Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



I am due to be circumcised on the 19Th. I had an accident with my girl, she basically jumped straight on me and tore my foreskin into about 6 slices. It’s healed and looks completely normal, but the sheer agony of this made me go to the doctors and ask for the operation thus preventing it ever happening again. I mean there was blood squirting from all angles and it was horrifyingly painful.

Whom of you have been circumcised at a later age (I’m 19 on the 1st of September) and what advice can you give me on coping with the pain etc..

Once healed, will it look completely normal or will it look unattractive? What are possible issues after the operation?


P.S. Once the skin is removed and healed, will that prevent me from PE? Meaning the loss of foreskin, would it prevent me from stretching to my true potential?


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