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Is it possible to have permanent nerve damage

Rrunner69 I’ll be sure to keep in touch and share any new info I find. You should talk to latency. He has a lot of info and input on the subject.

Holy Sunday Morning Shit-Filled Donuts, Batman! Are you saying that people will by default almost always take binary views of complicated or complex situations? That they are not the great creatures of logic that our tabula rasa supposed minds wish they could be? It is almost like they are 24/7 emotion driven and are good liars or in deep denial. Say it ain't so Sam. -TwatTeaser

Yeah I never asked a doc about pumps. But as far as I can tell from doctors is that PEing(not sure about pumps or hanging) really doesn’t cause long term harm, althought it ‘could’, just like anything ‘could’ happen, but not probable. As far as nerves they ‘should’ heal, as long as they were not cut in any manner, and they never are when it comes to PE’ing. They just need to be left alone to heal. Nerves should heal from a weeks time to a year’s time. I honestly don’t see why the nerve would not heal, from a medical standpoint.

Originally Posted by UserName86
I’m 21. I’ll try you’re exercise soon. When I get a handle on things.

At your age, a week should really be plenty. Please post any observations/questions. I believe, the more you can write about it, the better things will go. Get it all off your chest.

Didn’t get a chance to post on my other topic.going away for the weekend.user 68, thanks for the heads up. Later, Runner69

Originally Posted by ThunderSS

Not much that I haven’t already told you refresh.


Originally Posted by refresh9
Yeah I never asked a doc about pumps. But as far as I can tell from doctors is that PEing(not sure about pumps or hanging) really doesn’t cause long term harm, althought it ‘could’, just like anything ‘could’ happen, but not probable. As far as nerves they ‘should’ heal, as long as they were not cut in any manner, and they never are when it comes to PE’ing. They just need to be left alone to heal. Nerves should heal from a weeks time to a year’s time. I honestly don’t see why the nerve would not heal, from a medical standpoint.

Are you telling that we are bullshitting about our condition? To permanently damaging a nerve you Don’t need to cut it, it’s enough to put some pressure on it over some time, THATS IT. We all respond different to injuries.

But your right on one thing, nerves don’t regenerate after 1-1,5 years, meaning that my and others condition is permanent. We are talking about more then just “bad luck” .

I’m stating it from a medical standpoint. Anyone in the medical community will say that if it was lacerated and left alone it WILL heal, but it would take weeks to a year. I just don’t understand why it wouldn’t heal. That’s what I’m saying.

Originally Posted by refresh9
However has anyone had a case where their penis glans went numb, and then after feeling returned, sensitivity was less? My penis glans is definitely not numb, but does have reduced sensitivity.

Originally Posted by refresh9

I just have reduced sensitivity in glans. Can’t feel cold, but I can feel touch.

Different nerves in the body are adapted to different purposes. The penis nerves are not actually all that good with heat and cold; they are good with pressure and friction.

For example, I use an IR lamp for heat. If I am stretching, keeping the IR lamp on all the time, I never notice my penis getting hotter; I notice my hand starting to burn before my penis would even register the heat. Likewise, if I use an ice pack on my penis after PE, it is never uncomfortable; I have to remove the ice pack and use the back of my hand to check the temperature of my penis.

Notice I said the ‘back’ of my hand; it’s another good example. The palm is loaded with nerves that are good at pressure sensation, for gripping etc. The concentration of nerves on the back of the hand is far smaller than on the palm, but the nerves there are far more sensitive to temperature than those on the palm, so when checking temperature, you should always use the back of your hand.

You have said your ‘problem’ was just caused by stretching with your thumb on the nerve bundle; there is no way that is going to cause any long term damage. Damage may be caused by a single incident of ‘extreme’ PE, or may come from cumulative, long term overuse/abuse.

I think you are looking for sensitivity that was never there to begin with. You had a small bout of minor numbness (not uncommon), then were worried you might have caused some harm and went looking for it.

Finding that your glans was not very temperature sensitive, you concluded that you had permanent damage, when in fact the glans just is not temperature sensitive to any great degree, despite the fact we might expect it would be.

Apart from not feeling cold, do you have any other major cause for concern?

Yes, it is possible to cause permanent damage. But unless you have done something likely to cause permanent damage (not easy if you are genuinely heeding the constant warnings here and taking care to avoid over-doing it), it is highly unlikely.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

I actually feel some of the feeling coming back, but true maybe I never feel the cold much. I pulled on it hard, but no ballistic movements just a nice stretch with as much pull as possible (not the best of ideas I know). And like I said from all doctors I’ve spoken with, urologists aside, they all agree nerves should heal unless lacerated, if lacerated only then they have a very low chance of healing.

Good point Firegoat, no wonder my friend calls it the Dumb-Stick! My dick has never been that sensitive from the start. If they were very sensitive, premature ejaculation would be even more rife than it is already.

Btw I read somewhere that cold help bring the blood away from the skin and into to deeper tissue such as nerve tissue. I guess it would be worht a try to cool down your dick every so often.

Hey guys. Back from a weekend with my girlfriend. Had a chance to post a thread on not being able to maintain erections on the newbie forum. I hope it will generate some good discussion.

Originally Posted by refresh9
I’m stating it from a medical standpoint. Anyone in the medical community will say that if it was lacerated and left alone it WILL heal, but it would take weeks to a year. I just don’t understand why it wouldn’t heal. That’s what I’m saying.

You are wrong in that it won’t take weeks to a year to heal. Snails move faster than nerve regeneration does.

We are talking years and years refresh9, not 365 days.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Originally Posted by sunshinekid
You are wrong in that it won’t take weeks to a year to heal. Snails move faster than nerve regeneration does.

We are talking years and years refresh9, not 365 days.

For just bruised nerves?? I’m not sure about that. Lacerated, I’ll agree with you.


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