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.5" Gained Early On: Manual Stretches, Jelqs, & Rice Sock Heat

.5" Gained Early On: Manual Stretches, Jelqs, & Rice Sock Heat

Ok, I want to talk about this publicly, because I am still too new to give expert advice. I hope you don’t mind this flightposite23.

Here’s our PM exchange, and instead of sending back my latest response, I’ll just post it here.

I welcome feedback from anyone—

Remember, I’m just explaining what I did; I’m not saying my way is the best by any means.

Originally Posted by blink2000
FYI, I gained about .5” just doing manual stretches & jelqs during my first few weeks.

I wasn’t doing the recommended 30-45 second stretches. I was holding my stretch for 10 minutes solid, and doing 3x different directions for 10 minutes each. I started out with the minimum jelqs/ time spent stretching, then worked up to a higher level. I probably put myself at a much higher injury risk than normal & what’s funny is I popped a lig doing this too.. (Only experienced PEers are supposed to be popping ligs lol)

Yes, I’m definitely hanging much more than before. My flaccid seems to be good. My glans gotten soft and I think it’s because when I jelq I jelq over my glans. I just found out thats a no no. When you mention sore, sore as in the day after you work out at the gym??

Your comment:

Originally Posted by flightposite23
When you say that you do 10 minutes of stretch in certain directions at a time, do you tend to experience pain on the glan? Does this cause hypoxia , the deficency in oxygen? How do you hold you glan with your hand? I have my hand in a ok position and kegel to get some blood in my glans then I stretch. Is that what you do?

Thanks alot for you prompt response.

No pain whatsoever. I used a rice sock & made sure my penis stayed hot while I stretched for 30 minutes. I didn’t really use any rest time in between my stretches, I just switched directions after 5-10 minutes of one direction. In hindsight, applying heat while I stretched may have been a key to making some decent gains right out of the gate…

Now about the level of force I applied; I never used enough to cause myself pain. A sharp pain indicates a potential macro tear, this can only be counter-productive.

A little discomfort, at least with my pain threshold is ok. You’ll have to figure out what is right for you.

What I'm telling you might be against what the veterans would advise… anyway, I started with 5-10 minutes of stretching & worked up to 30 minutes over just 3 weeks. I did build up sort of slow, adding a few minutes each day.

I just gripped my penis tight right behind the glans, and pulled the end of my shaft. I might have touched the glans, but I never applied force to it; I think that could cause a serious injury. I gripped the end of the shaft, as far down as I could, and that’s where I applied my force. I did pop a lig, but it was a complete accident. There was no pain whatsover with this, and I don’t think I was going crazy with pressure.

Perhaps its possible 30 minutes of heat, and moderate stretching force pulling some kind of slack out of my unit…

Also, when I jelqed, I made sure to keep switching grips/ 10 ok jelqs/ 10 ugrip jelqs (I probably have my grip names wrong), whatever (overhand/ underhand)—and I made sure to jelq as close to the very base as possible, all the way up, but always stopping at the glans (I never jelqed my glans). I also did my jelqs really slow (5 seconds each minimum). My erection level varied during my jelqs, although I tried to always be at least 50% while doing them. I hear as long as your penis is engorged a bit with blood, your jelq can be effective.

Originally Posted by blink2000
What I'm telling you might be against what the veterans would advise…

Personally, I would rather hear from someone that is new to this site and PE and has made gains than someone that has been here for years, struggling for gains, and just regurgitates standard routines.

Anyway, you have to have some damn strong hands in order to hold a stretch for ten minutes, my limit is about three.

Then (4.5 nbpel x 4.75 mseg)

Now (5.625 nbpel, x 5.25 mseg)

Originally Posted by Dick Builder
Personally, I would rather hear from someone that is new to this site and PE and has made gains than someone that has been here for years, struggling for gains, and just regurgitates standard routines.

Anyway, you have to have some damn strong hands in order to hold a stretch for ten minutes, my limit is about three.

Yeah, when I was doing the newbie routine I sometimes had to use some baby powder to prevent slippage.

You can probably stretch with several times more force that I was using as a newbie. I just stretched as hard as I could without causing myself pain, I just went by feel for what was ok.

Perhaps it was early to switch to hanging (after just 3 weeks of PE), but not knowing how much actual force I was using worried me. So right when I got my bib hanger, I switched… I gained less initially with hanging (3/16”), but I was only using 2.5lbs at first, 3 sets per day—in fact, I really wasn’t expecting any gains from hanging until I got to 7.5lbs+. At least for me, that doesn’t seem like it will be the case at all though (I may be able to get some decent hanging gains with relatively low weight because I’ve been doing a lot of sets).

You mentioned you stretch holding you shaft right below the glan. I do the same thing , but having blood engored in the glan then pulling it is that ok? Thats the only effective way to stretch for me. Does that sound right to you?

Yup, I’ve gained 0.5” BPEL in under a month of inconsistent PE, imagine that. It was due to jelqs and stretches pretty much. I attribute these gains to 2 things primarily, which I consider to be “Phase 1” of your length gains (total of 2 phases): the stretching of your ligaments & skin. I mean think about it, you never knew you could do the splits until you keep stretching, sure enough one day you are doing the splits - similar to PE, you have some natural length there that simply has never been stretched out.

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10min solid of stretching on each side.. I wish I even had the time do PE for that long. It looks like your routine goes against most of what veteran’s would say, but if it’s giving you results.why not. I just hope it doesn’t come back and bit you in the butt. Keep it updated on how your “sprint” on PEing goes.

Originally Posted by flightposite23
Originally Posted by blink2000
You do want your penis engorged while you jelq.. You can stretch while you jelq by the way too—

However, if you’re just stretching, I don’t see a benefit to engorging your glans with blood

I know , but it’s the only way I can get a good grip on my unit inorder to stretch it , basically I have my glan filled with blood like a mushroom then gripped it below the glan and stretch!is that safe?

If you’re not feeling any pain, maybe it’s ok that you’re needing to engorge your head with blood just to get a grip—I’m going to post this in the thread I made for you.

I’m cut, and I know very little about what an uncut guy needs to do.

One thing to consider: you might try wearing an HTW while you stretch/ or use baby powder if you don’t already…

Originally Posted by aznairlines
10min solid of stretching on each side.. I wish I even had the time do PE for that long. It looks like your routine goes against most of what veteran’s would say, but if it’s giving you results.why not. I just hope it doesn’t come back and bit you in the butt. Keep it updated on how your “sprint” on PEing goes.

I’m pretty conservative actually.

It only appears like a sprint to you because it took 10 seconds to read my explanation. On the contrary to your sprint comment, I’m very cautious. I’ve held off for example quite a bit on weight/ hanging because I’m going by feel. I am doing 6-7 sets a day lately, but I didn’t build up to that overnight. I plan on getting to at least 12x sets per day actually. I held off several times on my newbie routine as well because of soreness.

Anyway, I’ve had no pain, nothing near an injury. I just try to push hard enough to get fatigue/ a little soreness. You have to break some eggs if you expect magic… and you have to go by feel. If you get no fatigue & no deformation.. how can you ever expect to make gains?

Anyway, I just push hard enough to get slight soreness & slight fatigue. I went all last month without even getting sore because I slowly built up from 2.5lbs to 6lbs hanging.

If that’s a sprint to you, then so be it.

Originally Posted by Determined2Gain
Yup, I’ve gained 0.5” BPEL in under a month of inconsistent PE, imagine that. It was due to jelqs and stretches pretty much. I attribute these gains to 2 things primarily, which I consider to be “Phase 1” of your length gains (total of 2 phases): the stretching of your ligaments & skin. I mean think about it, you never knew you could do the splits until you keep stretching, sure enough one day you are doing the splits - similar to PE, you have some natural length there that simply has never been stretched out.

Really like the splits analogy and it makes a ton of sense to me. It also makes my think that everyone should be doing some sort of stretching everyday to keep things from tightening up. Piss pulls or light fowfering on days off I’d think.

Start 6/13/08 NBPEL = 5 EG=5.25 NBPFL=3.5 FG=4.5 Now 8/5/08 NBPEL = 5.5 EG=5.25 NBPFL=4 FG=4.75Goal NBPEL=7 EG=5.5 NBPFL=5 FG=4.75

My Pics/Log

Hey, thanks alot on the help blink. I really appreciate the help.all this info. Has or will be very useful now and later on . Thanks again.

this is very like me, i do longer periods of stretching but with no warmups. under 1” of growth since the start of may

Originally Posted by shookone

this is very like me, i do longer periods of stretching but with no warmups. under 1” of growth since the start of may

I think heat is critical to maximize gains— especially during the newbie period.

I’m gonna try this

I want to know more about your EQ / PI during this ¨sprint¨ please if you can enlighten me! Thank you blinkman

12.2009 - BP 6 x 4.7 :cutlass: Goal - BP 7 x 5.1

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