Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Injury/Treatment Forum

It’s normal and unimportant. Many guys have only a raphe on the scrotum. Others have it continue up the shaft. The frenulum is the “string” of skin attached to the glans (head) which pulls the foreskin over the glans as you lose your erection (if you normally retract with erections). The raphe and frenulum may or may not connect. It is of no consequence if they don’t.

Thanks westla for your reply. Yeah I agree that this isn’t an important issue, but I’m confused though from your words.

For example Wikipedia (http://en.wikip … .org/wiki/Penis ) explains it like this: "The raphe is the visible ridge between the lateral halves of the penis, found on the ventral or underside of the penis, running from the meatus (opening of the urethra) across the scrotum to the perineum (area between scrotum and anus)."

Another link explains the same: http://www.answ … /perineal-raphe

Sorry to argue, but I thought that the raphe should continue to the frenulum string, because of the mechanisms of male sexual organs development.. So how can there be a "gap" between them? I couldn’t find a penis picture where they are not connected.

Injury Help

My injury occured with a popping or a rupture a little bit above the middle base of my penis. It seems to be something around the corpus spongiosm, however, my urethra is working fine and I am pissing fine. It’s almost as if I stand my penis up and the injury causes weakness in the structural integrity and it’s like the leaning tower of piza (in a much more minor sense, haha). I think the injury caused the vein to thrombose because the vein seems to bottle up at the point of injury. I can feel the vein throbbing up through my hip. I am trying to be as detailed as possible incase anyone has experienced a similar injuries.

I can still get an erection, but I am going crazy over lost gains and a downward sloping progression. Things were really really working well. I was VERY happy with the girth gains and when I had sex it really had a difference!

Hi, I’m a newbie, hope it’s OK to post here? For 6 days, rather too eagerly I’m assuming in retrospect, I tried static stretching with my Vac-Extender, clocking over 70 hours in that time. I had planned to rest on the 7th day anyway, and it’s just as well as I have noticed an injury.

Under the glans, topside, is red, sore and achey to the touch. There is also a small patch of black(!) on top too, that, after a day of rest, has developed a tiny white bit on top of the black too, looking a bit like a blackish whitehead, if that makes sense (it isn’t acne though, DEFINITELY injured; the white bit is dead skin, when pulled back exposes red raw, glistening skin). I’m hoping it’s nothing dorsal-related?

Anyway, today is much better than yesterday but I’ll be out of action for at least a week I imagine. Will be starting on the newbie routine when I return. Lesson learned.

I was just wondering if anyone else has suffered a similar injury and could comment? I’m a bit worried a bit turned black since we all know black is the colour of death.

I must say though that I am confused how I got this injury with the vacuum seal. I thought the only problem was fluid build-up, but there has obviously been a lot of pressure put on the top of my penis for it to be injured like this.

I would greatly appreciate anybody’s ideas as to how the vacuum seal injured me so badly?

Many thanks.

I guess I’ll post this here, not that it’ll do any good:

This could be due to PE, emotional stress/depression, a hormonal problem, or all of the above, but here’s the problem -

For the last year, since last summer, I’ve noticed these symptoms:

A.) Decreased Morning Wood (it’s down to little or none)

B.) Decreased Public Wood (it’s down to little or none)

C.) A firm “shriveledness” to my penis when Soft, especially after masturbation

D.) Soreness after long masturbation sessions

E.) Pain on vein of Penis when pushed into, especially after long masturbation sessions.

F.) Pain on sides of Penis when squeezed, especially after long masturbation sessions.

I have no idea what all these symptoms are from. The only one that has slightly improved is the firm “shriveledness” when soft, although it still is slightly there.

And yes I can get manual erections just fine. But my dick doesn’t pop up on his own and say hi like he used to, which has really bummed me out the past year.

I even went to a urologist last year, who was of little help.

PE should, in my opinion, be a health thing, like brushing our teeth and working out.

Obsessing about gains will only lead to disappointment for most people. - babbis

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Duh, could it possibly be the “long masturbation sessions”? Give it a rest for a couple of weeks and see what happens.

How can you explain how I was able to do that all the time as a teenager, even up to 18, without any problems, but poof, as soon as I start PE and go to college, problems happen.

I’m alot more inclined to believe it’s nerve damage than just soreness buddy.

PE should, in my opinion, be a health thing, like brushing our teeth and working out.

Obsessing about gains will only lead to disappointment for most people. - babbis

Hey guys, I’ve got a question/concern. Last week while (wet with Vaseline) jelqing I felt a sharp pinch in the shaft of my penis, almost like I had twisted it even though I hadn’t. I wasn’t in that much pain (mild discomfort/irritation) so I kept jelqing. Then I noticed a little blood on my finger but couldn’t figure out where it had come from despite looking all over. I finished my routine, cleaned up, warm compress and then noticed a small red bump on my shaft (underside). It was painful to touch it and kind of looked like a pimple after you pop it (red, sore, enlarged due to the compression). I took the next three days off (two were scheduled anyway) but the bump is still there and still hurts so my jelqing hasn’t been at the level I’m used to. It doesn’t really hurt unless I touch it so I’m not in discomfort all the time. The bump “appears” to be superficial (I.e. Right on/under the skin and not buried in tissue or blood vessel). It’s usually a pale red/pink but if I jelq it can get dark red/purple along with the surrounding area. The pain is kind of like having a bruise, an achy feeling. If I jelq it the wrong though I can get the sharp pinch again.

I know I should probably take some time off to heal, but I’ve found (personally) un-scheduled off days to be counterproductive to my routine and I worry about losing gains (big surprise. My main question though is this something I should worry about? Is it likely a cyst/pimple/ingrown hair that ruptured? Or is it something more serious involving a blood vessel? I have no problems getting and maintaining an erection. It doesn’t hurt to get an erection either, just if I touch the bump in a wrong way. Any help you guys could give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Well, I have some trouble. After jelqing last night, I soon had small discomfort in my right nut. I then found it was longer than normal to get hard. And yet this morning, it took longer to get a hard on. But I did get one. My dick does not hurt, just a little tender in my nut. I did my stretches and then a small amount of jelqing and that’s it. Any suggestions is greatly appreciated. I use to be able to get hard as a rock whenever I wanted, and since last night it hasn’t happened like it use to. Help!

Oct. 07 : BPEL 6.5" EG 5.5" Nov. 07: BPEL 6.875" EG 5.5''

Goal NBPEL 7.0 EG 6.0"

Use the right HEAD when doing exercises! And smile!

Well, took a day off from PE and the pain is gone. All back to normal and nice big woody this morning at daybreak. Thanks.

Oct. 07 : BPEL 6.5" EG 5.5" Nov. 07: BPEL 6.875" EG 5.5''

Goal NBPEL 7.0 EG 6.0"

Use the right HEAD when doing exercises! And smile!

Uneven Gains

I don’t have so much of an injury as I have an annoying result that is mainly the right side of the shaft reaping the most rewards, leaving my penis somewhat askew. Not cool. It’s not crooked, it’s just that the right side is getting a whole lot bigger than the left side. I use the overhand ok sign method predominantly because I am able to begin the jelq closer to the base and I get a tighter grip, resulting in a more pumped feeling when I jelq. Results were noticeable and I kept at it, occasionally switching to the palm up ok method every now and then to keep a balance. I apply the same amount of pressure and do the same movements. I will explain what I have thought: for overhand ok grips; is it the fingers or the webbing in between the thumb and index finger that exerts the most force? I know the knuckle between the first and second metacarpal is the place that exerts the least amount of force. Therefore I keep the aforementioned knuckle over the CCU so as to maximise exercise over the shaft muscles. Even when I twist my arm to a sometimes painful angle to allow for the imbalance in hand strength or different position of exerted force, I still occasionally experience a greater workout on the right side. My question is how does one exert force on the left side? Would dry jelqing instead of wet jelqing be a solution?

Originally Posted by mr.marcus
I don’t have so much of an injury as I have an annoying result that is mainly the right side of the shaft reaping the most rewards, leaving my penis somewhat askew. Not cool. It’s not crooked, it’s just that the right side is getting a whole lot bigger than the left side. I use the overhand ok sign method predominantly because I am able to begin the jelq closer to the base and I get a tighter grip, resulting in a more pumped feeling when I jelq. Results were noticeable and I kept at it, occasionally switching to the palm up ok method every now and then to keep a balance. I apply the same amount of pressure and do the same movements. I will explain what I have thought: for overhand ok grips; is it the fingers or the webbing in between the thumb and index finger that exerts the most force? I know the knuckle between the first and second metacarpal is the place that exerts the least amount of force. Therefore I keep the aforementioned knuckle over the CCU so as to maximise exercise over the shaft muscles. Even when I twist my arm to a sometimes painful angle to allow for the imbalance in hand strength or different position of exerted force, I still occasionally experience a greater workout on the right side. My question is how does one exert force on the left side? Would dry jelqing instead of wet jelqing be a solution?

Do you switch hands? That’s all I want to know..

As for me - I may have a problem, after the very first day using the site’s newbie routine I considered some info I read, waiting a few hours because I really needed to masturbate, and then getting down to business.. Now I am a flexible guy, I can do things women are capable of that most men aren’t meant to be capable of, and one thing I proudly state I can do is auto fellatio(Self-oral). After I finished though I began to experience stinging sensations just behind the base of my penis on the right side, following along almost as if the region in question connected to my leg. I’ve given it two days and it’s still not feeling any better.
Any advice?

It’s indeed a pleasure reading and absorbing the comments from all of you. In my exercising, I’m somewhat still skeptical because of my lack of encouragement in this area. I have Type II Diabetes and experience ED about 50% of the time. And I am also very desperate to increase growth both in girth and length.

Recently, I somehow have injured myself just under the head. There’s a seemingly thin piece of skin just under the head that connects the head to the shaft (at lease on me there is). I’ve somehow stretched and torn it in a place. I think it has come from both pumping with a penis pump (I haven’t lately), and possibly pushing too hard inside of my partner (she like it very deep and I think her last partner was thicker and longer). So, you can see my discouragement.

Has anyone else stretched or torn this little piece under the head? If so, what helps it to heal?

Thanks for your help.

If you’re not sure of the area I’m speaking of, I am happy to take a pic and post it, if someone will let me know how to do that.

Yes I have a small problem also

Maihasdad you should take adleast a week off the pumping and apply a heat pad to the area whenever you can (but not too hot) Also some vitamin e cream would help (say rub any kind of vitamin e cream on twice a day to help with the healing process)

I have tried a lot of PE techniques, sorry to tell you but pumping does not permanently increase in penis length and girth. I would suggest that you continue with your resting/healing period now and buy a penis extender, maybe a penis master or fast size, or jelq extender. Wearing 1 of those would increase a good amount of length over time, and also a little in girth but do say day on and day off of pumping or jelqing you will benefit permanent gains (as the extender weakens the tissues therefore gains would be permanent)

I hope this helps? Anyway I have used the extender for 138 hours. At 54 hours I measured and gained a little under quarter of an inch in length. MY girth has increased a fairly good amount also.

Hope this helps? And if you know anything about getting rid of a small vein under glands do tell me,anyone?I have had a vein under the head of my penis and would anyone know how to get rid of it quickly?

Thank you


Originally Posted by maiahsdad
It’s indeed a pleasure reading and absorbing the comments from all of you. In my exercising, I’m somewhat still skeptical because of my lack of encouragement in this area. I have Type II Diabetes and experience ED about 50% of the time. And I am also very desperate to increase growth both in girth and length.

Recently, I somehow have injured myself just under the head. There’s a seemingly thin piece of skin just under the head that connects the head to the shaft (at lease on me there is). I’ve somehow stretched and torn it in a place. I think it has come from both pumping with a penis pump (I haven’t lately), and possibly pushing too hard inside of my partner (she like it very deep and I think her last partner was thicker and longer). So, you can see my discouragement.

Has anyone else stretched or torn this little piece under the head? If so, what helps it to heal?

Thanks for your help.

If you’re not sure of the area I’m speaking of, I am happy to take a pic and post it, if someone will let me know how to do that.

You have torn the Frenula, granted it hurts like a bitch to tear it, but it’s relatively harmless damage, it recovers on its own and from what I heard, with or without touching it. The pain associated with the frenula merely comes from it being the most sensitive part of the penis, except in some men the glans.

The frenula tears all the time, can happen because of much to vigorous masturbation or any number of other things. It heals quickly and on its own and I myself highly doubt jelqing while its torn will do much damage to you, though I don’t recommend you hold me to that without corroboration.

As for Star…

Well, I dunno what it could be for you man, if it’s a recent thing, just wait… If not, whatever right? It’s a vein.

As for odd veins, my Corpora Cavernosa bulges out from my shaft and always has so it’s like you’re looking at 3 tubes…


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