Thunder's Place

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30 Days No Ejaculation Experiment

Day 5. This is easier than I though.

Originally Posted by 8inchM

Day 5. This is easier than I though.

I have a question for you. Before embarking on this experiment how active was your sex life and how often did you masturbate?

Originally Posted by Yataghan50
So you effectively edge with your partner, but stop without ejaculating?

Well, its not really edging as we stay more in the middle zone rather than pushing close to the edge. I find there’s actually more pleasure and enjoyment in long slow sustained movement that does not get too heated up. This may sound mumbo jumboish but it more of an energy experience. Sort of a back and forth energy exchange. Its very satisfying. I do not hunger for orgasm at all. I actually find it a let down.

I sprained my wrist… pushing myself up off a chair… not in a frantic masturbation session to end the experiment:p

As for energy levels… they do seem up… and I seem more productive… Anyway, what day is it in the desert?

Good luck dude. I might try it on Monday. Let’s say for a week at first. If I can make it then I’ll go for 2 weeks and so on.

"If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." -Bruce Lee

You can get much of the charge of 30 days no nut, but doing jelq’s/edge up to the point of orgasm and backing off of it. Do this for 2 or 3 days and your sex tank will be maxxed out and you won’t have to wait 30 days.

Lots of sex and masturbation. I regreat masturbation so much when I was younger…

Originally Posted by kaan
I don’t ejaculate too, but can’t say I am accumulating energy with full capacity, because I have a habit of having, what may be called, "the dry orgasms": passing the point of no return while masturbating but clamping (controlling actually) the PC muscles to not ejaculate anything.

And be aware that you have to master kegels and develop a strong PC muscle, because it’s like the valve of the dam. If it’s not good enough, there’s no way for you to keep the pressure in your balls, or manage not to ejaculate in wet dreams.

Not trying to be a dick in correcting you kaan, but it should be the BC muscle not the PC muscle

Locating the bc muscle WestLA cleared that up for us here at TP ( just don’t want his hardwork overlooked )

Good luck with the challenge 8 and others. As for myself I have gone about a week without ejaculating just to try it ( I certainly felt better as Test levels went up ) but cumming from sex just feels too good :shrug:
In the future I am going to try this. Eager to see how it goes for you. Best of luck again!

Originally Posted by 8inchM

I regreat masturbation so much when I was younger…

Same here

Day 7 here. Feels like my balls are going to explode!

Since November I am doing a 7-day abstinence of ejaculation (not of sex!). The 7th day I ejaculate (like la Fontana di Trevi; I have to put papers on the floor before I start to masturbate due to the abundance of semen).

Although it’s difficult to me to keep the abstinence, the benefits are great, specially in the gym. I feel I have more energy and I made some advances both in strength and volume.

Here is the Chinese study that arrived to the conclusion that the testosterone levels achieve 145,7% in the seven day of abstinence, declining the 8th day:

http://www.zju. … 0302/030219.pdf

I am game! I am gunna start today! :D

Day 0.

Haha, I have felt that I am more thicker when I only ejculate by sex, but I will definitely stop masturbating and try my best to not come when I am fucking. It sounds really good when I was reading Tsuga’s posts.

Another one:

Z. CEKAN and


The levels of pregnenolone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA), androstenedione, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), oestrone, oestradiol, cortisol and luteinizing hormone (LH) were measured in the peripheral plasma of a group of young, apparently healthy males before and after masturbation. The same steroids were also determined in a control study, in which the psychological anticipation of masturbation was encouraged, but the physical act was not carried out. The plasma levels of all steroids were significantly increased after masturbation, whereas steroid levels remained unchanged in the control study.

So, you’re saying that this link proved masturbation does promote growth from the boost of testerones? I know it isn’t official or anything, but just making sure I got it right. English isn’t my first language.


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