Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hi. I'm new. What I've learned and some questions.

Hi. I'm new. What I've learned and some questions.

I’ve been around here for a couple monthes and read most of what I could. Sadly I couldn’t ask any questions till now.
I started with the newbie routine and noticed a difference within the first week or so.

But I had other issues to deal with first. Mainly I’ve learned that as a result of my health, my erections suffered aswell. From sept 2007 till december I gained about 20LBS from partying, reduced work load and stopping usage of an Anti depressant I was on. The Last one no doubt affected me alot in both areas. So instead of focusing just on PE I’ve begun to work on the other easier to deal with underlying issues. Weight, back down to 190 and supplements. At the moment I am taking multi vitamins and korean ginseng. The later does seem to increase erection quality. Try it.
As well as diet and exercise.

Now my questions.

1) How can I increase flacid lenght. And does it even matter? Soft I am not big at all. Hard I am on a good day 6x5. But my flacid lenght has lead to alot of psychological issues. I won’t even begin to explain but I’m sure some of you know what I mean. Jealousy being the biggest. I am also what you would probably describe as addicted to porn, so that doesnt help either. I’m working on this.

2) What other supplements/vitamins help in the erection quality department?

3) Are you supposed to cum after PE’ing? Probably a basic question but I’m not sure since my penis is always much smaller after orgasm then any other time. But since I just spent 15 min playing with it, I think why not just finish? Is this an Issue?

4) Not PE related but might aswell ask. How long do withdrawl symptoms from anti depressants usually last? Wellbutrin 300/mg daily for 9 monthes.

5) Am I crazy? Is 6 x 5 small? I’ve never had any complaints or anything as a result of size only. I’ve been watching porn on a regular basis for 10 years. Not the erotica but hardcore internet porn since I was 13. That and my flacid size has severly lead to some confidence issues. How can I get over this?

1) How can I increase flaccid length?

Fow’s "Fowfer" and Other Routines

And does it even matter?

In my opinion, no. Your dick is for fucking. That can’t occur until it’s hard. Until then it’s in a resting state and the size of the organ in that state makes no difference to the job at hand.

Soft I am not big at all. Hard I am on a good day 6x5. But my flacid lenght has lead to alot of psychological issues. I won't even begin to explain but I'm sure some of you know what I mean.

You aren’t the only one. It’s a big deal to some of the men here.

Jealousy being the biggest.

Jealousy is a waste of time. The guy with the bigger flaccid doesn’t know or care that you’re bothered and making yourself upset about it won’t make your flaccid any larger.

I am also what you would probably describe as addicted to porn, so that doesn't help either. I'm working on this.

Porn has nothing to do with your flaccid except to feed your insecurities. It can affect your performance when having sex. Knowing that you’re addicted is the first step to recovery.

Porn addiction problems and Porn Addiction

2) What other supplements/vitamins help in the erection quality department?


3) Are you supposed to cum after PE'ing? Probably a basic question but I'm not sure since my penis is always much smaller after orgasm then any other time. But since I just spent 15 min playing with it, I think why not just finish? Is this an Issue?

You bet it’s an issue: The “Does Sex/Masturbation Hinder Gains” Debate

My opinion is that the growth you produce by PE exercises is not reversed, limited or hindered by the occasional, natural shrinkage that follows ejaculation. Others disagree. You do what you have to do to feel good about yourself. I always “finished” after my PE workouts and I gained. So have others who regularly have sex with their partners.

4) Not PE related but might as well ask. How long do withdrawal symptoms from anti depressants usually last? Wellbutrin 300/mg daily for 9 months.

Few of us are qualified to answer your question. Try this: Wellbutrin: Uses, Side Effects, Dosages, Precautions

5) Am I crazy? Is 6 x 5 small?


I've never had any complaints or anything as a result of size only.

That should tell you something.

I've been watching porn on a regular basis for 10 years. Not the erotica but hardcore internet porn since I was 13. That and my flacid size has severly lead to some confidence issues. How can I get over this?

Talk to your psychiatrist or whomever prescribed the Wellbutrin. They’re trained to help you overcome issues. All we can do is reassure you that you’re actually slightly above normal size and that doing PE will only make it better. You have to accept that and believe it. Otherwise you’re probably wasting your time.

I corrected all of your spelling mistakes as I replied. Please use the spell checker when you post. Thanks.

Well done westla. You really make an effort to help people out, I’d say alot of time went into that.

No doubt! Great response!

Yes thank you very much.

Jus an aside:

You hear a lot about this “locker room pride” business. It’s ridiculous. As westla said, it’s a waste of time. It’s insane that anyone should suffer from mental issues because of this. Firstly, anybody who looks at other men’s penises in locker rooms, let alone in order to compare them, has a bit of a problem to begin with, and secondly, smaller flaccid penises have more growth potential. Thirdly, erections are what matter.

:monty: Don\'t forget your KEGELS! :monty:

Oh yeah.

I don’t mean in any way to ridicule 083128 personally, of course, just the mentality of locker-room penis-watching.

:monty: Don\'t forget your KEGELS! :monty:

Well westla, while fucking is indeed the function of dicks, non-functionality related aesthetics can be important for some. I for one care about the size of the flaccid penis. I want to be able to go nude dipping, take nude saunas, or be comfortable taking my clothes of in the gym. Non of these activities show the size of erect penis. While it does not truly matter, I personally would never do any of these things with my 3” flaccid. It’s too humiliating. I think having a bigger flaccid length would add a little magic to my life. :)

I would take a bigger erect penis over a bigger flaccid any day ! :)

Past: 5-5.5" BPEL x 4.5" GIRTH

Present: 7.55" BPEL x 5.55" GIRTH (1 year progress)

Future: 8-9" BPEL x 6" GIRTH


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