Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

7x5.5 Is The New 8x6. Downsides Of Having A Huge Dick

Originally Posted by djloomis

Listen bro, I get what your saying. 7 inches just isn’t enough. I’m at 7.5 and let me tell you, it sucks trying to get that last 2 inches in. I think its more painful and tedious for me than it is for her, because that last two inches just isn’t suppost to be that far in there. My point is this, if a woman is truly your’s she will be there, from 2-18 inches or whatever your initial goal is to be. She will get used to it and if you are faithful she will be too. My Goal is to put the fear of god into this broad, and until she tells me she can’t take it anymore I’m going to keep pulling until I’m just a big fat dickhead. Ladies calling me that will ONLY provoke me. I’m sorry 10 inches isn’t enough. And if your going to measure girth use a fucking ruler, you pussy. Thunder, out.

Look, if your girl is down, she’s down. But an 18 inch dick? Are you serious or are you trolling? That’s almost two feet! You say 10 is not enough, how do you know? You only have 7.5. Bone pressed I’m over 8. But hey, it’s your dick bro if that’s how you feel, I hope reach your goals. We can disagree but going argue mentum ad hominem and calling someone a pussy just because our perspectives are different, that’s not cool. It just tells me you have nothing else intelligent to say. I hope you reach your goals bro, no hard feelings.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
I agree with you, NavyDick. Based on my experiences having over 8x6, I believe that if a guy simply wants the best, most versatile sex life with the widest variety of women, 7x5.5 is more than enough.

If a guy has settled down with a woman for whom 8x6 or more poses no hindrances on their sex life, then that’s one thing. But for most of us, aiming for 8x6 or greater is about male ego, as others have said in this thread. I recently wrote in another thread:

I began PE thinking I was doing it to be able to pleasure my partners to the maximum. Now I think it’s been more about my narcissism and vanity :)

By the way, I’d say that although 8x6+ is larger than “ideal” for most women, and does create some tradeoffs in one’s sex life, being larger than ideal is not a dealbreaker or even a big deal for most women — in exactly the same way that a smaller-than-ideal-for-them dick is not a dealbreaker or a big deal to many women.

Great analogy with bodybuilding. No disagreements here

Originally Posted by NavyDick
Are you serious or are you trolling?

If you have to ask, ND, you probably already know the answer.

Originally Posted by Ferservadu2

If you have to ask, ND, you probably already know the answer.

True, very true lol

Ok so when you say 7x5.5, is it BP or NBP?

start stats :7.7x5.8 (2014-06-02 ) / Short term goal : 8x6 (achieved on 2014-06-14 and 2014-04-23 respectively)

Mid term goal : 8.5x6.5 (achieved on 2020-06-21 after 6 years break.)

Long term goal : 9x7

Originally Posted by Belli Devs

Ok so when you say 7x5.5, is it BP or NBP?


Try to have an impressive dick, rather than an intimidating one. Bigger is not always better. Find a happy medium


In the first post I warned you about the answers you will get !

Originally Posted by sr. Spock


In the first post I warned you about the answers you will get !

You sure did LOL. Rookie mistake

Try to have an impressive dick, rather than an intimidating one. Bigger is not always better. Find a happy medium

What Navydick is saying about the ideal size is pretty much what Firegoat says though in a different way.

The fear of not having enough is what motivates almost all of us here. It’s great that ND is very happy with his size and not wanting to be any bigger BUT that is also an opinion coming from someone who ALREADY has a big ‘un naturally.

Maybe the the better perspective would be from those that went from the less than or equal to a 7” start to growing to/past the 8” mark. Most testimonials I’ve heard are positive, some where the lady didn’t seem to notice, and the a rare few who regretted going too big for said lady.

I personally would get a minor thrill from getting the “pant drop then jaw drop” thing but what would matter most to me would be how hard I could make/help to her cum and leaving her wanting more. I can see a female having some regrets if after getting pounded by a huge guy she spends the next day or so sore & uncomfortable. I think I too would prefer her to be fiending for my ding-dong the next day rather than recovering from it.

ND & FG are making me rethink my original 8x6 goal just a bit.

Start: April 2012 BPEL 5¼" x EG 4¾"----> July 2012 BPEL 5¾" x EG 4⅞"

First goal: 6"x5"

Long Term Goal: 8"x5¾"

I made a similar thread some time ago about the downsides of big girth, basically making similar points as the OP. I was actually surprised by the range of responses it got. Everything from whole hearted agreement to I’m insane and don’t know what I’m talking about to it’s like like a millionaire complaining about having too much money. What it really showed me was that even though we are all here for the same ultimate reason, to get a bigger dick, the reason behind that varies widely. Some men are on the small side and just want to get to average. Others are already big, but want to be porn star big. Some were grounded in reality and others wanted to reach mythical sizes. At the end of the day I think the question you have to ask yourself is why you want a bigger dick. Is it for you or for your partner? I’ve never had a complaint about being small and have received many comments about my girth. My wife is perfectly happy with my dick the way it is. Based on that, I realized that this is something I’m doing for myself. I want a bigger dick because on some level I think it would make me feel better or more confident. At the same time, I understand that there is a risk that if I’m successful in my goal, my wife may in fact NOT like it. When we got together she struggled to accommodate my girth but after 10 years together and two children she doesn’t have the same problem. I’d like to think that if I’m getting bigger over time, she would be able to adjust as well.

In any case, I agree with the OP and I think it’s important to realize that what we see in porn and the societal pressures we often feel do not reflect reality. I’m not sure what the currently accepted average BPEL is, but I think the internet has done much to contribute to men feeling smaller than they actually are. It’s easy to find big cock porn and even if you aren’t looking for that, the actors you see are usually above average. Even amateur posters are probably more likely to be above average because of the emphasis on being big. Worse, small penis hate (SPH) sites frequently mock men who are well in the average range making the average viewer feel bad for no reason…

I’m starting to rant, so I’ll just cut myself off with a lot of unfinished thoughts lol.

Starting measurements May 31,2012 BPEL:6.4" MSEG:6.25" Base Girth 6.9" My pics

Short term goal---------------------BPEL: 7" MSEG:6.25"

My thread on the downsides of big girth: Big Girth - The Downside

Originally Posted by donttazemebro
What Navydick is saying about the ideal size is pretty much what Firegoat says though in a different way.

The fear of not having enough is what motivates almost all of us here. It’s great that ND is very happy with his size and not wanting to be any bigger BUT that is also an opinion coming from someone who ALREADY has a big ‘un naturally.

Maybe the the better perspective would be from those that went from the less than or equal to a 7” start to growing to/past the 8” mark. Most testimonials I’ve heard are positive, some where the lady didn’t seem to notice, and the a rare few who regretted going too big for said lady.

I personally would get a minor thrill from getting the “pant drop then jaw drop” thing but what would matter most to me would be how hard I could make/help to her cum and leaving her wanting more. I can see a female having some regrets if after getting pounded by a huge guy she spends the next day or so sore & uncomfortable. I think I too would prefer her to be fiending for my ding-dong the next day rather than recovering from it.

ND & FG are making me rethink my original 8x6 goal just a bit.

Yea, the media as well as women has really screwed with a lot of guys heads, guys that are perfectly fine or even large think they are small.

Try to have an impressive dick, rather than an intimidating one. Bigger is not always better. Find a happy medium

Originally Posted by Thickhouse
I made a similar thread some time ago about the downsides of big girth, basically making similar points as the OP. I was actually surprised by the range of responses it got. Everything from whole hearted agreement to I’m insane and don’t know what I’m talking about to it’s like like a millionaire complaining about having too much money. What it really showed me was that even though we are all here for the same ultimate reason, to get a bigger dick, the reason behind that varies widely. Some men are on the small side and just want to get to average. Others are already big, but want to be porn star big. Some were grounded in reality and others wanted to reach mythical sizes. At the end of the day I think the question you have to ask yourself is why you want a bigger dick. Is it for you or for your partner? I’ve never had a complaint about being small and have received many comments about my girth. My wife is perfectly happy with my dick the way it is. Based on that, I realized that this is something I’m doing for myself. I want a bigger dick because on some level I think it would make me feel better or more confident. At the same time, I understand that there is a risk that if I’m successful in my goal, my wife may in fact NOT like it. When we got together she struggled to accommodate my girth but after 10 years together and two children she doesn’t have the same problem. I’d like to think that if I’m getting bigger over time, she would be able to adjust as well.

In any case, I agree with the OP and I think it’s important to realize that what we see in porn and the societal pressures we often feel do not reflect reality. I’m not sure what the currently accepted average BPEL is, but I think the internet has done much to contribute to men feeling smaller than they actually are. It’s easy to find big cock porn and even if you aren’t looking for that, the actors you see are usually above average. Even amateur posters are probably more likely to be above average because of the emphasis on being big. Worse, small penis hate (SPH) sites frequently mock men who are well in the average range making the average viewer feel bad for no reason..

I’m starting to rant, so I’ll just cut myself off with a lot of unfinished thoughts lol.

That was a great rant bro lol

Try to have an impressive dick, rather than an intimidating one. Bigger is not always better. Find a happy medium

How Big Is Too Big?

What’s good fellas. I’m not going to go into a long soliloquy as I usually do, but before you give an answer I wanna talk a little about how the media, girls and porn has messed up our minds about penis size that we’ve lost some sense of reality. And to some extent, even us men.

On my last post, I talked about something similar. Thickhouse and donttazemebro brought up some really good points, which gave me the idea to start this thread. I’ve heard many girls ask guys how big were they. Navy girls are very straight forward. And 9 times out of 10, the guy says, “I’m 8 inches”, even though he knows he’s smaller. Or they would say, “I’ve had no complaints.” Because almost every guy says he’s 8, girls must think this is an average. So if you ask them what’s your ideal size, they come up with a crazy number. I remember talking to this one girl, and we started talking about what we liked during sex, and size came up. I asked her what’s the smallest size she thinks she would enjoy. This woman said, “he has to be at least 11” to even have a chance with me.” At that moment, I realized girls have no knowledge about sizes, at all. I remember my girl and her girlfriends came over my place to hang out. And size came up. I was ease dropping, playing Madden. My girl told them I had a 10 1/2 inch cock. Of course I wasn’t gonna stand up and say, “no baby, it’s closer to 8.” Lol. I must admit it felt pretty damn good cause you can just see the girls change, and trying to look at my bulge, as I had on sweat pants. Since then they even look at me differently.

Concerning porn, most of the erect dicks we’ve seen was porn actors, who are usually huge. So those images gets seared into our brains thinking, “yea, that’s the right size. I wanna be that big.” Not thinking these are not the norm.

And in the media, if it’s found out some guy has a small penis he gets ridiculed and is considered less than a man. Girls even use this when they break up with their boyfriends. They say things like, “that’s why you have a little dick” because they know most men are sensitive to this subject. But when they was dating, that “small dick” was no problem for her then. Girls will even say this, in front of a crowd just to get a reaction even when she’s knows your packing.

These pressures has become so immense that some people here wants horse dicks, the biggest they can achieve. And if that’s what you want to do, go ahead bro. Do what makes you happy. But we forget, as thickhouse said, at what price? You want to have a huge dick just to have one? Or do you want to be a better lover?

I’m sorry, I did go on a long soliloquy, but what size you think is too big to have?

Try to have an impressive dick, rather than an intimidating one. Bigger is not always better. Find a happy medium

I merged this thread with the ‘How big is too big’, since they are pretty much on the same topic.

This thread has now made me want to give up PE.

I am 6.5x5.5 and my now ex-girlfriend was quite petite and always rounded her back if I was >1/2 deep in doggy. I frequently made her sore and hurt her in several ways down there including hitting the cervix.
Reason why I was doing PE is because I knew she had bigger and it made me insecure. She said she loved my size and that a huge ~8x7 was too painful to go through with penetration.
In hindsight I think my insecurity turned obsession was very bad for our relationship and my health, I don’t feel bad about it anymore but I see much more value in other areas of sex.

I also think that trying to please a woman close to 100% is dependant on many things other than our size, confidence is a big one and it seems to me that PE takes some of that away from us, an unfortunate trade off and penis obsessions is a “slippery slope”.
I realize that this does not apply to everyone and maybe only a minority would consider themselves obsessed or having lower confidence because of being size conscious.

I would claim that dominance, confidence and endurance will make up and possibly greatly outweigh whatever extra girth we could fit in there. I also hope to explore tantric sex in future.


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