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Techniques For A Speed Erection

Techniques For A Speed Erection

Has anybody developed some personal technique

for achieving a good and speed erection? I mean ,

something, phisical or mental, that all the times is the

same, and it works for him… would you share ?


hi xaixoit nice to meet you,

seeing someone naked normaly does it for me :)

failing that, I simply create an erotic image in my head, sometimes of my wife sometimes not and manipulate to follow my favorite perversions, but I have fair eidetic ability and a full porn library for mental reference.

I also find the smell of a particular perfume give me immediate wood.

Last edited by memento : 10-23-2002 at .

thank you for the reply!
com’on people!
any other suggestion?
I know there are many sex expert on board!
I know that usually people get excited in a
natural way, but in some situations a little
technique may help…
think for example to the actors hard…
it seems not easy to make love in front of
a lot of people…or with girls sometimes
not so interested at you..
(I’ve read the interwievs with Siffredi, you know?)

I have developed a personal technique too/
but I’ve tryed only with my ex wife….
so I am not sure if it works all the time and
with all the woman…

I’ve found a point, in my back, at the left side
near the column vertebral; and when I concentrate
in this point ( with the woman, not alone!!)
I reached an erection almost in a few seconds…

sounds interesting?

Post your experiments!




I find it interesting that you seem to have found an actual physical place on your body which stimulates a speed erection for you. Am I reading that right?

I realize that there are many pressure points throughout the body which are connect through nerve endings and other means to different, and often, completely unrelated body parts. After all this is the principle behind Accupuncture.

Unfortunately, an erection is created, physically by blood, muscles and pressure and while the sensations on the penis are obviously related to nerves, accupuncture would not be very effective in creating a speed erection.

In my opinion, it still all comes down to your mind. The best sex is always created by your own ability to discover, acccept and enjoy your partner and yourself. To me this means that teh only way to achieve the speed erection you are looking for is to have or create a thought which you associate with pure pleasure.

Our bodies are incredibly suseptable to trained responses. If you can find that “instant hard on thought” you may be able to have what you want. I think it will take you a lot of hard work and practice.

Good luck



practice those Kegels, I used to be able to do it years ago before i even knew what a Kegel was. I’ve lost that ability since then but I’m working on it again hehe.

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So kegels were your secret (without knowing it) for speed erections? Do you think that your inability to still be able to achieve your speed erections has anything to do with the fact that it is 10 years later. Does age effect this? because it definitely does have an effect on recovery time. I could see it also having an effect on something like this too, don’t know though.

how did it work for you 10 years ago? A quick kegel and hold it and you were hard? Did you do this without thinking about sex at all? Was it almost automatic?


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