Thunder's Place

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Cold Glans, Numb Dick injury

Glad to hear that things are moving in the right direction. You mentioned in your original post that the injury had affected your erections and sensation. Are those both close to being back to normal? If everything is getting better, then just keep doing whatever you are doing.

Originally Posted by inspirit99
Glad to hear that things are moving in the right direction. You mentioned in your original post that the injury had affected your erections and sensation. Are those both close to being back to normal? If everything is getting better, then just keep doing whatever you are doing.

Yes, sensation and erection are both coming back to normal, I just gave it time to heal, that’s all :D

BPEL: 6.10" (2017)

That’s great man. Definitely let us know if everything goes back to normal.

Just an update with some information to help people who is also in my condition:

I’m injured since December, 2017, with a nervous damage on the top-shaft of my penis due to overstrecthing.

How I got injured:
I started doing the standard Newbie’s Routine, since I wasn’t getting many PIs, I decided to increase it intensity by doing more jelqs and adding more time holding stretch. I used to hold 30sec for each strech (up,down,left,right), when I got injured, I held it for a minute (up,down,left,right).

- Numbness
- Cold feeling
- Reduced EQ
- “Needle” pains on both my body and penis.

My healing process:
There isn’t much to do besides waiting when you have a nervous damage. In my case, the first week was terrifying, the cold sensation and the numbness was extremely strong, I used to touch my unit or watch porn all the time to make it at least semi-erect, it was kind of reliefing to feel it warm.

In the second week I was already able to get fully erect by touch and porn. Something that I didn’t mentioned on the original post is that before doing PE, I’ve been dealing with psychological ED due to sexual traumas (which I’m still dealing with), so I don’t have mourning woods at all, or a lots of spontaneous erections, by that, I won’t be able to tell if there was any significant improvement in EQ in the process.

After that, I just waited, the numbness and cold feeling slowly healed. Nowadays, there is still a slight numbness and cold sensation, but to be honest, it feels like it’s completely healed.

I feel like doing PE again, but I’m kind of scared to, I tried finding people who had the same injury as mine and after that, attempted to do PE again, but I coudn’t find it.

I’ll update here if I notice any more healing.

BPEL: 6.10" (2017)

Don’t to a thing until healing is complete and when you think it is give it another month off…or two!

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
Don’t to a thing until healing is complete and when you think it is give it another month off…or two!

I hear you, thanks for the advice.

BPEL: 6.10" (2017)

I’m extremely glad to say that I’m feeling completely healed.

Sensation feels just like before the injury, and the cold feeling is pretty much gone.

Thanks everyone for the advices and happy thoughts.

I won’t be updating this thread since I’m healed, but I’m totally open to answer any questions related to the injury.

Injury started at (12/27/2017)
Completely healed at (08/21/2018)

BPEL: 6.10" (2017)

Good news, thanks for updating. Have you been masturbating/engaging in sexual activity since when the injury first happened?

Originally Posted by inspirit99
Good news, thanks for updating. Have you been masturbating/engaging in sexual activity since when the injury first happened?

Hey inspirit99,

Yes, I have been masturbating since the beginning of the injury, not on a daily basis, but regularly.

BPEL: 6.10" (2017)

Really happy I found this thread, please continue to update us on your continued journey with the injury for people like myself who found a lot of hope through reading it.

Almost a week ago I injured my glans nearly the exact same way you did. I am almost certain I did it from pinching the head too much during stretches as that’s really the only part where I feel any issue. It’s also possible that whatever I did to it was slowly building up to this as I’ve been stretching this way for a few months now and didn’t really notice any issues.

For documentation’s sake, my routine has been:
-5-10 min stretch following a warm rice sock, 30 sec each direction while casually watching tv
-150 jelqes
-one or two 5 min sets in bathmate or another water pump (recently switched but I don’t think that’s where the issue came from. Both of my last pump sessions were in a safer water pump and far less intense pressure than what I’ve used previously with the bathmate)
-10 min ice while stretched flaccid (this is probably where it happened, now that I think of it… I feel like the pinching following a pump session and combined with ice may have been too much all at once for the nerves/veins inside possibly)

Symptoms are:
-occasional pain/sensation from random movements in boxers. It feels internal in the head/glans when it happens, and it’s very, very minimal pain… just enough to notice.
-zero feeling from surface touching the head. I’ve never been that sensitive there, but I think I used to at least be able to feel if it touched something. I’ve tested to see if I can feel anything when I use an object to touch it, and there’s just no feeling there. Again, I don’t remember how much feeling I’d have gotten before the injury, but it definitely seems different. I have no foreskin fwiw
-no real issues noticed from masturbating or being erect, glans fills up and seems to have more sensation at that point. I felt like ejaculation felt slightly different in the head coming out the last time, like perhaps prior to the injury there was a more full member sensation… but I don’t know if my mind is just playing tricks on me at this point.
-no issues urinating

So, it doesn’t seem super serious right now, but man it’s scary to know a part of me that used to be able to feel (albeit not much sensation) now doesn’t. I’m going to abstain from masturbation as long as I can now and do it in the safest ways possible if/when I have to so as not to set me back too far in healing.


I didn’t completely healed.

I thought I had completely healed, so I decided to start a PE routine again. Bad choice.

Numbness and cold sensation slightly came back.

I’m going to abstain myself from masturbating and PE for a very long time now, I don’t know if it will take months, years, but I’ll be back here to update if anything changes.

For everyone out there with a nerve damage, I recommend reading this, and reading the topic that is linked to this reply:

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
The different degrees of nerve injuries:

BeardedDragon - 6 months into my penis hanging injury looking for advice

Short version: It’s basically impossible to permanently damage the nerves of your penis from normal PE force applications, including hanging and extending. Take some time off and you’ll regain full sensation within 2-3 months at the most, and likely much sooner. If and when you start back up, adjust your technique to avoid pinching a nerve again.

BPEL: 6.10" (2017)

Go rest.

Getting few erections, can’t feel nothing from above the top-shaft, completely numb.

BPEL: 6.10" (2017)

Dzani, when you wake up busting to urinate is your erection as big and firm as it was before the injury?
I have done a similar injury to you and mine is not, its much softer and smaller. Its like the blood is not flowing into it like it used to.

Has anyone else experienced this or know anything about it?


Originally Posted by Circleglobal
Dzani, when you wake up busting to urinate is your erection as big and firm as it was before the injury?
I have done a similar injury to you and mine is not, its much softer and smaller. Its like the blood is not flowing into it like it used to.

Has anyone else experienced this or know anything about it?


I’m not used to have full erections when I wake up, even before the injury. When I was quite injured, my dick used to get totally soft.
With time it should be back to what was before.

Good healing for you.

BPEL: 6.10" (2017)


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