Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Lap dancer has given me some sort of awakening. Whats going on?

Saw her again yesterday. I need to gather my thoughts into a post.

In any case I made her cum.

Originally Posted by Shaunbaby
Saw her again yesterday. I need to gather my thoughts into a post.

In any case I made her cum.

Oh my god that sounds so hot!! Dying to know what happened!

Originally Posted by pumpedmember
Oh my god that sounds so hot!! Dying to know what happened!

I told her that this, the lap dance, was for both of us and if she was comfortable to touch my penis through my pants then go for it.

I was almost not going to post this as it has become some what personal between us. She is in a relationship, she told me, so that sets some boundaries, however the truth is she is wilder than me. I am 51 and she is 33. She pushes me out of my comfort zone. Initially I would not kiss her and she broke that down. In the last dance she put her vagina on my lips. That was my limit. She moved away and said what are you doing. To which I replied I was trying to decide weather to lick you or not. She said, well I put my pussy in your face. To which I replied, that is a good point. She then acknowledged that she had gone too far. Not for her but for me. (If we went into seeing each other outside the club then fine.)

The dance went on beautify was always. It is truly magical and beautiful to be with this woman.

Probably 5 times she touched my penis and commented that my girth was amazing. 5.5 if you are wondering.

We got close to the end and she was getting really hot and rammed my finger into her vagina. I said, let me get into a better position so I can do this properly. I moved, reinserted and did the come here with my finger on her G spot. She said, go faster, so I went about 4 times faster.

Bam! She cums with virginal contractions, which I can feel, and a fart. Fart is fine as we are both mature, but it goes to show that this is not faked.

Then the woman comes it to tell us it is time. I said that it was lucky she didn’t come in a few min earlier to which she replied, I would have lost my job.


Originally Posted by Shaunbaby

Bam! She cums with virginal contractions, which I can feel, and a fart. Fart is fine as we are both mature, but it goes to show that this is not faked.

Excellent …I think she has already fallen for you. But beware of the fart. Last time a girl farted between sheets I almost dialled ER.

Wow man, pretty intense! Already wondering what the next dance will be like and what might happen.

Starting length, Spring 2003: bpel 6 3/8", bpfsl ~6 1/2", flaccid ~3-4" (never measured flaccid stretched or hanging flaccid; starting girth was probably ~5"-5 1/4")

Summer 2004: bpel 7 7/8", bpfsl 8 1/8", flaccid ~4", erect girth 5.3"

Spring 2018: bpel 7 1/4", bpfsl 7 5/8", erect girth 5 1/8"; Spring 2020: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth 5 3/8". Current - August 2023: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth mid shaft 5 1/4" (5 1/2" at base)

Originally Posted by Golfclub
Excellent …I think she has already fallen for you. But beware of the fart. Last time a girl farted between sheets I almost dialled ER.

If the orgasmic contractions are that strong that she farts then I’m owning them!

Another dance on Friday.

She is good however more subdued than last time. After a while I realise she has in fact crossed her own limits. At the beginning I tell her that our last dance was so beautiful, which to me it was. True and amazing connection. This woman has taught me to let go. Sex is not dirty it is beautiful, if you just let go.

As I mentioned she is in a relationship, and get this, is frustrated by the lack of sex. FFS! This sexual beauty is frustrated by the lack of sex? I explained that this is also why I am here. She then confides that: How can our last dance be wrong if it was so beautiful? I dont think it is wrong, however she is questioning her values as a result of this dance. She told me she didn’t tell her boy friend about it. She only says she lets men touch her boobs and arse. She didn’t think a client making her orgasm would be taken that well, however it was beautiful, and hence her conflict.

While I bailed out at licking her I did make her orgasm, which I now think passes beyond her values, although at the time she was horny AF and let me do it. I asked her how many clients had made her orgasm, yep, just me. I thanked her for that honour.

No virginal contact this dance, as I said she is questioning her values.

We did talk about going to the Hilton hotel, if reality didn’t exist, and ringing room service to see if they could bring some ropes up to the room. We joked about harness points in the room being certified by a qualified rigger as I said I didn’t want my Sub escaping. We laughed. She then said she wanted to go to a restaurant with cotton table cloths. She had just made $900 with the previous client so she can afford to do that. Again, I an honoured that she asked me.

We talked more this time. Really nice, and I want to give her a shout out as her previous client was autistic and wanted nothing more than a chat and cuddles. We forget the important role sex worker play with disabled people. She became an 11 when she told me this.

I want to talk with her some more. I want to to encourage her to leave her current boyfriend. Not for me but for her. I am in a relationship where both sex and touch are extremely lacking. At 33 I dont want her to go down the path I did even though I am actively trying to rectify it. I married my best friend with out taking into account if she was a compatible lover. We have had great sex and this morning I had the most intense orgasm in years, however she struggles to let go, and wasn’t really present for it. (Any tips on wife’s letting go are appreciated)

What have I done? I’ve proved to my self that I know what I am doing, she came and all along has said I turned her on. And on a side note she wasn’t there the week before and I had a beautiful dancer from New Zealand. She got so wet that she was dripping. Juice on her bicep and a string across to her leg. I asked her on Friday if she usually becomes this wet and she said only occasionally. I not saying I am the greatest lover ever however, the evidence says I can do good and I am more than happy with that.


I want to ask her, what do you do with a client like me? She is clearly in conflict.

Values exist at a point in time. Back in the free love movement what we did was normalised. While our partners wouldn’t like it today however, they haven’t been hurt, we haven’t exposed then to any risk, hence no licking on my part, read disease. And we have both learnt. No harm no foul. In fact, I have grown from this. I have had a divorcee ask me to her place and a mum at the school play with my leg during speech day with her foot. My wife has had both virginal and clitoral orgasms during our previous plays with this morning being virginal and not so intense. I need to educate her about the difference.

That is my head for the moment.



How can it be wrong when it was so beautiful.

These words keep going around in my head as I remember the conflict on her face. I hope she is alright. I judge her as a strong women so I am sure she is fine. I’ll touch base when I know she is working, as now me texting her is as dangerous as her texting me

From many years of experience dude I can say that these women are only interested in $$$ and have mastered the dark art of pulling on a mans heart strings.

Start (1/1/19): 4.9x5.1 BPEL

Final goal (1/1/2021): 6x5.1 BPEL

Originally Posted by MrFish
From many years of experience dude I can say that these women are only interested in $$$ and have mastered the dark art of pulling on a mans heart strings.

I’m constantly asking myself this same question.

Privacy info: Clicking on this image will enable content from Privacy friendly version via Piped.

Begins around 3.20.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Privacy info: Clicking on this image will enable content from Privacy friendly version via Piped.

And even better.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Thanks a-unit.

Funny thing. While I was watching them I was texting a Tantra Goddess and arranged an appointment.

I will do a search on Tantra on Thunders after this. See what I can find.

Ever since I had the awakening I have been fairly sure it was a chakra thing and flowing energies. As I have said before I tried and wanted to believe in this when I was young and eventually dismissed it. And now it has happened I want to learn more. I also have a lack of intimacy in my current relationship which I am keen to address. The dancer was an attempt to address this lack of intimacy and it has worked to an extent as we do have an amazing connection. But it’s not sustainable. The age difference. She is attending rave parties and I am 50. Not that I would have a problem with rave parties, I actually like to music.

So I’ve booked into see a Tantra Goddess. Basically you get naked and put on a robe. The Goddess is in her underwear. She takes your penis and starts to generate sexual energy and teaches you to use you PC muscle, apparently she checks the strength of your PC muscle by placing her had behind your balls and asking you to flex. From what I can gather the PC muscle is key to drawing the energy up from your sex centres. Then you do the same thing to her, the idea being that when you go back to your partner you actually know how to do it. It was explained as trying to learn to dance by reading a book, not easy.

You then move closer with her legs over yours. She removes her bra. She then basically simulates sex without penetration by rocking back and forward on your penis with a barrier between your and her bits. So you get penile stimulation and you are also stimulating her cliterous. Again you move the energy from you penis and it ‘should’ not feel like you need to ejaculate, and the pleasure keeps increasing past where you would have normally cum.

You then move into some intimacy work and that is lesson one in 90 min.

They are quite clever as they give you a book, so that when you are back with you partner and they notice a change, you simple show them the book. All being well they should be interested if the techniques you were taught work.

I’m just wondering how you’re going to wield that weapon once those skills are fully acquired.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.


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