particular way, with a left or right handed manner and such.

It’s interesting that you should mention that. In my youth, I used to sleep in the “prone” position (on my belly) due to sleep apnea issues. Coupled with night erections, I believe that is how I got my upward curve (dry humping).

An upward curve is probably the consequence of a short dorsal tunica, so I can’t see how you can achieve an upward curve: you should lengthen the ventral side, but there tunica is about completely elastic so will be kinda impossible to elongate that part permanently.

Despite what many believe, curves are not caused by masturbation: just think that most of people are right handed whilst most penises have a curve to the left.

Originally Posted by marinera
/forum/poll.php … esults&pollid=3

I don’t think which hand you use is what his theory stated. It was how you stroke it. Like squeezing it upward as opposed to just smooth straight strokes.

Originally Posted by salvatti
LOL I spend a crap load of time trying to get rid of my curve, and this dude wants to know how to get his TO curve. Buddy if I could give you mine it would be yours.

Just what I was thinking. I’d trade with him if I could, haha.

I think the right-handed but left bend inclination supports the masturbation caused curve theory. Think of the motion (and yes I tested this with my own ding-dong): the entire lower arm typically would move in something of an arc with the elbow being the arc’s center. As the masturbator’s stroke moves downward towards the base of the ding-dong the pinky & ring fingers would be pressing slightly towards the right through the stroke while, concurrently, the web between the thumb & forefinger would be applying LEFTWARD pressure to the glans end of it. This is how I correctly guessed that the link to the survey would show 1. Most men (all people for that matter) are right handed and that 2. The most common bend would be to some degree to the left. Also most of us first get into our wanking ways when we’re young and our ding-dongs are in a natural growth state which is why this directional effect is almost always (I would guess) established in our teen years and is rarely changed in our post puberty years. Still though I would think that the principles involved in PE can be used to create a bend over a long time.

Start: April 2012 BPEL 5¼" x EG 4¾"----> July 2012 BPEL 5¾" x EG 4⅞"

First goal: 6"x5"

Long Term Goal: 8"x5¾"

Originally Posted by Thegymnast

Thank you, the only helpful comment so far.

Wasn’t trying to be unhelpful, just pointing out that it’s probably not something that’ll have an easy or quick solution. Good luck with it, upward curves rock.

Originally Posted by Thegymnast
I don’t think which hand you use is what his theory stated. It was how you stroke it. Like squeezing it upward as opposed to just smooth straight strokes.

Originally Posted by donttazemebro
I think the right-handed but left bend inclination supports the masturbation caused curve theory. ….


We are educated thinking that masturbation is bad and that some kind of negative consequence will come - less virility, curved penis, less gains…whatever.

Common sense should be enough to understand that it is highly unlikely that masturbation can have so bad consequences, but for the sake of the inquiry one can look at the results of the poll: most of people have a left curve, no matter if they are right-handed or left handed. Of course, despite that, there will be people that will go on thinking that masturbation deformes their dicks, no matter any proof or argument. Just human nature, superstitions are very hard to die.

Just for clarification I don’t think (and didn’t mean) that it’s a bad or negative thing. I think it just is what it is, neither good or bad unless it makes sex uncomfortable for either you or your partner.

Start: April 2012 BPEL 5¼" x EG 4¾"----> July 2012 BPEL 5¾" x EG 4⅞"

First goal: 6"x5"

Long Term Goal: 8"x5¾"

Originally Posted by marinera

We are educated thinking that masturbation is bad and that some kind of negative consequence will come - less virility, curved penis, less gains.whatever.

Common sense should be enough to understand that it is highly unlikely that masturbation can have so bad consequences, but for the sake of the inquiry one can look at the results of the poll: most of people have a left curve, no matter if they are right-handed or left handed. Of course, despite that, there will be people that will go on thinking that masturbation deformes their dicks, no matter any proof or argument. Just human nature, superstitions are very hard to die.

I don’t think the hand really matters that much unless you are tugging/stroking it to the side. If the way you masturbate causes your dick to curve it would be because of HOW you stroke it. Maybe you are twisting your hand while you stroke or you hand is angled upwards or the way you apply pressure as you stroke it etc.

Yes. Experiment stroking it when flaccid and using the same technique and see whether you get a curvature.

I use the right hand and get a curvature to the left when doing this experiment. Just like my erection, slightly towards the left.

So, using the right hand doesn’t mean the curvature should go to the right. It has to do with the hand shape.

Or yout astrologic sign, lol.

Originally Posted by donttazemebro
…he’d stop playing the video game or whatever we were doing and just start whackin it shamelessly…

Well, there you go, Thegymnast. Video games.

Originally Posted by donttazemebro
Seems no one is remembering how they got their bend in the first place. Most are started in a boy’s youth when he begins to masturbate in a particular way, with a left or right handed manner and such. I had a friend in middle school who was a chronic masturbator, 3, 4, 5 times or more a day and he had a serious upward and to right curve (he wasn’t modest at all, he’d stop playing the video game or whatever we were doing and just start whackin it shamelessly.. Kinda weird I know and no he nor I were/are gay). Anyway his curve followed his stroke, no joke. Even my ding-dong has a slight upward bend from my “technique”. Next time you’re spanking it slow down the stroke and you’ll see what I mean. That Perionne’s (sp?) disease I think is probably is not was causes most curves or bends in mens’ units. I suppose if you think about it it does make perfect PE sense that if jelqing, stretching, & hanging and the like can affect the size & shape of your ding-dong then surely years of whackin it would be likely to do the some altering of the shape.
Suggestion: try changing up how you’re spankin it with a stroke (not too vigorously) that favors the direction of the bend you want. Maybe use the other hand? Someone once told me it’s like banging a whole different girl. LoL.

Wow, really? I have a downward curve and I thought a couple times that it might be due to the fact that the boxers that I used in highschool had no give and led to painful erections if they got caught in the middle, but then I just dismissed that. I guess I was right. I stopped using them once I was around 18 ( I’m twenty now) because I couldn’t stand how they couldn’t stretch. Why did I use boxers you ask? To sag my pants like a douche.

Anyways, why would you want a curve? I wish I didn’t have mine since it makes it look slightly shorter. Though at 8.25” BPEL, it will never look too short, so I don’t care much.


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