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Consulting supplements for more cum


Consulting supplements for more cum

Recently I’ve began to take some supplements, primarily to increase my loads. Here are the 4 supplements that I take:

- L-arginine (Swanson) - 500mg in a pill - x2 per day
- Maca (Swanson) - 500mg in a pill - x2 per day
- Celery Seeds (Swanson) - 500mg in a pill - x3 per day
- Pygeum & Saw Palmetto (Now) - ca. 1g in a pill - x2 per day

It’s been 1 month, and my loads have increased a little bit (ca. 2ml->2.5ml), and I get the impression as if my testicles have grown a little bit (but it could just be my imagination…). I could just carry on as I was before, but I decided that it’d be wiser to ask some questions:

1) I held myself onto the advised dosage, not wanting to go overboard, especially when taking multiple things like that, but I saw plenty of people say that they do take more, and are doing fine. Even articles online when speaking about risks, they do mention really high amounts…. So is it worthwhile to consider increasing the dose?

2) Are there any great things that I hadn’t read up on, and should consider adding?

3) Are any of the ones that I picked here subpar (or perhaps just of a mediocre brand), and thus might as well be ditched (or replaced)? As much as I speak about considering to add more things, I can’t deny that it’s a bit of a hassle to keep taking those various pills, especially when I’m on some trip and my pill-case only has 5 openings….

I would be most grateful for the feedback. Thank you!

There’s a lot of information here:

Holy Grail of Cum Load Increase

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Sunflower lecithin made a HUGE difference in quantity for me.

Originally Posted by Mr Inbetween
Sunflower lecithin made a HUGE difference in quantity for me.

How much were you having? Was it a particular product? If it was, dm please.

inicial 1996: BPEL 15cm (Margin of error +/- 0.5cm) MSEG: 14.1 cm

inicio extender (sept2012): 15,5cm BPEL /14,1cm MSEG --- Hanging: inicio: Ago 21 2022 21.0cm --- Ultima medicion: Sept 1 2022: 21.6cm BPEL x 15,1cm MSEG

Meta: 28cm BPEL x 21cm MSEG -- si, quiero tenerla mas gorda que tu vieja. jaja

3,270 replies....

If you scroll down a bit you should see the “Holy Grail of Cumload Increase” trail with over 3,000 posts on pretty much everything ever tried by man…..

It was a fascinating read, but I am slightly concerned over the Zinc. It says to take 1 per day, but I’ve seen a different place say that one should only take 1 pill per WEEK. I’ll have to look into it once it arrives via mail.

Nope, it definitely says to take only 1 per week…. That’s worrying….

Issues With Sperm Ammount

I have been taking some dietary supplements to increase my sperm load for a while, but so far I don’t see a lot of results. I did experiment with a cup to get measurements at the end of the day, and while likely not that exact, I did not see any real increase, aside from ones on days after a break from jerking off. Still, this didn’t really result in any big performance in front of my partner, even when holding off for 5 days straight. Especially when they, with no support of the sort do give bigger loads than me. I am growing tired of all this….

What am I missing?

> zinc … 1 a week

That’s a time-release supplement, probably around 50,000 IU. Daily supplements are usually 50 IU.

> cup

A lot of things were tried in the "Holy Grail" thread, but there wasn’t much measured testing. I got a calibrated buret and have started a new thread, where I will be logging data as I test supplements. That thread is here:

Datalog: Testicle Size / Ejaculate Volume

You are welcome to get a calibrated buret or other measuring device and add to the thread, or start your own.

Like someone on the forum said long ago, "Without data, you’re just guessing."

I’m sorry, perhaps it’s because I’m not from America, but I am unfamiliar with the IU abbreviation, and even looking around, I can’t find the information for my product

Originally Posted by Illuminator
I have been taking some dietary supplements to increase my sperm load for a while, but so far I don’t see a lot of results. I did experiment with a cup to get measurements at the end of the day, and while likely not that exact, I did not see any real increase, aside from ones on days after a break from jerking off. Still, this didn’t really result in any big performance in front of my partner, even when holding off for 5 days straight. Especially when they, with no support of the sort do give bigger loads than me. I am growing tired of all this….

What am I missing?

Hi man!
if you tell me what supplements you are taking to increase your sperm load so I can find some more supplements.
Thanks and regards :up:

Originally Posted by AndyJ
"IU" stands for "International Units." In the US, supplement and drug vendors seem to randomly pick IU or milligrams for their products.

A somewhat-confusing explanation:
International unit - Wikipedia

If I’m not counting wrong, 1 weekly zinc pill is around 528.36 IU.

Originally Posted by Dosso
Hi man!
if you tell me what supplements you are taking to increase your sperm load so I can find some more supplements.
Thanks and regards :up:

Given my lousy results , not sure how worthwhile it is to share, but okay.

I started with the Holy Grail thing:
- L-Arginine
- Pygeum
- Zinc
- Lecithin
- Maca
- Celery Seeds

I also read some good stuff about
- L-Lysine
- Korean Ginseng
but I recall articles mentioning some potential side-effects, so I didn’t go for them…. I think…. Maybe it was something related to heart problems, and I had something of an issue back then, but that’s been cleared up thanks to some doctor visits….

I didn’t sense much difference in the ammount of sperm, but I did notice that my erections were harder, and my balls felt more plump, which was nice.

Then I decided to experiment with specific things. I looked over a bunch of pills online, and based on what was written, and the feedback, I picked 6 most promising ones.

Once a part of the supplements from "The Holy Grail" ran out, I started out with "High Octane Dynamite Sperm Booster", but the results didn’t feel too good, and many positive effects from the individual things vanished over time. I mostly noticed how weaker the erections felt once I ran out of "Maca"

Of the 6, 2 others very very similar:
- Devils Candy Sperm Flood Cum Tsunami
- Cobeco Pharma More Sperm
Their content was almost identical, and so I decided to not look into them, to focus on the supplements that were different

The next choice was "LoveStim cumstim", which also didn’t bring much results, and despite mentioning how they change the taste of cum, my partner wasn’t too impressed, and mentioned how me simply drinking pineapple juice does more for the flavor.

And just last week, I started with "Medica Group Cum Plus S", and I feel like its too early to judge the results.

So that’s it ….
- a majority of the Holy Grail combo… but maybe not in the right quanity… (L-Arginine, Pygeum, Zinc, Lecithin, Maca, Celery Seeds)
- 3 similar supplements (High Octane, Devils Candy, Cobeco Pharma)
- 1 which also claimed to help with flavor (LoveStim)
- 1 with less things, but the most L-Arginine (Medica Group)

Frankly, if the last one also doesn’t bring much results, I might look into the Holy Grail again, looking into what did what exactly, and consider if I want to take all of it, or just some stuff. Taking so many pills seems so excessive ….. but it did bring more results….. even if it wasn’t the one that I hoped for.

Oh right, forgot to mention. the 6th supplement is called INTIM TASTE, but it doesn’t do much for cum production, it’s just there for the taste, so that’s why I omitted it.

I take daily 1 pill (of 25mg) of Zinc that is the recommended dose by the seller. More or less, I gain with it a plus of ¼ of volume of cum, a noticeable intense white coloured sperm and also it’s more liquid.

But when I take zinc along several weeks, the effect of the plus volume decreases, white coloured sperm still persist.

>>> Start: 14'5 cm (5.7") BP - 14'5 (5.7") EG

>>> 14 meses de PE: 18'4cm (7¼") BP - 16'2cm ( 6⅜") EG

>>> Tras 6 meses de parón: 17'6cm BP - 15'7cm EG |----> Progresos Garvi

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