Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Curing My Premature Ejaculation With Reverse Kegels

Originally Posted by CBreezy
Hi guys, have a few things I need some help on. So, to begin I am 21 years of age, and suffer from severe PE due to involuntary Kegel spasms/contractions. But, these contractions happen literally all throughout the day whenever I release breath. In other words, whenever I exhale my PC muscle as well as my pelvic floor spasm up uncontrollably. I’ve tried doing reverse kegels, but I have to squeeze my abs in order to even get a pushing motion out of my pelvic floor and PC muscle. I’ve tried major relaxation while doing reverse kegels, and it seems to help a lot. But I still feel a minor contraction every single time I exhale. I think this contraction all started because of a bad masturbation habit of regular kegeling as hard as I could whenever I masturbated when I was younger, and therefore my body and brain re-wired itself into finishing extremely quick. I also have a hard flaccid due to so much contraction. In addition, I’m feel that my right side of my abs are super tight including my Psoas muscle. Should I stop masturbation for a while for the hard flaccid? Do I work on releasing tension in my abs first? Any tips or advice for some help? Thank You.

Hello, CBreeezy !

I’m going to adress your problems one by one:

1) You say that strong involuntary kegels (or ,,spams”, as many people call them) happen whenever you exhale. Frankly, I never heard of such a symptom from any men that suffer from Pre.E. I see two causes: You either took bad masturbation habbits (kegeling very, very hard when masturbating in order to finish as quick as possible) to a whole new extreme or these ik’s when you exhale may be something to consult your doctor for. It’s extreme amd not a common thing with Pre. E and that’s why I’m suggesting a visit to a physician. However, if you saw improvements when you did reverse kegels than you must continue them until those spasm dissapear and also you want to do the ,, Hindi Squat”, a form of squat that greatly stretches your whole pelvic floor and will ease up the tension of your pelvic muscles. (example:

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2)Your Hard Flaccid. It should go away when you completely stop regular kegels and also try a reverse kegel routine-only for a month or so. Do only reverse kegels everyday and see if it improves.

Originally Posted by MigthyDrummer
Hello, CBreeezy !

I’m going to adress your problems one by one:

1) You say that strong involuntary kegels (or ,,spams”, as many people call them) happen whenever you exhale. Frankly, I never heard of such a symptom from any men that suffer from Pre.E. I see two causes: You either took bad masturbation habbits (kegeling very, very hard when masturbating in order to finish as quick as possible) to a whole new extreme or these ik’s when you exhale may be something to consult your doctor for. It’s extreme amd not a common thing with Pre. E and that’s why I’m suggesting a visit to a physician. However, if you saw improvements when you did reverse kegels than you must continue them until those spasm dissapear and also you want to do the ,, Hindi Squat”, a form of squat that greatly stretches your whole pelvic floor and will ease up the tension of your pelvic muscles. (example:

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2)Your Hard Flaccid. It should go away when you completely stop regular kegels and also try a reverse kegel routine-only for a month or so. Do only reverse kegels everyday and see if it improves.

Thank you Drummer, ill give it a try. I’m shutting down any type of sexual activity, as well as any heavy lifting, and caffeine. Ill keep all of you updated.

Hi. Cbreezy. I Think that after you discard Any medical condition, you should explore alexander lowen bioenergétics theory And therapy. Maybe will help you.


Originally Posted by baron_rojo
Hi. Cbreezy. I Think that after you discard Any medical condition, you should explore alexander lowen bioenergétics theory And therapy. Maybe will help you.


Thank you for your response, taking any advice and suggestions I can get. Any more information on this theory? I’ve been searching and researching it and the only available therapists are in remote places not near me. Any particular articles/books/ exercises that you recommend that will help? Thank you.

Here is an overview of his work and books

http://www.lowe … .org/lowenbooks

I would recommend "bioenergétics: the revolutionary therapy "… And "the way to vibrant health"
In bioenergetics theory, the body have a chronic muscle tension structure that is strongly related to main personality conflicts. This structure can cause an impact in breathing, sexuality And others functionalities of the body like the way we walk, the way we stand up, and so on.

Anyone who is getting benefited with reverse kegel.. Pls reply.. I m going to get married on

3 Dec I’m in a great fear of PE

This Works

Rahmans reverse kegel theory (among many others) WORKS! This post might be a little longer than normal but its important!! READ IT!!

I’ve suffered extreme PE since my first sexually encounter over 20 years ago, usually lasting no more than 30seconds - 1minute from penetration (with or without a condom). I had NO control over ejaculation.

I’ve tried kegels and reverse kegels without any success and resorted to the continued use of delay sprays. If the girl goes down on you she can taste these sprays and if I didn’t time it correctly I couldn’t get hard, couldn’t feel anything or the spray wore off. All while hiding I was using this spray since I was so embarrassed.

I found a video online showing exactly how to do these kegels and reverse kegels and the results were immediate. I can last about 3-5 minutes within 2 weeks time (without a condom) and my ability to control when I cum is getting better and better.

There is one more EXTREMELY important part to this. You must BREATHE while having sex. I can’t stress this enough. Part of my PE was due to panic but when I breathe calmly it calms my anxiety and allows me to kegel or reverse kegel to hold my ejaculation (you don’t have to hold the entire time) stamina will come just from these exercises. If my breathing becomes uncontrolled I will lose control and fire off. My confidence has greatly improved and I’m looking forward to the success that Rahman is having and I know I can get there as well.

This website has some great ways to work out the pelvic floor and how to kegel and reverse kegel without actually forcing or possibly injuring yourself.

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This women has great exercises and stretches (focusing on kegel and reverse kegels) to release the tension in the pelvic floor which is causing my premature ejaculation issues to begin with. She goes over very clearly how to exercise your pelvic floor. Its so easy.

2-3 guided videos per week which are focused on pelvic floor tension and include kegel and reverse kegel concentration. I then do up to 20 reverse kegels throughout the day as I’m walking, driving, standing in line somewhere, etc. You can do them anywhere.

Ill report back soon with the increased time I’m lasting in bed.

Good Luck all and reply if you have questions but you have 2 men here with proven success.

So after doing some research I’ve found a couple resource I have found helpful and thought I’d share them as they may be helpful to others as well.

First, I found this site: Reverse Kegels - My Step By Step Guide

It has a great explanation of the reverse kegal and what you’re looking for, I felt it was a better explanation than I found elsewhere.

Another good article:

https://www.peg … ercises-for-men

Talks in depth about the benifits of kegel in general and benifits, strategies to not over train and many other fundamentals.

I also looked for apps on the phone, tried a couple - most were fairly useless in essence. I’d suggest looking yourself. I’m currently kinda deciding with two I like myself:

Kegel Talent

Kegel Workout: Exerciser

Both seem like good tools and even have helpful strategies plus you can set reminders to perform your Kegels throughout the day as well as track how many you do daily.

Defintely helpful if you’re just getting into the habit of doing them or if you can be forgetful.

Hope that helps for some!

Start: Nov. 2017 - FL: 3.5", FG: 4", BPEL: 6.813, EL: 6.25", MSEG: 4.75"

Current: Feb. 2018 - FL: 4.75", FG: 4.625", BPEL: 7.375", EL: 6.8125", MSEG: 5.25"

Short term: NBPEL: 7"x5.25" - Ideal: NBPEL: 7.5"x5.5" - Dream: NBPEL:8"x6"

I have suffered from involuntary contractions for 6 years now. Only until last month I realized I had this problem and this problem had a name. Involutary Contractions lead to ejaculation or the urge to ejaculate and its solution is Reverse Kegels. I tried it myself in a masturbation session; as I was stroking back and forth, the strokes near glans (bulb) no longer produced involuntary contraction while I was holding reverse kegel thereby prolonging my session. Also Rahman is absolutely right about porn. It’s better to stimulate yourself with sensation rather than thoughts.

Hi everyone.
So glad I found this forum! I hope to share and learn from your experiences with Reverse Kegel (RK).
I have a few questions regarding how it’s performed, as I believe I’m not doing it correctly.

For the last few months I’ve practiced only Normal Kegel (NK) and now I want to combine RK.
I suffer from PreE and I really want to cure it. I takes me about 20 seconds to ejaculate during sex.
I’m now stopping to watch porn but I haven’t introduced any change to how I masturbate and the frequency.
I downloaded an Android app to help with Kegel exercises.

I’ve set up the following custom training (numbers are in seconds):
1. RK – Squeeze 11, Rest 6, Reps 20, Sessions 4 per day. Every day except Monday and Thursday.
2. NK – Squeeze 10, Rest 5, Reps 10, Sessions 3 per day. Monday and Thursday.

What I find difficult to do is the breathing and also understand if I do it right.

1. When it comes to breathing, I inhale while I try to do RK but I find that I have to work out my lower abdomen quite hard to achieve so. Furthermore, I find that after I finish inhaling I have to hold my breath while doing RK. It feels like I’m really putting an effort there.
So I’m not sure if I do it right. Do you inhale and hold while you try to do RK?

2. During sex or masturbation, do you hold your breath to work out the RK muscle? I think it would look or feel too awkward to inhale from the diaphragm + hold the breath to do RK.

3. Is there a point where the control over the RK muscle becomes separated from the lower abdomen? Or am I doing something wrong?

Thank you.

Originally Posted by style80
Hi everyone.
So glad I found this forum! I hope to share and learn from your experiences with Reverse Kegel (RK).
I have a few questions regarding how it’s performed, as I believe I’m not doing it correctly.

For the last few months I’ve practiced only Normal Kegel (NK) and now I want to combine RK.
I suffer from PreE and I really want to cure it. I takes me about 20 seconds to ejaculate during sex.
I’m now stopping to watch porn but I haven’t introduced any change to how I masturbate and the frequency.
I downloaded an Android app to help with Kegel exercises.

I’ve set up the following custom training (numbers are in seconds):
1. RK – Squeeze 11, Rest 6, Reps 20, Sessions 4 per day. Every day except Monday and Thursday.
2. NK – Squeeze 10, Rest 5, Reps 10, Sessions 3 per day. Monday and Thursday.

What I find difficult to do is the breathing and also understand if I do it right.

1. When it comes to breathing, I inhale while I try to do RK but I find that I have to work out my lower abdomen quite hard to achieve so. Furthermore, I find that after I finish inhaling I have to hold my breath while doing RK. It feels like I’m really putting an effort there.
So I’m not sure if I do it right. Do you inhale and hold while you try to do RK?

2. During sex or masturbation, do you hold your breath to work out the RK muscle? I think it would look or feel too awkward to inhale from the diaphragm + hold the breath to do RK.

3. Is there a point where the control over the RK muscle becomes separated from the lower abdomen? Or am I doing something wrong?

Thank you.

If you’re trying to cure PreE you should be doing more RK than regular ones. If you are coming in 20 seconds durring sex and based on the amount of regular kegels your doing I’d assume you have a tight pelvic floor, RK could help bring balance to this over time and help you last longer. Breathing is also quite important, improper breathing can lead to finishing early as well - calm normal breathing with the tempo of the movements between you and your partner is huge. So it’s a good idea to practice breathing techniques through the day and while doing PE, masturbating so it becomes second nature.
Do you notice your PC muscles contacting involuntarily while you’re having sex or masturbating? - That’s a big indicator of a tight pelvic floor.
Also try and keep calm, don’t build up anxiety or pressure around the situation, just be in the moment and connect with your partner - this will lead to hotter sessions that will likely be longer and more pleasurable for you both!
Hope that helps! Don’t be afraid to ask questions!

Start: Nov. 2017 - FL: 3.5", FG: 4", BPEL: 6.813, EL: 6.25", MSEG: 4.75"

Current: Feb. 2018 - FL: 4.75", FG: 4.625", BPEL: 7.375", EL: 6.8125", MSEG: 5.25"

Short term: NBPEL: 7"x5.25" - Ideal: NBPEL: 7.5"x5.5" - Dream: NBPEL:8"x6"

Originally Posted by Shooting8
If you’re trying to cure PreE you should be doing more RK than regular ones. If you are coming in 20 seconds durring sex and based on the amount of regular kegels your doing I’d assume you have a tight pelvic floor, RK could help bring balance to this over time and help you last longer. Breathing is also quite important, improper breathing can lead to finishing early as well - calm normal breathing with the tempo of the movements between you and your partner is huge. So it’s a good idea to practice breathing techniques through the day and while doing PE, masturbating so it becomes second nature.
Do you notice your PC muscles contacting involuntarily while you’re having sex or masturbating? - That’s a big indicator of a tight pelvic floor.
Also try and keep calm, don’t build up anxiety or pressure around the situation, just be in the moment and connect with your partner - this will lead to hotter sessions that will likely be longer and more pleasurable for you both!
Hope that helps! Don’t be afraid to ask questions!

Hi @Shooting8
Thanks for the reply. It seems that your kind reply didn’t quite address the questions I asked.
Also, my current training is RK 4 times a day for 5 days and NK 4 times a day for 2 days. I don’t mind changing it even further to have more RK than NK if someone can recommend so based I what I wrote previously.

I find that after I inhale, I have to really hold my lower abdomen muscles, in order to work the RK muscle. It’s in the list of questions I asked above.

As for your question - yes, when I masturbate or having sex, my PC muscle contracting involuntarily. I try extremely hard to push the RK muscle but it’s as if my brain is overpowered by the sensation when there’s a stimuli on the Glans and I can’t hold the RK muscle, and the NK muscle kicks in and takes over.

So, to reiterate the issues I’m experiencing with RK training:
1. Have to use a lot of force on my lower abdomen muscle in order to work the RK muscle
2. I have to hold my breath after I inhale, to work the RK muscle. I’m not sure if it’s correct or if it’s just a phase and it will go away.
3. When the Glans is stimulated, I can’t keep and hold the RK muscle, instead the normal kegel muscle kicks in, which makes me want to cum quickly.

Hey style,

Sorry I miss read that, I switched your RK and NK routine up - in that case it seems much better with 5 days of RK and 2 days of NK.

From my experience it sounds like you’re generally using the right area. It shouldn’t be so bad that you’re not able to breath while doing it though and if so try relaxing it to a point when your activating it but still able to breath.

What I’ve been doing lately is when taking a piss I activate the RK muscles completely and piss as hard as I can through the entire duration of the piss - not allowing your NK (PC) muscles to ever stop the flow. It feels good and satifying to piss in that manner and I think it is helpful for control of your RK muscle and gives you a great feeling of what you’re looking for when doing them outside of pissing.

If you do that try to breath normally throughout it - it should be possible to breath through the exercise, might just takes some time and practice for you. But yes I too have found that breathing is more constricted doing RK compared to NK, but after a bit of time I think you’ll get it!

For the third part, I’d ask if you edge at all? If you don’t, it’d be a great addition to also help with PreE. It could help you over come the overstimulation of the penis head and the trigger it plays with your mind and PC muscles to activate and cum sooner than you’d like. Bringing yourself to the point of no return and stopping over and over builds disapline for yourself and adds additional control over your ejaculation.

Hope that was at least somewhat more helpful this time (lol)!

Start: Nov. 2017 - FL: 3.5", FG: 4", BPEL: 6.813, EL: 6.25", MSEG: 4.75"

Current: Feb. 2018 - FL: 4.75", FG: 4.625", BPEL: 7.375", EL: 6.8125", MSEG: 5.25"

Short term: NBPEL: 7"x5.25" - Ideal: NBPEL: 7.5"x5.5" - Dream: NBPEL:8"x6"

Originally Posted by Shooting8
For the third part, I’d ask if you edge at all? If you don’t, it’d be a great addition to also help with PreE. It could help you over come the overstimulation of the penis head and the trigger it plays with your mind and PC muscles to activate and cum sooner than you’d like. Bringing yourself to the point of no return and stopping over and over builds disapline for yourself and adds additional control over your ejaculation.
Hope that was at least somewhat more helpful this time (lol)!

Yes, I do edging most of my life, but I guess I wasn’t doing it right. In addition, I read in some places that this doesn’t really have an affect or limited affect. The PC muscles are the key part.
However, I think that what is missing in all edging guides is the point where you must stimulate your glans. This isn’t obvious. Usually when masturbating, one doesn’t go over the glans part at all. For me, only when the glans is stimulated, like in real sex or by masturbation, I have uncontrollable contractions on my PC muscle and I struggle to control the RK muscle.
If I had known this, I would practice over the glans and try to direct my brain to work the RK muscle.
I do find that when the RK muscle is working, the excitement level goes down or something like that which makes me less prone to PreE.

Thanks for the help :)

Originally Posted by style80
Yes, I do edging most of my life, but I guess I wasn’t doing it right. In addition, I read in some places that this doesn’t really have an affect or limited affect. The PC muscles are the key part.
However, I think that what is missing in all edging guides is the point where you must stimulate your glans. This isn’t obvious. Usually when masturbating, one doesn’t go over the glans part at all. For me, only when the glans is stimulated, like in real sex or by masturbation, I have uncontrollable contractions on my PC muscle and I struggle to control the RK muscle.
If I had known this, I would practice over the glans and try to direct my brain to work the RK muscle.
I do find that when the RK muscle is working, the excitement level goes down or something like that which makes me less prone to PreE.

Thanks for the help :)

Everyone’s a bit different, I know my head is more sensitive some days than others and that becomes harder, but while edging you should try to stimulate the whole penis with long strokes or use two hands if you can - I usually switch to this a couple times durring and edging session. Lately I’ve been using a flesh light to edge with and I’ve noticed my lasting power in the flesh light has gone up - at which point I started tinkering with close the bottom cap more which creates more suction and making it tighter. This (IMO) helps more for edging and PreE as it’s a much closer sensation to sex than your hands could ever be.

Start: Nov. 2017 - FL: 3.5", FG: 4", BPEL: 6.813, EL: 6.25", MSEG: 4.75"

Current: Feb. 2018 - FL: 4.75", FG: 4.625", BPEL: 7.375", EL: 6.8125", MSEG: 5.25"

Short term: NBPEL: 7"x5.25" - Ideal: NBPEL: 7.5"x5.5" - Dream: NBPEL:8"x6"


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