Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Stopping/Controlling Anxiety by Any Method

Originally Posted by bohm
I didn’t think such a low score was possible. That’s amazing.

A score of two is a bit questionable, isn’t it? I will retest tomorrow and see what happens.

I do remember that the test is actually only 4-5 questions asked over and over again from slightly different angles.

Originally Posted by huff
I can change the chemistry of my brain by force of will


Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by commanderblop
1. horrible at small talk and just fitting in with “regular” banter
2. I am a know-it-all and have trouble “just being normal” and laughing at myself

Again, these two things are not constant. With people I am comfortable with, my wife, some friends, family, I can let go and be a clown. But with new people, and especially at work, I just feel like a total social retard. I wish I could be at ease and laugh at myself, but for the most part, I feel like I have to perform at a level of total perfection. So being able to say “I don’t know” how to do something is hard. But not as hard as laughing at my boss’s jokes, which I don’t get, or just making comfortable small talk. So when I am stressed, I often come off as robotic.

The irony is, many people tell me I am a great conversationalist. But that is likely because I have am well read and like to talk about interesting things. It just seems like most people want to talk sports, or gossip, or “riff” off one another like an episode of Friends or something.

I’m okay with small talk if it’s in a small, narrow field of my interest (e.g. working out/strength training and nutrition, penis size, psychotropic drugs/diseases); otherwise I don’t pay attention and I hardly talk at all. And I feel really bored or anxious. Adults (and I am one) tend to talk about mortgages, work, careers, kids, furniture, etc. I find I have nothing to say about it and I don’t care too much about it, which makes me kind of an oddity. So I guess overall I’m also horrible at small talk. I’m also a poor conversationalist as I tend to ramble on and one about a few topics, that most find boring.

I’m not a know-it-all. I tend to be very skeptical about everything. That’s my major problem because I have trouble lying also. I can laugh at myself, big time. When I was in group therapy there was one guy in my group who I’m pretty sure had major social anxiety disorder. He used to shake and tremble when talking and hardly ever spoke at all. The other people in the group thought he was strange because they couldn’t appreciate his anxiety. I felt nervous when talking but not like him. He seemed like a very smart guy but his anxiety was fucking him up big time. I was by far the most emotionally and socially inept person in the group even though I wasn’t the youngest.

Starting Size: April, 28, 2010: NBPEL-7" Girth-6" (base, MSG, glans)

Currently: BPEL-8" NBPEL-7.25" Girth-6.25" (base)/6.125" (MSG)/6.125" (glans)

Originally Posted by bohm

I’m okay with small talk if it’s in a small, narrow field of my interest (e.g. working out/strength training and nutrition, penis size, psychotropic drugs/diseases); otherwise I don’t pay attention and I hardly talk at all. And I feel really bored or anxious. Adults (and I am one) tend to talk about mortgages…

fucking mortgages! Get the Boobeosie(middle class ignoramuses) prattling on about mortgages they’ll never shut up.

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Jezuz man, take a look at what I posted on EFT.

Can you post a link?

I tried to search on “EFT” but the term is too short. (I guess search terms have to be 4 characters or more?)

My Before and After pics -- .5" gain...

Originally Posted by commanderblop
Can you post a link?

I tried to search on "EFT" but the term is too short. (I guess search terms have to be 4 characters or more?)

This is a repost from earlier in the thread. EFT=Emotional Freedom Technique
This is another great link; EFT Universe

Let me at least bring up EFT.

This is a website that has some nice downloads on it:

The Tapping Solution: EFT Documentary Film | Home

Here are a few videos that will give you an introduction:

This first video will give a very good guide to find the points.

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This next guy, I think gives a really great easy technique to use EFT quickly and effectively. He posts tons of free videos on Youtube, with great resources. This is a great place to start, and is enough to make it work for you.

Privacy info: Clicking on this image will enable content from Privacy friendly version via Piped.

This really doesn’t take much time to get a functional understanding of it and start making positive changes NOW.

A short overview, lets say you have a fear of snakes you want to get rid of. First, bring up the feelings as powerfully as you can (the fear, chest pressure, panic etc). Now tap through the points. Recheck the fear level by bring the memories again. Make a note of the decrease (eg if on a 1-10 scale it started at a 10 and now after one round of tapping its 5. Now repeat the procedure until its down to 0, no emotional residual at all.

Next put in a positive view. You could say while tapping the points, "they are actually kinda neat creatures, it would be kinda fun to hold one." Next, "actually, they do a lot of good in nature by keeping down the rodent population" etc. Try to think of it in a way that you feel the truth of the positive statements. Try and FEEL positive as you think and speak the words. If you phrase it an sensible way to yourself, it should be easy to feel the truth of your positive statements. So, after you take the negative emotions down to zero, you IMPLANT positive feelings. Do that until you have a positive feeling when you think of the original problem.

For many fears and neg emotions, this can be done in minutes! The key is to feel the pain of the negative emotion as completely as possible, like you are "right there". You only have to feel it for literally a couple seconds, just go straight into the tapping. Usually by even after the first round the "pain" is reduced by 50%!

Why is this important to do? Negative emotions or fears are constantly running in the "background" of your unconscious mind, using up energy and sending out a "vibration" that will reflect back to you from the Universe and life. So if you are walking around with the fear that "you will always be broke and struggling financially" that is the energy, vibration you send out into the Universe and it will reflect back to you as "reality". PLUS, the fear of it changes how you approach the solution, usually causing you to act and think in a way that will confirm your fear. Get rid of the neg programming, put in positive programming and you will change for the better.

This method will allow you to make profound changes in a short period of time. If you see the potential of this, you can make up a list of any and all negative thoughts,memories and emotions and get rid of them.

Last edited by sparkyx : 10-21-2010 at .

http://www.skep …

"You’ll feel welcome at Gary’s site. He’s loving and caring, as are all his staff. And you matter. He treats the person, not the disease. Let’s cut to the chase. Basically, Gary’s discovered what traditional healers have known for millennia: if you can relax people, they become suggestible and you can relieve their stress, ease their minds, and allow their bodies to heal themselves. Gary’s discovery came when he found out he could cure people by using acupuncture without the needles. He stimulates so-called energy meridian points on the body by tapping them with his fingertips. This kind of therapy is attractive to many people because it uses no drugs. Therefore, it is unlikely that there will be any side effects. It apparently did not occur to Gary that maybe he had tapped into the placebo effect or the power of suggestion."


Geezus, what was I thinking? Healing people without drugs or surgery? Healing people with placebo? Teaching people simple techniques so you can do it yourself for free? No side effects?

Why would you want that when there are perfectly good Doctors happy to use drugs and surgery for the same thing, where they can unburden you of your money, and make sure you have plenty of side effects…but thank God it isn’t placebo! After all its the "acceptable" treatment and not the results that indicate true science.

My mistake.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
What does wikipedia or skepdic say about PE?

I’m not saying wiki totally endorses PE but it’s information isn’t too unreasonable (probably better than most of the information one will get from most doctors):

On Penis pumps:

"The effectiveness of penis pumps was examined by Kazem, Hosseini and Alizadeh. They studied 37 men with penis length less than 10 cm and found no significant change in penile length after using pumps for six months, although the follow-up have found 30% satisfaction with the method. A further 31 patient study conducted by the Department of Urology at St Peter’s Hospitals and the Institute of Urology in London investigating the usefulness of pumps to correct the penile curvature associated with Peyronie’s disease found that "There was a clinically and statistically significant improvement in penile length, angle of curvature and pain after 12 weeks of using the vacuum pump". In this study, subjects with Peyronie’s undertook two ten minute pumping sessions per day for twelve weeks. The additional penis length was an unexpected side effect and not one of the intended aims of the study, but large enough to be statistically significant."

On Extenders:

"Stretching consists of attaching a penis stretcher or "extender" device to the penis for set periods of time. The device exerts a constant traction on the penis, which, in theory, lengthens and widens the penis. The traction supposedly causes the cells in the penis to divide and expand. In 2002 a study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research concluded that penis extender devices are effective at elongating the penis and furthermore the increases in length correlate with the amount of time the device is worn.[11] A study conducted at the University of Turin and published in 2009 in the British Journal of Urology showed similar results, using a penile extender exerting a continuous and gradually increasing traction force on the penis. The device consists of a plastic ring, where the penis is introduced, with two dynamic metallic rods which produce the traction.[12] After using the device at least four hours daily for six months, the mean gain in length in flaccid state was 2.3 cm, with significantly improved erectile function scores and treatment satisfaction scores of "acceptable" to "good improvement" in all items, except for penile girth, where there was no significant measurable or subjective changes."

Penis enlargement - Wikipedia

Starting Size: April, 28, 2010: NBPEL-7" Girth-6" (base, MSG, glans)

Currently: BPEL-8" NBPEL-7.25" Girth-6.25" (base)/6.125" (MSG)/6.125" (glans)

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Why would you want that when there are perfectly good Doctors happy to use drugs and surgery for the same thing, where they can unburden you of your money, and make sure you have plenty of side effects…but thank God it isn’t placebo! After all its the "acceptable" treatment and not the results that indicate true science.

Nobody is saying placebo isn’t useful but if something works better than placebo it is even more useful, particularly if you have a serious condition. Unfortunately, for me, even that hasn’t been enough.

Here’s a really good site, in my opinion, I use a lot for giving me the bottom line on some of the psychotropic drugs. It really looks at the studies carefully and critically. The second link is a search on that site on "Kirsch" reviews on anti-depressants and the debate on effectiveness beyond placebo.


Neuroskeptic: Search results for kirsch

Starting Size: April, 28, 2010: NBPEL-7" Girth-6" (base, MSG, glans)

Currently: BPEL-8" NBPEL-7.25" Girth-6.25" (base)/6.125" (MSG)/6.125" (glans)

Last edited by bohm : 10-21-2010 at .

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Originally Posted by twatteaser
Happiness Isn’t Normal

I’m not sure about ACT but CBT was totally useless for me. In fact, it made things kinda worse. I felt like drop kicking my therapist. I don’t suffer from depression, but opiates are definitely a "happy" pill for me. Unfortunately, tolerance to that effect tends to build up pretty fast. If they could somehow mess around with the opiate structure so it doesn’t cause all those other nasty side-effects or tolerance/withdrawal, it was a really good drug for giving you that cushy, under the blanket, content feeling, if you know what I mean.

Starting Size: April, 28, 2010: NBPEL-7" Girth-6" (base, MSG, glans)

Currently: BPEL-8" NBPEL-7.25" Girth-6.25" (base)/6.125" (MSG)/6.125" (glans)

Originally Posted by bohm
Nobody is saying placebo isn’t useful but if something works better than placebo it is even more useful, particularly if you have a serious condition. Unfortunately, for me, even that hasn’t been enough.

My point is this, my post and links are enough for you to be able to at least get a taste of how it works, and be able to try it yourself…at home…for free, why not at least give it a try? What do you have to lose?

Originally Posted by bohm

I’m not sure about ACT but CBT was totally useless for me. In fact, it made things kinda worse. I felt like drop kicking my therapist. I don’t suffer from depression, but opiates are definitely a “happy” pill for me. Unfortunately, tolerance to that effect tends to build up pretty fast. If they could somehow mess around with the opiate structure so it doesn’t cause all those other nasty side-effects or tolerance/withdrawal, it was a really good drug for giving you that cushy, under the blanket, content feeling, if you know what I mean.

What did “CBT” consist of for you? (That term has come to encompass almost any modern therapy out there — including, for some, ACT.)

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